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The Pioneer Press Company, C.

The Pioneer Press Company, C. image
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I I IT'S IX J UJí 10 US TO S TOP S UDD=. Tik y n w DENLY and don't be imposed upon (i II ÍV buying a remedy lliat requires you vL Ir 1 v ' íi0' as ' !s nlhin9 inore than a JS A JA substituto. In the sudden stoppage S . o tobáceo you must have ome stimft li ulant, and in most all cases, the ef )l X fect f le stmuant' be it opium, II Js 11 morpliine, or other opiates, leaves a "1 far worse habit conTf Trv A s=9 ff f traHed. Ask your ff II !=4C J ft II II 11 draggistaboufBAJCO II j) H j A l J CÜRO. It is purely J ]SA' W vegetabie. You do - --c--- ■■---■- J no Aas ío íií() i'iiraj ío&a eco toiit BACO-CURO. ''i7 notify you when to stop and your il-'xirefor tobáceo witt cease. Your system xvill be asfreefrom nicotine as the day before you took your fint chew or smoke. An iron ciad written guarantee to absolutely cure the tobáceo habit in all its forms, or money refunded. Price $1.00 per box or S boxes (30 days treatment and guaranteed cure), $2.50. For sale by all druggist or will be sent by mail upon receipt of price. SEND SJX TWO CENT STAMPS FOR SAMPLE BOX. Êooklets and proofs f ree. Eureka Chemical i M'f'g Co., La Crosse, Wis. St. Paul, Miuuesota, Sopt. 7, 1894. Eureka Cbcmlcal and MTg Co., La C rosse, Wis. Dear Sirs- I have been a tobáceo ft end for many years, and during the past two years have smoked flftoen to twenty clgars regularly every day. My wliole nervous systera oecame affected, uutfl my physielan told me I must glve up the use of tobáceo for the time belng at least. I trled the so-called "Keely Cure," Xo-ToBac," and various other remedies, but without success, untü I accldenally learned of your "Baco-Curo, " ïhree weeks ago to-day I comme need asina yotir preparatlon. and to-day I consider myself completely cured; I am In perfect health, and the horrible cravlngfor tobáceo, whlch every invetérate s-moker fully apprecíates, has completely lef t me. I coasider your "Baco Curo simply wondert ui, ana can fully recommend It. Yourstruly. C. W. Hornick. . W. HORJÍICK, Supt., Offlce of


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