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The grocer's Etrown -" Thnt, measuring out spme plums. He mis thevessel uitii the fralt ndcounts in botli his thumbs. -Chicago Record. Mise r.rrHi.-i Kreas has returned rom a vtótt at Tecumeeli. I Miss Kitty Beirry is in Detroit íor a few wee&s, witib frieadfe. Samuel Bonham is vlfifÖag his sister Mrs. Powers. ia Grand Bapids. I. M. BaiT, of Midland, is herO preparing to remoro lo this city permanently. Miss AUee Beal, of Narttvflle, is liere. Wie guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. A. Beal. . ■ ' Miss Graee McNames is visiting in Oliio, whence slie g-oes to lier fature home in Chicago. Prof. T. A. Bogfe has returned to Kaosae on lnisiness, accompanied by George "W. BuUfe. Mrs. Gabrielski, oí Detroit, i? the guLBt of her molher Mrs. Hemry Binder lof tlhis city. Mrs. Frasees Blotlgett, of Welster is the gewist of lier dauglitei' Mrs. Dr. Moore, of F o rest ave. Mre. Judge aieever te visiting her son Will, wlio is engaged in the hardAva-re trad at Sagiinaw. Mrs. Jolun V. Shoelian avlU ppend a few weeks at Old Missiooi, tx wUch place he left last Thursday . JudA-e T. M. Cooley has returned from lii-i extended outiniï at Vanderbilt, feeümg ïmifii retresbed. Mrs. Simón DJeterle a.nd ilaughter Hm. Gufttave iíitIhh are the gueete oí fiiemds in Dayton, Oliio. Mi.-s Lizzie Kemper went io Cl)i(■■i.i nwirsday, bo spaad a onp'e of woetos wü'.i lier brother Vdolph. Mv.-. l'r.uilc E. Ivan-iLng of Howeül, accompamied by hor daugbter, are gueits of Ami Arbor frtendethta week. Miss Txiiuisa D. Giles returned home Wedmesdiay from ;i ten weefs vteit with in Cliicopec FaUa, MaBB. Miss Louise Stanger has returned trom an extemled visit witli lier sister Mts. Schlesitiger, at Van'Wert, Oliio. Mi l'.cl'e Mcliareo of Milwaukee, is visitin'xheriiiecesMis.s Amelia. Melgaren arad Mi-.-. C. H. K'óue, of E. Kingsley ■ ' . Mre. Chas. Oo-rdüey and .laufftter Beasle, have been gucsts of Mr. a-nd Mrs. H. H. Swai-tout, J'in.kncy, for a 1 iüiio. Di-. E. A. Mui-liach. tateme at Unl-..■i-iiy hospital, lei't Cleveland, O., last THruirsday to lócate there ]ierrníi ttently. Miss Bllza HUI teaves in a few weeis for &t. Joeeph, to take ttp lier woPk in Mie high school as instructor in pihysics. Mr. aad Mrs. Tlios. Speeehley of Hio KovthsUle, tire ontertíiinins t-toeir Mtb. "SVhitlark, oi AVaiinfftoin, D. C. Herman Schmlöt ubo has changed Iiis wsalen-je aan! (mp!oyment irom Dietroit to CJiJcaeo, te visitinu: Ann ArbO'1' fricnds foi' a íew da y,-. Tlio Misses Clara and Anna Belle, wild have been gmeaÜB oí Ocra Foote, 121 W. Cedar, liave returaed to their home in Ann Arbo'i-.- Kalamazoo Gazet tf. ' Mr. ama Mr-. A. C. Pat-k, Mrs. A. W. Pack nnd daniglhter liuhy. and Mr. and Mrs. Morris l.antz leil Saturday fora two weefe camp at liase Laico. Mr?. N. S. HoO left last Friilny Nerw York Qtty whcre :-Ue wlfl meet her husband Br. IIoíí., and from there they will ro to some of the i ;n resorts. Supervisor Emery 1Í. Leland, of Norftifield, lias gone to New York state. Vermomt, etc, on ijleasure and business combined. He cxp:-cts to lx; absent until about Aug. 24. Miss Alta Parker ie at tlie Ana Arbor "Water Co's office, where sïie wlll gt for a time on the books wlüle Mr. McAllaster is otherwise eagaged. Mi-í rarkt-r lias just returned trom a, trip to Owasso and Coninna. ('liarlos H. Smiith, the great center rush of last year'8 Umivorsity ïoot liali eleven has gome to Port Townaenid, Wlaelblng'too, wbere lie has accepted a poi-inancnt po.-ition as disinin-ims? clevk ia a marine hospital. He bas been spending the summer in Arui Arboir. F, A. Howlett retUji-nod Tlmrsday niorning Irom a two week'svacation ftpont at Cavanaugh. Lake wlth hlfl Jamdly, and is again on duty at the P. 0. After vi-viting a week or bo witfa rclatives in Lyndon and Clielsea, Mrs. IIoAvlett and the children vrtll return home. Mi-s. "E. Anna Flynn %vlio was due a,t her poat of fluty at E. P. Mills & Co's store Satnrday last, cntered an appearanee Tliurday, looking as if Bhe -wonld enjoy anothcr three weeks Ywcatioin. Miss l'lynn wsi 1ho guest of Indianapoüs, Ind., frisada durlmg lieir absence. "Tbey'll raake a (rood n ; Henry to Dlck, , "For Madge la red-headea Ai.d Jack i a stick." _N y World. MMB Ma Beau is witli frienda in Battíe Crcek. Mnster Kltoo Kllis, of New Hudson, U visitto;? Aan Wende. AlHeit ScJiairW tías retuxned from ,is Itxvo wcek's Tisit at Dexter. Di'. Öon C. Root is imoving to Willls v-her he will open an office. AVm. Haynor and Avife, of Clikago, ave itütotag n-olatives ta tlie cityMise Iimma Sclileicher lias retarned f ram her yeivr's sojourn ia Jackson. Miss Mamte Eineey lias jast returned fi'oni a vUit with frieods in Canada. Reubea Oadtey anti wiie, of Uiwpeme, Kas., aro -risiting friends in tuc city. Charle Kuebler, of Bagiinaw, is lieve vtelt ing hifi párente Mr. and Mrs. John Kuebler. E. L. J. Smitli and daughter Lote, left Thuüreday for a earriage to Iin-'mg'. amd Mrs. A. J. Mummery aro at M.Üford vtefting tüiefor son Dr. W. J. M)uimmry. Mre. Aslnnoi-e aaid son, of Ontowaiua, Minn.. are tlio guests oí Mrs. Dr. Smóítlli. y. "W. Xewtom te lióme f rom a six cclv-s joto at the bridge works in Columlus, Olüo. Mïs. A. lïiown, oi Iawrence st., is itcrtainins lier Bister Mrs. Dunlap, of Jactesoni'. Miss Anna Goodale, of Kalamazoo, Is visiting lier cousia Mire. C. C. V arner. of E. Aun fet. Mts. fieo. H. Bliodes, of tlio North. is etn+ertalnlng Mrs. W. S A. "WiXid'.ufí, of Detroit. Wdailam C. Milier, of Saginaw e. s., is spesndá.ng a íew days Jiere visiting his muele David RinseylBe Huw left Friday p. m. for a two weekB itay at Zukey Lake. His fanvily is already tlieire. C. II. Diuican has retunred Ir om lus wÜuèeJ fcrtp w Miagara Falls. He repioii-ts a eploadid time. City Eegtaeer ICey's wlle and sroo u-e guieöts oí Detroit relatives and frtenide töt a coniple ol week. Ti ank Yott, witli A. E. Mummcry, kit Hatiinlay toï Midland to Ie ateent a week oai a vacation. Iy.m-o'.u A. Itóberts, oí S. Fourth Is ■mt rita kling lus sister, Miss te Roberts, of Airon, Ohio. Moees 8O:üolt is emtertaining liis daugbter und lii-andson, Mrs. Dr. W. D. eauffilei-s and ison, of Grand RapIds. M;-. :mii Mus. Bd. Dodge, ei Hamiltom, Ohio, aire visitiii? Mms. D's híster, Mms. fieo. W. Weefcs, of the Xortlisile. Mr. and Mre, J. E. Durand- Mr. Dwramd was fonnerly ia tlie American Epuneee offiee hcre- are Tisiting Ann Iri Dr. HJemdersoin whio lias leen vteiting liis snother Mire. J. S. Hendierson, of B. "Watsflilitugtom. Bt., lias returaed liomo "to Maüon. Mts. Bd. H. Eberbaeh, daughter i:.(liil, and FloBBfe Hollrook, left Satnrday a couple oí week's stay at Zukey Lake. Mr. Elimo, Brewster, oí Byron, was yeSterday arrainging to. inore to this city soon in order to edúcate her two daughters. , Miss Ornee Taylor, wlro is yisiting Mms. D. l',rí,:i-i;ii. at Oakwood, Oaklamd (.Muily. liad a reception given in her hom I ny last. Meas Miasnie Drake of tdiis city, and I.l ie Lee, Oí Ypeilauti, Ieft for Zufecy Lake Saturday íor a stay oí two or tlu-ee weeks. Mrs. Jacobs íud 1 d.niLilitrr Blaac-lie, oí Lajpeer, vteited tbe clty Frlday and i o tabe rooms here lov uext yeaí to ;iít:il ili' Tnivci-sity. Mr. AmUrose Keaamey is expecteil lióme ln a fcw days froni Chicago, : afctemcláiig the bedelde of a, very Bick graaidchild. M. t IiiUN. 61 .h;:h!;i, accompauied ly liis daughters Kditli, Wlniíum! ama Eftbel, is Uie gnest oí liis "broUier W. K. Ciiilds and lamily. Dr. D. D., a gradúate oí "boifch. tlue law and medical de]Kutiiioats, and now located in Cliicágo, is ki thO city looking after liis real estáte Jiere. W. H. Irwitt, the author oí "Irwin's Annotation oí Howell's Statutos," is Ln tOAVii todtiy. Mr. Irwin is a (gradlaate of our law school, and ome of he leadiag members of the Kent coiumty bar. He te xraveliug in tha interest oí liis mvn works. Xi. IS. "Wlkxd, a prominent teaclier in Persia, is in t-lie city arranging to biing his fainily lro-m their far ofí home in order to edúcate his cliil(Ikv.i. He hárneeH will return, to his work iin Persia. Mr. Ward is a .uraduatc oí tlio XJnlyersity and a I clasamate oL Rey. J. M. Gelstom. Youmi weekby lakeor Boat roini Itiul, wiH'ii j ou ve har) your 11111, rhe time . ou need vaeation nutst I-i ivhfn vou'vt-just returned trom nne -New Yorfe Journal. Maj. Soule Is o.Np. cted hoane AYedneslay. Mtee May NoWe, oí Fif et. is vlsitiiuv in Di'troit. B B. Jaimes Smadayed wüh his faiini'y lo I!1 t -uit. Milss Maay AVatkins, of Jackson, B riBiting irieffljcls ]iere. MteB Altlia HmHh, f Darand, is isitinjg friends iin.t.liO city. Eobert AVetzel, of Calumet, isliere to ?pEmd tlio week witlh Iriends. M. I). Ijamod wfli spead the coming week at his home in Woirden. MküB Ijela. Eeevee, of Kalamazoo, Is visitinig frionds in Ann Arbor. Mts. H. E. Bestmett hae returaed fi-om her trip to CrystaJ Lake, etc. Mire. fm. A. Buinrtiing and eon have goiiic to Owoseo to peanain ïor the 7.oek. Rev. L. P. G'oMrick expects to Jeare to-day fofr C'orry. Pa., wliere ,1ie wlH sqicnd liiis vacation. ' Chirfetiam Wetzel, of T. B. Ilayl & Go.. Detroit, is visltjjng Ann r"bor on ia wee&'s vacatLon. F. H. ZweUnier aas returned frcm hls vacaitioa aaid is atteuding to luidipss agaia at Baih'M. 1ÖB6 Sto'up aiad Mtes Clarkson. of Tii't roU, 8JP8 .'iui'Sts o{ SMmey "W. caairissom., oí PWtíh avie. M3se Mary Wooöward has gone to MAltard, to atteed the weddlnig of lier comsin, Mise May 'l'owcr. MtS. Elizabeth Hamae and dauühter Mary ha-O gome to Marshall to -visit fric:iid.s for a few weeks. Mr. amd Mrs. A. M. Tüntoer, of Jackeon, are (guests of Uieir daughter, Mra W; C. Hollands, of ". l?iitn IVWUC. Mm. C. K. McGee and cliildren, wlio .mvc beein visiting in the city, , sd to Aan Arbar Friday, accompank'd s by 'Mtaa C. A. Barry.- Jackso-n Dai'y Citizaa. Miss Maggie Donnelly, wiho has been Mfeitlng Detroit witli lier little nieee and n-epliew, Mary and Clement Jaekman. returned lnoane with them . urdny cvening'. Miss 1' ranees IHirsess, oí the Courier office, left Friday for tlie liome oi lver parents at St. IoujLs, Mich., ■wlueire i-Uc wlïl remain for soine iour 'recreaifckug1. Mr. and MrB. Walter Eay anfl son, accoinpanied by Ralpli and Anna Kay ahrirad liere Friday fco visit their brotlier Grove Kay, of the lst Xatiomal Bank, and family. ■Miss Baldwin, wlio has boen the 1 oí Mr.". Payane durimg the absence of Dr. anxl Mrs. C. G. Darling in Eöinope, returaed to her home in Hamilton, Ohio, Friday. L;nvrence C. Huil, of Lawrencevile N. J., a gradúate of the TJ. of M.. adid a leader in the Xe' Jersey Forctry was in town Frida.y vfeiting Irrends and relativo?. Bon. E. D. Kinne returned Jiome last Satu.rday f rom htó eastern jour niey. much ünproived in healtli. He ïouaid the quiet, and the salt sea breezes of Kantucket very invigorating. ■ I We see Iby the 8ault Ste. Marie News tiiat "Miss Joanna Kemp of this city, been engaged for aaother year by the school board of that city to act as librarían and ungraded instructor. W. II. IVusli, who is teaching biology ín the University summer fichool loaves on Paturday for his liome in Greeoville, Ohio. He lias been nppoiint'(l aestetaoit j)rofe.-sor of biolbgy in the 'WaeMntan University at Si,. Txife Mo. , K. C. Berryman, of AVest lSperio, who has been attending the national convienfion of photognaphers at Detroit, eanue to Amn Arbor Thursdny with his brother F. Berryman íor a short --isit. Mr. Berryman is conisièei'ed ome of the üest photographlers of the siorth-wesit. htnini? rods?" Vslted IHtie Jolniny Hyde. -y, "''. Ai-, raí i So Johi ' y' '!- ■ i Slisa Slary Dowd'-gan is vi I Ld Jvnoxvillu, II'.. Mrs. Ski W. Mitlard has gome lo CMoago to visit iriwids. Th,,, Mtsf-s Tkknor, of IngaJls t. U-ft ifonday Sr. Clair. A. J. Vatentiine, ol Dexter, had legal buBAtuess here yestwday. AVm. F. has gotie to gaginarw íor a few diays. MJi-s. Dr. -Humt petunned last uigbt froim lier Táalí in tihe cast. MáBB üin.a Alrel remains over this wk at the B. A. E. house. G. J'OKemiians and faimily spent iS-unlay witli B'elaJtives in Dexter. Mra O. A. Crltchett, of Mnnroe, Is ttoe gnst of lire. Win. Da-nslngtMirg. Mre. Aliee E. Malicw aml iamily ure aperodimg tiie week a-t Wïtitmore late. Mire. Duaster and dauglitors have to Tolodo to vfeit JIrs. Dr. Suker. Mi. BéU CSroariflin, oí Dexter, was r-uest oí Aun Arlvor friends yestertlny. MUs Alioe Stacb'er ret.uraed last niidit fro'in liier two week's vislt in ilo. Mlr, and Mns. Howard, of Geddes a.e., have gome to Devil'.s Lake, X. Dakottcu Haranan Meyer, Wnr-i Wurster and Freu "Wuorth returaied yesterday rom SSJvër Liafce. MJL-s Jiimuc Herey, of Scliairer & Mülen's, (it Mooday a four week's O'Uitjng. Mire. Wlm. EesMngwr haa gonfi to T.iiciifieklto visa Iiít párente tor two or tlH'fo weetas. MáBB Nöttie e Daniels, ii Gregory, is spmdinsE n few days witli Uer aant Mrs. R. A. lieal. M:s. Reunie Voorhcis relurned Fridia'y trom lir extended s-tay at llie aiortlieni. resorts. Bd. Ij. Seyler left Saturday íor a two week's yacatiom wnich he will sipeind at Topiixabee. Rev. Hmry Tatlook j-eturncil from lii. (.■astcm trip rfatnrday, niueh iinprovcil 1y tl! e ontfcng-. Trof. W. H. Pettee and iamily rettuned s mrd.-iy fi-oüi extended eojounn in New Enslaïul. Mrs. Eugeme E. Beal relurned from M,t. Clemiens Satupday, where she had tiéeih two ] thpee weeks. George Hangsïerier oí Caüiarine fet. and famüy left this mormiag for a ew days' tYa.-mi-o at Zukey Lake. Herbert Maniroe, wlio luis .rm i-pciaüliia; tbe suinmer at Webbervil'.e, l:;is rwtuiinnied aioime to Auu Arbör. Mliis Drnke and Miss Bmma Mcycr left Mo&day toar a few weeks rifeay :U r,io-kcy .-ind Markinac. Chiitiaji Frank and daugliter, oí TA'. Ijiberty tt., liavc retuiMicd rom n.u cNtcnilcd i-ii in Grand Kapids. Mis. OÜvor ('Jirson, of lniiianapo'.is Iad., avIkj bias been vfedting her mothci-, Ma. Dowdigaa, lias gono lióme. Miss Matüo Huddy, cashior at & Millen's, left Monday a vacatian of a couple of weeks. llisos Berlina and Emina Weinmann left Salurday p. m., for a trip lo Jackson, Grand Kapids and rontiac. J. Klrd, of Ann Arlior and Iïutli Dunntng, oí Ha-rvey, Dl., are vLsiting in (iicLoi-y V, i e,k.- 'Welibervi'le News. lli-s. O. M. Martin and Mrs. T. W. Rfinglay nul damglhter, !eave lolay for sevcral day's stay at Island Date. Theoidoire I'.i. Chase of Detroit, ololglöf for t'.io University Society oí Alumni, Wfus at the Cook House Saturday Digïnb. Mesare. "Will Frank and WW Traub, of Detroit, formerly oí this city, wero Siiturday nfelit, 011 a trip to IWÏiiiitmorc Iake. C. H. Walker and A. E. Mitclicll, oí Mlaaxjniötte, are licre to viait for a coiaple oí da y.-. They carne frorn oatmp lalt I-1a-nd Take. Iíhs üertlia Dichl. Miss IjO-u Gerstner, and Minees Sopliia and Amanda Koen siairted foir Sault Ste Marte this morning for a.n outlng. Mis'. Mary Dnretine, a-nö daugliters Miasee Nina 'and Miriam, r&turned 1,0 me to Cleveland to-day, after a vü4t wlth. Ann Arbor relatives. Dr. "W. H. Doirrance returned Baturday eiemimg frota New York, -whore dio has been taktag treabment, He i titv jDOL'Oob improved in health. ' II, C. Cainplu'll, of Ann Arbor, is In Petcuskey Iot a lew weeks of resortinx for a ggnoral good time in ;uiy avaflable way.- Daily Besortor. Mrs. Win. J. Miller, accompanied. Ty her mothe.r, Mr.s. N. T. Tagge, returned Triday (rom a visit with. {riemds in Brantford, Ont. Tliat's why W1U is fso smiling to-day on his ronn Ho keeps bacheloi's hall I no lomger.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier