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The world will go no faster If you growl; There will be no less disaster If you howl : There wil] be no darker shadows, No less suulight on tlie meadows - If you growl Or you howl- For you can'tcall this old globe out Öna foul! A. T. Hughes will put In a line oí newspapers and periodicals at liis Detroit streel stand. At Hillsdale college all mala t-tuVlents below the grade of eeniors, will 1e compeled to take military instruction hereaiter. Vp at Battlc Creek tlie cooincil is ha ving a ttnonkey and parrot time over a etone cruslier bouglit of Austin & Oo'., and which iailed to do the wark warranted by the agent wlio SOld itl. Johin Hopkins, ia 5-oung millionaire of Pïiiladelpliia, (i-ode fiftcon miles on a bicycle ]ie other day aud died a few ftionirs later fromi over-exertion. Tlu: Mcycle is a g-oocl tliing, bnt lt is iïot wise to pusih. it along too hardí. It loodas lad to Tjrag, but we are ■fold "by people wlio keep track of the ■building operatio'iis in the Ptate, that thevo is nioii-e building going on in Atiti Arbor to-day, in the residence line, tihan in any othier city in the state, save Detroit, even the city of Granad Ilapids not excepted. How is that tor Aan Arbor ? Hd. Jj. Seyler at E. F. Mills & O's, lias a zilver dollar that didn't stand the tost, and broke in two "very easily. Ib is a good looking counterfeit and would readüy deceive the rnajoritj' of people. One bandling much momey couM detect its light weight, but otnenvlsO it was not so easily distinguisliable. There is onough glass ia its composition to gi-e it the rlght ring. Bd. was not deceivcd by it, but others may be, Bo look out for the dollars that are not worth ■eveai '50 cents. The elouds come up when our life is bright, And cover the sun away, And the heaitgrows chili in the syidden night, And lonsrs for the vanished day. But the elouds pass by with the summer rain, And then, like a storm-tossed fiower, The heart looks up and is glad again In the raiuhow, after the shower. The sewer on Packard, Madison and Thompson streets is rapidly nearing completion. L.C. Noble is about letting the contract for eularging and repairing bis house on Fifth ave. The "Trilbys" cross bats with the Y. M. C. A. base ball nine on the athletic field Aug. 20, 4 p. na. K. S. Greenwood reports that 350 tickets were sold Suuday froni Ann Arbor to Island Lake. Rosey's büliard parlor oin StatO st. is bekug extended back so as to occupy bo'th rooms, tho partition being remxyfledL Wbat (liias become of t he proposed organizatiom of Ann Arbor wheelmen ? Hia.s It gone to meet the Ann Arbor Press dab? Glenn L. Svviggett, instructor in German here in '90-'92 has been appointed instructor in Spanish and Germán at Purdue Ühiyer3ity. Ou ■Thursday of thiis week occurs a regTilar exarnination. of teachers by the county board of examálners. AH grades wlll 1e graaited at tüiis examinattioM. i I B-uy a eix ridO coupon ticket of the Aam Arbar Street Railway Co., and take a de - yes take six rides. Take the whalc fa-niily riding for only a quairtea'. The gutter on t'he noa-th side of E. Ainn Biti., crossing N. Fifth ave., is being eituanigöd froim a blind wooden ome to au open paved stone one, rnuch. i o i lic beeinfit oï tlie eaid gutter aforesaid'. Moses Seabolt, who is considerably interested in gas companies, tells us that the Ann Arbor Gas Co. sells more gas during a year than does Bay City, or any otlier place of its size in the state. Miss Elizabeth Millspaugh, whose voice is so well known and so admired by Ann Arbor audiences, goes to the conservatory of nausic at Purdue, Iud., next year as Instructor in music, both vocal and instrumental. One of our liverymen, noted for his likeness to G. Washington, says that he once bouglit a buggy of a devout Baptist living at Ypsilanti, and for several years he had to avoid driving near the Huron river or Whitmore lake on account of the propensity of the buggy to run into the water, and give him a ducking. John C. "Walz, jr., the po]ular State Savings Bank clerk, was married AVednesday to Miss Regina M. Lang. Ilev. Max Hein, of Zion's Evangélica] church pronounced the words of the impressive service which joined into one the two happy young lives. The new couple take up their abode at once in the nice uew cottage on West Jefferson street which bas been ready for them for sometime. The Courier extends its best wishes. A correspondent ■vritins" to the piess ir om Cornell states taat oweaty years' record of co-education at ('üiiicll University, slio'w that the vometn lead in Bcholarship.. Tliey have a hághor record throughout tlie ïour years' course than tbie men ; ;nore woTnan tluan anen received the highest rooord for scholarship, and, with the exceptiooi of oratory, -women took inore tinao, theiir proportional sliare oí honors and pi-izes. JTred Oollum, aged 3S years, died at mixJmight Jast niglit, living lut a s-ho'vt tinne after suffeiïng an 5peratiioai far concussion of tlie brain, the operation being performed by Urs. Darling, Kapp and Ooe. Fred was boim at Lake Eidgo, Lenawee county, which place his remains will lo taken, for burial to-morrow, after tlie funeral services, which will be held at the house of his brother Ab., to. 7 E!. Ann &t., at 9 o'clock a.m. O'er the meadow's aflermath By the August rains nuidu srcen, Harvest spider webs are -■ Showing wet, like fresh drawn net, Spread to dry. A Ijittle girl ca-nue to (die home of Mr, n.nd Mrs. John Kninwle Friday inoi ui :iy. M1bb 'Grace D. Wtwrall was jnnrï-icd ifMi Aflig. S, at tho Ironie of her m'dthier ia this city, to Benj. Wade Burleigh, of Yainkton, S. Dakota, lïev. Gefótom perfoirmiiig tlie cereinony. Mise Ixiuise Haonequin gave a "fishinig" party to a mbnïber ol her young girl frionds Saturday, going down the Huro,n river a short dfetan.ce. They were accoanpanied "by Prof. and Mms. Hoanequin. The lire depaortiment was summomed to State st. Saturday n. m., at 3 o'clock, to extinguish a wniall blaze in the bakery at the rear of C H. Cady's grocery. By prompt action State efcreet was saved a costly conflagratjion. The Yoraing People's Society of the Bethlohem chuirch will give an excursiom to Detroit on "Wedinesday Aug. 21, '95. Faire for round trip, 90 ets., childron under 12 yeara, 50 ets. Let ■everybady come and bi-ing lunch baskets. F ar tlie benefit of new ohuroh edificc. A reporter wrote a ball-room puff, saykug : "Her dainty f eet -vere encased Sn íBioes tliat mi'ght be taken ior lairy booits." But tlie blundering made it read : "Her dirty feet were encased n Blioes that might have 'been. taken foir ferryboats."- Printer's Auxiliary. A lawn eocial will be given on tlie grounds of Prof. W. S. Perry, on E. AVa Jiiington fct., Tliursday evening, in the interest of the Y. M. C. A., by the 'WoDDüainB 'Auxiliary of that order. Tickets cintitling the holders o ice crealm and cake will be sold for beai cents. Buy a few. Charles Baxter came home Monday from Island Lake with one of Kobison's eabs. He took Governor Eich from camp to the depot but not without considerable trouble in getting through the guard lines. The sentinel utterly. refused to let the governor pass and as he did not have the pass he had to return to headquarters. Ou Thursday next tliere wilUcommence a eampmeeting to be held in Campbell's grove, about three miles east of A mi Arbor, on the motor line. It will be under tlie auspiees of the A. .AI. E. church, of Ann Arbor, of which Rev. Wm. Collius is pastor. Special rates haye been secured for the meeting on the motor line. Ouf in Kansas they have discovered the proper way to get riid of weeds along the highways. Not by hiring it diome, and makiug au appropriatioti tlierefor, buit by adding to the tases of the farmer who neglects 10 out them diown. It is hardly necesiga;ry to. say tliat the weeds are disisappearimg rapiöly ottt there. Tli little girls of Boston are repoi-ted to beöver-educated. T he story (gos that a child was asked in a tram-ear, for hei' age, with a view to "half-fare tor chüdran." Whereupon the premature little damsol murmured, "If ym dotn't object, conductor, l'll prefer to pay full f are aind keep my own Btatistics." - Boston Home Jourmal. The last Song Journal publishes the names of the members of Michigan Music Teacher' Association. And in the list we fiud these from Ann Arbor: Miss Minnie B. Caldwell, E. X. Bilbie, L. II. Clement, Mis. L. H. Clement, Miss Lucy K. Cole, Miss Minnie Davis, Mis. M. L. Kedzie, A. A. Stanley. Ann Arbor has about one-fourth the representation of Ypsilanti in the association. The inhiabitants of tho Oth ward in th'p noiighbO'rhood of Felch Park, were muoh alanned Friday night by (irO breaking out aigain in the rubbish iu tlie aiorth side of the "oat hole." It was put out befoire any damage could te doine, but the residents of that sectioin are loud in crj-ing for the prompt puBiMiment of 'xny who throw garlage tluere. It ought 1o bi: istopped at once by the authorities. Mis. P. Hariis, at No. 41 Catharme elt., aas four nice rooms on the ground ïloor, Ibfaait are now vacant, and tJiat slue decires to rent to some niice BniaH family. These rooms have quite a happy hislory, as they have been tho gtarttag place in married Life for four brides, and as Mrs. Harïils expo-esses it, they were all leautiful,,lo-i-ely ladies, and she would be very g-lad to have another young couple as neiglibors. The road roller Is now ut work on W. Huron et". ;m:l is doing good work. Tbere is nio quesfcian but that the máchame is a good one, and the in■Tesiment will prove to be, as the Couriior has íroan tho first clalmed, a wiso investment ior the city. It goes over he Btreets after the sewer diiggers got throuigji and makes them lovel, hard and smooth, whilo herei,)f(.i'e 'we ihtad to wait month after imcMitli for the Blements and travel to accotnplish the work, aind then the surfaco would be uneven and bad. "Why shonld yon dread the morrow. And deapoil tofliiy? For wïien yon oorrow trouble Ynu alwayfl baveto pay. It is a good old maxim. Whlcn should be often preached- Don't erosa the bridge liefore yon, Uutil the bridge is reaobed. Daniel .T. Rose aova family have gone to Zukey Lake. The TJniversity Snmmer School closes Friday night. Hnal examinationa are now going on. Mrs. Abratn Abel, motlier of the late Peter H. and Bugene Abel, oí this city. died ei t Fulto.nvi'lp, N. Y7, ast Sfaaday nágUt. She was eonsiderab'y ndvn.m-rd in years. "How long before peaches will be inmarket?" was askecl of James J. Parshall this morning. "Oh, in about two weeks the Early Crawfords will be in their glory," was the answer. The papers tlirouighout tlie state are publfcliing the namie of our worthy 2d ward super visor as Eugene Oesterlaiid, treasurer of the D. O. H. líow" it stoould be kmown that he spells it "OesterlLn." ESv. aud Mr. L. C. Yon-k celébrate their golden -sveddimig on the 17th of thls ■moiütto at tlieiir residence No. 231 W. Hanicock a-ve., IVetroit. The couplo airO well remembered liere and are the parents of Frank L. York, tlie musiicijain. Piti'f. Oam'uiel Osbcurine, teacher of eciiences In. the Manistee schools, who is attending tïie University sammer Fühool,. ret.uxined; Maaday trom a ■viteit to his father, Ex-Supervisor AVm. Ii.' OWborae, of Slia'i-on. WI1.U0 there b,e met Mis bro-ther W1U, who is at the Iiiéad of Wie Duffalo Business Unlv.:iiy. om-e of tfie largest xchools of the küin'd in tlie east, and who returned home to Buffalo tMs morataUg vin. Ann Arboir. Xi C. Goodridi lias in his possessiou the ofrieial badgfe and button for the 2Gth trionniial encampment of the Knig-hts Templar to be he'.d in Boston. It is of bronze met-al, ihe lettei-inlg in enamel, and a very pretty ba.d)gA Tho circle peadant has ín eeirte ■ a mdaUi9o of St. George amd the drago. The button is of ihr aatm anetal, havinig om its face a Ie (l; beams, tragelher with Hie cross of Salem. Somc twelve or Uiteen kniïlits Jiere hare already i;ecmred these badges, which are turnlshied for tlie remarkably lo-w petee of $1.25 eaoh. Considerimg the aiatetrial and beauty the badge is a wondcrfully cheap jewel. A niotiher who has the care of a babe attached to her other nousehold dutte, tliiinks this item would be of interest 'to some of tlie Courier readers : "AVlien babies are sleeping tlvey often prespire so freely tihat the piilto'W is quite Av et lader their lieads. Thls excees of perspiratlon is weakening, and nhows too muoh heat in the Byst-em, and causes restlesi sleep and frequent waking. It is best to use a thin hair pillow, and to feee that the bed clothioog is not too heavy or warm. A anattreís of good idigJit hair is better than a teattoier bed, and if it becomes soiled or damp witli perspiration, siiould be taken, to an empty room, tae hair pouned out on a öheet, thoroughly })ickod over and aired, tlie tick. waalled, tlicn made up again and re-tuïted." Tïiere ís one thing that is truly quite a oufeamce, and that is people wlio iget into the habit of calling a polSceman íor trivial things, when tlw.ii' feervicee are oiob actualiy .Tiecessary- Tlite should be a voided. It is urpirising amid often amusing to hear fhe o.omplaints of people who oall a poHceman. Sometime neighboirs' children will get into a iji, wee iellows tfoey are, and one sïde w the other-will end to pólice headquarters for aa officer. Often puople wül cali who have -had trouble over chickeiis and HOinetimes even oafes a,nd dogs cause neishborhood quavn-ls, and (the people that tlie poUce can eettle the trouble for ÜMTii. In iact, "children and c.hickons" seem to be a prolific source of trouble,rug neighbors. If you have any trouiilo of this r;ort do mot cali the pólice. You should go to a, justiee of tlie peace and make your complalnt befoi-e him. Heinry C. WaMron, sec'y. "w rites us tlïat ex-Senator Palmer wJÖJ Kiirely a He mi i h e F armer 's' Picnic aE "Whitiraore Xiake on Aug. 24th, and make a speedh. He says : "Tlie senator ia mot only wlUtug but anxious to dsit -tlie stamping grounds oí liis college diays." Sec'y Cliüds received notice Monday Hkcmlng of o, femall loss at the house of Aarotn CampTell, wh.0 liVes onehalf mite west of IVixboro, ia Ann Artor towa. On Batoirday evening _a lamp explo-ded in tlie sitting room amd da-maged the contenta of that roomi comsiJieraMy before the fire was put out. Damage mot yet estimatedv wil! aiot be pleasant aews to the BtockhoKters, though they wül thBinfe tlireir Ktars that ths satire house clid ofc bum up. '


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Ann Arbor Courier