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Tammany Has Been Reorganized. It

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will present a new set of hands to milk the public treasury, and new brooms sweep clean. Berlim's new oeneufl falls short of Kl rtdniate 120,000, bat these ncciideinte are likely to happen, in growintr towns. The oííicinl figures are 1,616,381, au kuereaise of 37,137 in iive yeajrö. Oin of Itiie judges oí the Massachusette eupreme court cluanges Ben Butler wit,h ha ving oommitted a fraud. "Wiltih all life fauJts that was not old B(n's way of doing business, and it would te oDly faür to wait for full particular. An official count shows that tbere are nearly 50,000,000 silver dollars stored in the national mint at Philadelphia, and one of the papers of that city says that all efforts to get them into active circulation have been futile." Facts of this kind make demands for more silver coinage ridiculous. mteBitoinairtee in öbSaa just now aire toa ving a ha ni time of it. The rlots amd mo1s tupe ta every iustance headed by the local g-oventtmeiit at tiie places where they occur. They rfiould coaivert the offfcials first, and thieii stanid mme slioiw for their Uves. The fire loss of the United States arnounts to one-fifth of the net profits of all the industries of the country. The insurance money paid in America is about oue-half of the total thoughout the world. This is chiefly pnre waste and no reasonable excuse can be found or it. 1 . ■ The "good western man" whom Hill says the democrats ought to nomínate may be beaten out of the candidacy by Cleveland in 1896 as he was in 1892. The man who gave victory to the democracy af ter its quarter oí a century of nninterrupted defeat has a bigjpull on the party vet. In proportion to population, Germany raises nearly ten times as many potatoes as the United States, and finds them a profitable erop. Ab this country is importing between 2,000,000 and 3, 000,000 bushels potatoes a year, our farmers should take the bint, and need have no fear of over production. ïi tounnis out tlnat a great lot of O10 Ktuff pubUsbed about Holmes was runnit iiïnited irot. Dr. Russell whom ]i. w .1 - :!■-! of "iiiikinii away wlth has tuinned up iii Grand ïtaplds, and othors also been he&rd {rom. Jvot enoagb ci(li rn-c bae yet Tjeen teeaned o eoavdci hiim of atxy crime. This bas Iec3i a great week in Vetasfay aaid around tlie bay, and no meation of eunui has been beard froin auy quai-ter. Wttk a regetta, two circnises, hops, concerté, lectures, etc., ad iniiiüfcum, all In ano sihort week, wtoo couldm't enjoy himself.- Petostey Daily Eesorter. Amd yet people go io these "qmlet" a'esortfs tor rest ! (.. W. Steren ■ f Colclwater, wlio eetebrates ihte 8Gth. birthday anniversary Aug'. 16, is one of 'the few men living "vlio waB honorel witli the piivitege of shaklng hands with Lafayette when the la-tter vlsited this country In 1824. Mr. StieTomson was at that tiino au ofik-er in a milltia company whjch met him as he landed at the battery, lm New York. 1 - . If amy one can nucceed in tumbling thwugh or over a poor fddewalk now-a-days, i ie surely good lor $1,OO'd tor lito or her. That appears to be the fixed price for sucli Injuries. The amny of Cermnny and the raiüway armj' of the Umited States contain the eanie huimber of men. lt is Inde Sam's impreseion ttiat he has deciidedly ithe advanit.aee im this arrangemeint'. f'■. "Wïvitiney would stand a better ohMiioe of Becuring the presidential tíoniüiation if the demoorats coald foiet toat he is more responsible than any othr one man for the eecond term oí CteveUuod. Tho (aew census in Wiscoinsin, sliow.s & KTowth tint he leading cities simce 1890 of aboout 15 per cet., but t hc increase of population iu tjie countrjr diBfcricts has not been large. The state ie nearing the 2,000,000 mark. The recoa-ds show that 085 ftnnB and corporaticms have voluntarily advamceíl taie wages oí 514,000 employés during tlhe preeeat year, which is mkre than all the stiriikes hav ever dóiñe for tbO promotion of the interes is of labor. A suit is now pending in a New York court over the possession of a silver dollar which is one of only twelve now remaining, so far as is known, of the mintage of 1804. The fact that these coins are worth froin $600 to $2,000 apiece shows that there are some silver dollars in the country that were not hurtby "the great crime" of demonetization. Boston fe íustiíiably p.roud of its new public library and is linding ways to enlaTge its uselulness. The trustees ím-TO decided to establish tliree delivery stations In different parts of ne city, wliere people can order l;ooks ín tthe moraing and receive them in the afternoon. The Yankee idea of kieepAng a good book in motion ie coinmetwïable. Jim Corbett, who was heralded as a gentleman when lie first wliipped Sullivan, is proving to be a cur. He has been divorced from his wife and inarried again witliin a few days. Then lie got mad at his trainer and whipped him, using his superior strength and science in a covvardly way, and has done many things that entitles liim to be classed among tlie tliugs and plug uglies. It is liard work for a man to be a brute and a gentleman at the same time. Pugilism can not combine the two. "To the Clerk of County, Mich. : I am the father, mother or guardián of M , a female who has not yet attained the age of 18 years, and I liereby consent that a license be issued for her marriage, as required by law. Dated, , Residence, name." The above is the form of the blank which must be fllled out, under the new law, by one of the parents before a marriage license can be issued to a gir under 18 years of age. Thiere are imdiicatioins that China is about %o change ite policy as to nailways, ol -whiclh it has bu a total of 230 miiles in the entire empire, ltepi'osentat'iyee of China are now in this country to study tlie BUbject of railway transport-ation, and the crection has beea begyum in a eading Ghmese city of extensive blast furnaoes, steel works and rolling milis. The Goverameut also is cducating natiie sttwlemts in vario us branches of onigineering connected with i-ailAvays. Justice Jaclcsoin's dieatli reduces the fruinber oí democratie fnembers oí the STupmeme court to three, as compared svlth five i'epublicaius. Probably a dcmocnat -n-ill lie appointed Ín his place, 'wlhitih will make the eount fóúr to'üve. However, the partisan complexión of the members oí this tribunal malíes little or no lifierenee ni tht'ir attitude towavd the questlons whích are likely to come tieíore i.hcm herenfier. Netther partizan nor sectional Hoes were revealed in the incoine tax decisión. AccoTdimg ito tlie latest directory ÜgTijpee Detroit has a p-opulation oí 852,731 éoule, an increase the jiast yiear oí 21,843. The City of the sirni'te seems to be makimg progresa i--t i-;i ílaIi íihead. Chicago wauts ct u alelí cut. Th oíd fogi'eis wlio lield Itotixji't iback to niany years, aad let other twestera clties get the start oí 'hier, are all dead now, aad there is no baawing whaí the handsomest aind Tesit located cfty in the United States Imay yet do in tlw way oí growing. It has tafcen her a long time tío giet a iBta-rt on aiccouiit of the long lifi! of soime of her early settlers who "GoTjbled up" m-ofelt .11 of the ood lamí and refaeed to nell ar improve it. but once oai the road oí progrese she niay eclipse tíieni all. Stevenson is going to Alaska, which ignifies that he is the latest democratie tatesman to recognize the advautage of aviug a large body of salt water beween liim and his party at the present ime. Turkey belongs to another age and as no claim to aplace in the company f respectable nations. When the Powers proceed to oblitérate it from the map no protest will be heard in Amerca, _ London has decided to convert into arks and playgrounds for children the 73 disused graveyards in that city. 'here is an element of poetry in tuis benefaction from the loug-forgotten dead, and it is a pity England has no aureate to put it into fitting words. The engineers' estímate of the cost of he Nicaragua canal was $64,000,000 in 1888 and $90,000,000 in 1891. The comrnission just returned from a journey along the route place the figures at $110000,000. Plainly the project is one to )e considered with extreme caution. The New York Sunday shaving law has been declared constitutional, notwithstanding the fact that Xew York City and Saratoga are exempted from its provisions. It thus seems that a state inay declare a thing to be against good moráis in a general way, but entirely consistent with morality in special localiües. _ The light grain crops of 1894 have affected the earnings of the western railroads injuriously almost to the present time. This year's heavy crops, however, ought to make up this loss. If the conditions remain for the next four or five weeks as favorable as they are now the agjrregate cereal yield will be the largest in the country's historj'. A physician writing in the "Popular Science Monthly" says that children who habitoally lie are usually suffering [rom disorders of inind or body "which radically interfere with the transmission of conceptions and preceptions froin the internal to the external processes of expression." Perhaps this is what ails the free silver prevaricators. The democrats of Illinois are likely to lose a congressman through the discovery of tickets fraudulently marked with a cross by some devlce worn on the thumb of one of the election judges in Chicago. As the democrats of the Northern States elected just thirteen members of congress last fall, they may be willing to part with one of them just for luck. If Gen. Harrison would accept the office of Justice of the Supreme court of the United States, President Cleveland would do a very gentlemanly and generous act by appointíng hiui to the position. Both are even as far as the presidency goes, each lias defeated the other, so this act would be one that would.always redound to the credit of the president if ho could get off bis partisan perch long enough to do it. But he will not. A ne w law in New York goes into force September 1, which requires secrecy to be mainttiined by all who handle telephone messages. Under its provisions any telegraph or telephone employé who improperly reveáis a message may be fined $1,000 or imprisoned for six months, and the same penalty is fixed for any person who wrongfully obtains a message. The law makes no distinction, as far as secrecy is concerned, between the telegraph and the telephone. The only city that lias successfully iought the caterpillars is Rochester, N. Y. For several years a forestry associatiou there has offered childrea prizes for gathering cocoons, and in the suinmer of 1893 it destroyed 132,648 cocoons, 44,900 of which were brought in by one boy. In 1891 the number gathered aud destroyed was over 9,000,000, at a cost in prizes of $655. The offer was repeated this spring, bat only 400,000 cocoons were found. The pestiferous despoiler had given up the fight for once. Primee Ferdimaiwl, oí Bulgaria, expecfed 'to proiit by the assassination of Stambuloff, but, oji tlm contrary, finid hlmsclï fexposed to general wratn naid pcoam. on account of tiliat shocking evemlt. The people of liis coiintry ere generally oppaseilto hlm, nnd Iluseia, avivóse tavor lie sacrificed eveï-ytlilng to win, has repudiatetf hlm. Kc lnas no support aíid no sympathy, aiid "Uie pirobabüity i that he wffl soom le retired to private life and permajMn:t dtegrace. A prominent geologist, who lias been looking into the formation of the bed of the Ohio river, forty-tbree miles below Pittsburg, says the old river bed is 300 feet above the present water level, and he finds there stones of Canadian granite, whose nearest home now is on the Canadian side of Lake Ontario. In the glacial gravel he carne across a rough arrow head, which he attributes to the glacial period, perhaps 300,000 years ago. The testirnony of the rocks is in the nature of sensational news, in spite of its great antiquity.


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