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'Hífí(. X,. B. Lee to retaraed fro-m Boy View. Mis Mfuy Vogel has goae to Pleaeant Laico to Bjwffld a few weeks. ' "W. J. Herdman has returned f rom nis business trip to N. Carolina. Prof. E. N. BJSSbte expects to spemd the winter ia Geawany etudying raufate: George B. Kel'y ha retixrncd trom JOB vacaMoa speat at his old homo in Cíimaida. I). A. Tlaker amd family have retumed fnOTO tlieir extended stay at Eay Vtew. Mte Bmily PuTÍield has leturned {rom hr extended vtett Witií friends in Canada.. B. A Lynwun has reatad a house on El Jjüberty at., and wJU soon aelnllo'lo to lt. Miss mille Mae Voïlaana twa rciurnleil froan a scveral day'S viett wlth früende in Saline. Pwxf. F. M. Taykvr, Wlie a.nd daiigntor MaiTgaret returneil home niursday fro'in Petöskej ■ The Misses Iutz, of 8. Secoad st., are emfcertatoïng Mteees Anna and EtoJna Graff. of Cliicago. Chauncey Orcutt is spending a cwaple oí vroekB wit hifi la!i;h:t'i Mrs. Tliompso,n, Df Toledo. -.f Mn, hasgoai nrre' giou for : ' )nThe Ilrsoi nortes aanong the late a'rivals at Charlevoix, Mrs. C. s. Millón and son Clinton. Roee Maír, wtio has leen visttiw-v 'it li"i' honne Ín. dedgeí bas retranned t Ann Arbor. Mtes C meottoe Shirley hs returnea trom a live weeks vtait at .Tackpon. -wlih Iriends and relatives. C. E. BureMfeld. of St. Joeseph, Ia vtelttog !'iJ li'f!Hs. Mi and MrS. W. O. Buvclifin'ld. OÍ Mi'lor -ivo. C. C. Waimer acconnpenied her as iar as Xiagara Falls, NvlierO slie will visit for a time. Mm. Êmitli Motlcy, of Tliompson ,1.. tas retiirned Ipom lier suramer Tacatian at the northern resorte. Miss Bessie B. Kobertsan ana Ure. Etnma Wyckoff are at Ptoskey to epentl the i-cmainder of the season. M4sb Al'le Riwseli went to Saglaaw s., "Wednesday to remata a few weeks, the gTlrt of Ifae. VTÖ1 BanMrs. Jamos Ne-llis and son Bennie, of IilxH-ty Bt., went to Detroit Tlrarsday a. m. foir EUB extended vtait witti rèlatives. Miss Bevtlia Mills wlio has tan Misiting liier sister Mts. I B. CSaxr, fov two montihB, lias retumed to her home in Bliaols. Mies May AUison wlio has Ixsea. 1ininl■ lier arnvt, Mrs. W. F. Stimson, lrft on rridiiy foir lier home in Inlianapolte, Fred McOmber has gome to Ishfirmdiiig fcW a two weeks' racatioa, whteh ho wlU Bpemd in company witn. Dr. Catrl Wardem. Mrs. Geor.ce K Moore naid brother Gwige C. Hafcall. have gooe to "Detroit, Hurooia Beach, Port Huron, tíñ., lor au oUDting. Bori CÜM-isfcmain. lias to Grama BapicTs-, trom where lie wtU go 'to Grand HaTWi and irom themte ty Toat to Chfcago. H.rfe. C. R. Bomd hafi reutod Mrs. MorA' house on tUe córner of Jefferecwi and THnosttpeon sfe., tor two years and te movlng into it to-day. D-r. and Mrs. J. N. Martin Have re„„■Tied home from HJieir trip to the Georgië bay a.nd the i.Jands I " The Dr. is toaifted with tteb storMts. Joba E. Travis and sou DeHull, went to Knln.miu.oo Tnwreday to vttema tlie tuneral of Mrs. Travis' gfeter-inw who died recently in Calilormia. Prof ,TV. K. Ctomcmt ná wife start U-om Brandon, Vermont, the üOth, for Aam Art)od TlW lwive tO mW an Wxetr duties at Idaho State Utolviersiity albora the middle of Bepteimber. Infractor E. A. Iymaa and wtfe lát a lew áay íAnce lor a vtett to Irtaacte ia KEUfa8. Twy wiU al" sd tW awlüte in Ohio and do no peet to vetui-a W the last ol September. George PhiUlps, wbo lias Teeu vlsitinc lite broöieir Kobert of the State gering Bai, i-ctuvned home tliis momtaig ito Iuii-lUe, Ky. Mr. PhflHpa is ia the auditor's office of the UomJBviïte & Nashvillo K. B. Mib. Ba-ven, widww of tlio late Bisliop Bwu OB 0. Haven, of Urbana, 111., IsHii.. gueet ï hier aa-ughter-to-law, Mre. Alice L. Ha-ven, o a few weeks. BteWp Tlaven was president of the Tlnivorsity licre íor a iramlier oi yeara. i Mtes Lizzie IXeJil is at Tut-in-Bay íiyr a ttoe. J. B. Saninders and faraily have gone to Base Lake. Mm; G. W. Sweefc is visitlng in Fi:nKay, O Ir. o. Dr. A. K. Hale lias takeai rooms at 47 E. Ijibefty Öt. K. H. Humplireys lias gome U Mackfiüc part tivo weeks. ííins. Dr. Tjrler has r1""1160 irom I er vteüt at Crystal Iake. Dr. IxmJB P. Hall bas gotae to Sau Sic Ma,] i' fr ain outtag. Ma P. oi Chicago is TlSItlaig her tormer homie liere. Mi. J. M. Stathxra and famüy Have retwrmed irom visit In Ohio. Emil Richter Is in nis place again at the Ebevbacli aiemieal Co's storeM ül Carrier Walter Galwelskl, oí Detroit, vas lm tlie city over Sonday. Wtamte DePuy and Gladys Smitli Ti:iv, goáe to Zukey I-ake lor a few ilays Mr. C. A. Maynanl accorapamled by .U.U-eu te Tisitiaig her p&rents iu l.ansiiig. Mr A. IiUirop oip. Aimst., lias rdunied irom lier Bummer'a Btay ia nsin. Mis. Hrfen C. AVliLtney, of S. 12th lK1„ rebamed fro.u her extended vlsit iu Detroit. Al-beit, ol the öire department ta&l on a, ten day's vacation. He Is in Jacksoii now. Mtee AJtoe Poitw-, of E. Ana st., retunned Öa-turday evening irom lier Nióagaira Falle 'tripHugh Bradky of Owowo, who has bewi vtóting Írtenos to this vlclplty, luis reHumed home. Miss Jianos Tleiw of Detroit, is , .-,,. gwst for the week of Mtea Maggie 'üyaii of Beafees Bt. Fred. liowor oí Greea Oak, is in the city visiting at Geo S. Vandawartoer'.s on N. Ingialls st. Mina J. M. Bmodts amd son Ernest, bave retunned a visit with frtends in La peer county . "51 v jar Steveais and lamily of N. Ingalia st-. 1to retuwned f rom aa extended Bbay at Wlvitniore Lake. Ma. Thoe. J. Keech of E. Univeretfcy ave., lnas retuoied Iroim a visit witJi tftends in New York Btate. tSiee 05mm.a Fieclier, of Ftet st1.. i-eturned yesterday hom her visit to Granid Bapids and Marshall. Miss Sopliia resumed her dutiiis at Schairer & Mttlea's thifl momtns afber a Fív weeka vacation. Mi-s. A. A. Boaeli of Cincinnati, O., stopped in the city last night on her way to Yteit frieeds at Wiiitmore lake. George 'Muina was up from Detroit óver &uodiay, visittog his parents Mt. aml 'MW. Olías. A. Muima, of E. Huron Btreet'. Mivi. Amy L. Taylor, of .aiicago, mother of X. D. Taylor, formerly of tihis city, is visitieg Judge X. W. CJieever noid fa;m;il}". "Will Fieaher aiaying retarned froin hte vacatiom epeat in Wisconsin, lias goae to Battle a-eek to take cliarge oí W., K. & R's store tliere. Mrs. M. C. aaid daugtiber Plorêm, ot thfe ci'ty, have been guests oí Mla-tt D. Bkwser, and family, of lliainicliestor, lor a few days'. Ilobert Buck has returned fronn Valparaíso, wlii'i-c lic hn been taking eummer courso. He intenaa oing to Aan Arbor thks (UK- St. John's J. ir. Mays, oí EJizatoetdi st., lias reInnrii froin a five week trip to Kareas. He will take a post graduiiic oourso In tlie law department next year. He was accompanied ly hJs broüiOT Thomas Mays, who will r.nter tQie University next year. I I Bev. Geo-rge Yernoir who has been f, mtesionary ia tho northern part . of tlw state for the past few y?ars, 1-ut whose family have resided in Ani Ai lior, has accepted a cali Irom the Hillsdalc parisih and is oon to remo-ve w.übh his family tharuio. Tlie ptoplu of 'Hillsdale are vo lie a'ated, for ho is a -very lim man and I hus a XKsry lino íaniily who would be n valuable acquisition to any iovtu. 'S. "W. Gasser TaclO Bttod bye to liis nuwiy Amn Artxr iriends Thm'sday, nind wllflh bSe faniily lett on the erenl ing train. íor tíieir fnture hoine in Cleveland, O. Mr. Ga.sser regretted to lea-vO Ann Arlwjr. It has oeen a lilensan lnotae, and lie has been ] rounded -svith congenial associates, but ho regrets the necesslty oi leavimg: no moro Muía üo his friends who iwill hci-eaftur be deprived oí his genial and pleasant Boclety. We commond 'hlm to the Igood people -svhere bie koes, amd lespeak lor him tlieir kind oifloes: Ifo is one of "the eort ho-svevor, -vlio Aviü never ack for iriends, wnerever lie may lócate, and wlll Boon dra-sv aixmt him a circle of admlTers. Success to iiHn and h-li inm:1, tó ftie wisu of the Cowier. - WiiiU Dwyr 13 visitóos friands in Jackson. Joli.n Sclumia of W. Huron s., is fcn m;hn. M -s Xt-1 io K. Allen is home f:om St. p;ats. .ToVi 'M. Gtcisb, of .Saline, was in the . iiy last nig-ht. M:-. ÍW. D. HiM-riinaa is vlslting lur dau,?litor áa Bat tlO Crcek. George IVey, of Salem, was Ln tlie city on buiaeae yesterday. Prof. Johia O. Reed is i5peiiding a few woflcs at Eapids. D . I.araway of Emei-y, -vteited J 'shu;i Palmer and family l-iundar. Miss Etta Murray lias returned from Iht viiiilt to frlends in Detroit. EL W. EJainMiinds Iims retorned from hls y ra vs abaemce at Toroiito. Mts. I! H. Clement is home from a pieasaat Mtett at Whitniore Eake. Geotlge Kyer and Harry Banfie'd v, lic 'led to Detrodlt and back Sunday. Boy McClure amd wlte have returtied Froim tlieir oing at "Vhitmo;e Lak-. Di-, nuy I. Ktefer a,:ul wiie fepent bay wlth Dr. E. A. Clarke and wiie. Mi-_. .1 rhedii camo home last nig-bt froi a ehoTt vteit in i? yinoiith. Mrs. ioi!ii.i Spring returncd home vinteniar froun a summer's stay in K;i.U'ln;uv. Bert Wiaans, d&ut '91, of Grand p ai S'iunlay wit!) !riid8 in fti city. Mrtí. ('. iA. Bafcers left yestorday for 3 H :ng, Ta.., to "oO absent same 'timo. Geoige ILiarnard lias returned irom a fcwo weeks' business trip to Clare a.nd Mt. Pleasani. Frauik i'ondon leit Saturday ior Hancock land vicinity few tne remainder of the summer. E. E. JO'üy aawl wáfe retumed Saturday froim a -feit to relatives in Deerfield .a,nid Iundee. Ftasink Woodirulf and Wite, of Detroit, Bpeait Suaday wlth his parnti vn the Geddes a-oad. Mi-. George Walir and daughter returned Thursday from their trip %o easltera slimmer resoi-ts. Rev. A. B. Stoirms, pastor of the Casa ave. M. E. ehuirch, Detroit, spent Smnday witli frieinds in tlüs city. Prof. and M,rs. X.. A. Elaoades and ckaughtiens arO gueists of their fatlie;-. Jiöli.u II. Mimar on E. Liberty .-;. Uvn. C. Koeaion, of Chicago, acconipanied by lier daught-er Mlnnie, are Tdsittog their W hom e for a lew d.-iy.s. Mr. Korinaai Carnp aiui chüdren went toi Hiltedale TJmrsday to reiimin a coiuple oí weeks witSi lier partídt. Frank Yott bas retu-rmed trom hls vacaüon spertt at Midland and lias nastuned work at Muramery's drug stare. ■ J. W. Hayley, of Jacksoo, was im tTïe city over Sunilay, acccwnpanied by his wife, wIdo will remain liere dfUi-ittgt lie weeüi. Dr. amd Mr. H. J. Pcarsoa, of AVest Tililtom, O., were in the city to spend g-uiwlay wi'th their som Alvick A. Pear.voni. oí tlie CouTiar. rr G. E. Frotlhimsliam, oí Detroit, wfaa foinnerly held Dr. Carrow's poi i i in. the U. oí M., was calling om frienids here Fridny last. Kid, I. Tlaylor, of the P. O. froce, startied. on a vacatloa Jlonday. In óampaaiy wïttx Mm Taylor he will ■Miisit Fra.nkfon-t nnd tlic northern reeorfe. Prof. O. Campbell, D. D., of Dartino'iitli college New HampMre, where lie liolds tlie chair of mental aad moral 'p'MlO'Sopliy. airivod ia the city Fridny, aad is the guest of lus brotlvw Bofoort Camlpbell. 11e li on luis -w'ay home from the Denver coni vöntson, Hnd a tript hrough the j wwsfc II. H. Ludiek of öhelsea, was in town au l:u-iiM-K yesterpd&y. Ca'-l P:'i 15p telt tlhts moraing tor n week' Ktay at Oryatal T,akeIi. Kirschbaum and bou, of Omaha, Net., are vtsitiriig friMi-ls in the city. Aldermntn Maynard went lo Ian.:i!L!.- 'touday -vrliere his famlly are i Itíiigt .Toíliua Pahner famlly went to V.hitmoi-e Lafce Monday to f-pend a woek. Mï iFired Bcn-yanan lea ves for Ohi, ■.-,:;( 1o-(l:iy Ho yUti frineds for a ftini'e. Holevt -Hutzp1. left lnsl nisi-ht for Detroit. Avliere lus has permanent em]i'oyinnit . Ij. K5. Sti of Whitaiove Iake, sini-ts tor Denvr, Calo., tlie last of the Imointh. Wm HJaibtle Pritelujxd, of T.ouisi ■- K -. is vis'.tlas Hot. T. W. Young ain;"t family. Mms. Mdnomda 1 n ;!ns o Wa iiteuajv ave bas g-oine noi-th for a few u eefes' out jmr. Mi. E. B. NarrtB and children went to AVhitmorc Laloe tlhis momiug to be i ,1 svo weefee. ■J. C. Watts, v.iio hae bean vlsitlng bl's hu ll.i b'.'t. in fêyraemse, V., Iva.s retUiHDied linnu'. D-. Framk Vandawarker .nul iamily went to Zui;v.v Lake tir.s nioniing tor a t day's O'Uting1. iDjnie M. Heirey of ehairer & Milltn's starled Oía a four week's vav 'tion Moaday monii-.u Mr vnl Mts. K. B. Hall left yosi ilny foor Goorgia.n Bay umi the ■Soo" itr la week's ti-,x Miss Can-ie Buck, oï Washteeaw ave. left for IliU-ilalr Moiaday a. m. to le abserut a few days. Joiin ü. Foi-tor ivlui lias been in Aan ArboT íor tuno eiwnmer, has rettumed Home to Newbeary. Mtb. W. W. Bennam and daughter WiJiitred. üiíivO retunpd from their ■rtslt -witüi irieJKfe ijl Troy Ohio. F. H. O. Keyno'lds. of Eaaigor, Me., piresiieuft of the Aran Arbor St. Tlailva.y Co., arrived in town Mondny. W. K. Child -will no;t be in liis office tany inore umtil about the 28tli inst. ís going to tatoe a vacation. ■ D. F. SdMtiiW lefb New Yoa-k Monday a. m. on a tour of two weeks íinrrang t,liO business houses oft hat city. "Wiiüain Salyer and wife, and Chas. R. iGilllís and sister, return d xct(I.iy fcoan a short outing at Whitmore Liike. Bev. Pr. Kelly left Monclay for a vacatioia of tea day. He goes ilowin ItJie 8t. Lawrente to Quebec, Mom'fcreal, etc. Mi1. Grove Hay aad laby weat to her oW luomie in Conronl. Jackson Co. Satua'day, íor a coupíe of week'8 stay wibh Ihier garantís. WSse Lisia Vam Valbeaibui-g and Miss Mabel VamKlee weat to Fllat Monil.n.v a. m. wn tlieir Sricycles to siend a few weeks wüth frteoids; Hilse' AVmifred L. Clark went to Zukey T-ake tli.jis mlonn.!ing to stay a lew days wttli oousán, who is at the Key&toine club lwjuse. fflrt. N-. H. Drake went to. Detroit vi sterday to meet her dawghter I .r.-rtiM'. vi 1 1 , ■ T fhev " remala n that city tor tlie balaaice of the week. Mrs. G. "W. Fisner a;nd daughter, of Ijouisville, Ky., vbo have been the guets of Rev. T. W. Young and family ior soane time, have returned home. Jivsltioe Gïbsom left Mondny few a. trip to Bouthem Ohio, He will bei absemlt aboait a week, and it is rwmoned tliat he lul eads to bring back a bride. "Mteses Fianaije, Minnie and Elia A. Gardmer, Ijucy Shadford, Dolly Smith abd GoouKe EC. Ilrown. spent Sunday wiÖi Mr. and Mis. a Zulaey Iake. "Miss Amielia McLaren leaves to-raoi tow moinntng ior Huwonia Beach wthere slhie wïü l the igruest of Dr. D I nFerte and family for a couple of weeks cw nuoreDr. n,nd Mrs. Dom C. Root, of 'Willis, "veio lm town yesterdiay, visitlng tlueif tathiw Dr. "W. W. Nlchols. The Dr. As mieettog with excellent success in li is profesa Ion at "WiHis. Prof. A. I. Chisihoílim, of Newberry, ■svho has been In Ann Arbor as instructor in the summer Normal Scliool returned home yesterday. His chool dnitáies thwe eo.mmciace Sept. lst. Mira. W. F. Stimson, eoa Cütiarlie and daiiigüiter Ijeda, have gooe to Hastlmga ia visit Mrs. K's pareats. Tliey will go ïo Grand Rapids and Guian K-Vfie bef ore returning home. Síimiiel Osborn, wlio has been epending thO suimmer here, has gone 66 liis olI home in Sharon. to visit hts peurenfe. Ho avUI hold the chalr of sclences at Manlst-eo the coming vear.


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Ann Arbor Courier