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Miss Ma-bel ThompBon, who lias bcn Tdisiting; relativas in Webster, ñas returined hbme. Mr. ind Mr. C. P. Bonner have returimed to Ann Arbor whfch will be their future home.- Manchester Entierprfee. Miss Mollie Kirtíhofer has i-eturned home Ito Manchester, after a six week's sfcay at tlhe University summer school. White Rev. Fr. L. P. Golds-iick is abseint on luis vacatiom with friends in Peinnsylvania, Rev. Fr. Dwyer, of Minnesota, has charge ol the Xorthfleld pariisüi. WaisJiltemaw county had a represanüaitive pa-esemt at the recent openinig of pariiamemt in Ixmdon, in the pênsoin ói Assistant Secretary of State Edwin F. TJhl, a bative Ypsilantian. It will be a nad day for the poor boys of the west, (yes for the farmIer boys of Mtóhdgam, ii the doors of Wie L1. oí M. shionild ever be closed. Tiliis iis essentially the poor boys' collage. Capt. H. S. Boutelle of Ypsilaati, has beërn appoiinted to attend the dedfcatioin of the Michigan anonumemts at Ghickainatiga, as a repreeemtaitivO of the 4th Michigan cavalry. A gool eelectiom. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ferguson of Aan Arbor, -svere listed nmong the iguesfa att th marriage of Miss Meda L." OsJbaimd, of Ypeilanti and Karl S. Judisoin, of Giiand Kapids, at the home of the bride's parenlts ia Ypsilanti, Wedmesday. It was a sweet pea weddiing1 and Baid to liaTO been very beau'tdfuil. A good ïnainy farmers in thie vicdinity where tlhe losis of the prine eeedioig of daver is so universal, are going (to bow clovr seed with rye. Tliose whio bave d'ooe so In other yeaTs eay that it dioies well, the rye fonmiing hie very best protection ior the youmg dover durimg tlie firsit winter.- Jomestville independent. The Kemp Sisters supported by the Kemp brother, pn their great triple attraction and grand exhibition races, have been secured by the county fair association for the annual iair, to be held Sept. 24-27, inclusive. This is probably the greatest feature ever secured for a county fair in this part of the state, and will add many hundreds to the attendance. The Ypsilanti Driving Association have decided to postpone their races so as not to conflict with the Ann Arbor fair, and this action should meet with a hearty encouragement f rom the people of this city. The dates now decided upon are Oct 8, 9 and 10, and tliere will be trotting, pacing, running and stake races every day. Entry blanks have been sent out to all the prominent horsemen. The Dexter Leader remarks : "Now Howell is to the front with a day of sport, Aug. 26th. Several other towns in the state have also knocked the head out of a barrel of fun by having a day of special races and games of various kinds. Now what's the matter with Dexter getting into line and dishing up some wholesome sport? Anyone anything to say ? Speak quick and all at once, please." Mrs. Florence S. Babbitt has returned from her trip east, and brings with her about 50 additions to her already large collection of old dishes. Among thein is a píate from the home of the poet, Samuel Wordsworth who wrote the "Old Oaken Bucket," presented to her by Mrs. Northy, who resides on the old farm. The "old oaken bucket" now in use at the well, and from which Mrs. Babbitt drank, is not the one of which the poet sung, but our presented by the Richinond (Va.) Cedar Works, owned by the Parish Bros. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. Germán Day is to be celebrated agailn tlhiis year, this time at YpsilanU. öïi Aug. 22d. From the iormidaWc array of speakers it would appear tliat thca-e M-ill "be no lack ol orabory. Mayor Wells and John P. Klik liotli of Ypsilanti, togcüior with exCongressmaai Gorman, of Chelsea, will addross the cirO'Wd in English, while Louis J. Liesemer will talk to them in their nativO tomgue. The latter hns boen pireparitng his speech and will prosenï to hdis hearers a scholarly ■efi'ort. This celebration is peculla.r to this vicinity, and tlie Germans always enjoy ïts festivitiea. Tlio intelligent papers in Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor contain this item: "A. J. "MuTray lias rt-igmed his wort at th 'Soo' to accept a position in the Coldwater eclicols." Evidently bhe cities that claim to have the only istate institations to teacli the public, don'ï Jcmow tliat Michigan has a gíbate public school ira Coldwater t. which Mr. Murray has been callee!. Ketter st'mdyl up youre state lnstitutiions, bnetluren of tbe quill !- Coldwater Reiiublican. Tlie leamed ditor of ïbe Reipublioain caniteach the differeaïce 'twixt tweedledum and tweedlefflee so well, thai tliere is no need of the editora referred to, "studyimg up." Daniel E. Hoy, of Dexter, is in the narket to buy 10,000 sheep. . Mfoas Howard, of Awn Arbor is isfjtlmg Missies Lucy and Lulu Burcli.- Matociuest-etr Enterpróise. Mtes Bmma Hauser of Saline, and Mis Cairrie Müler, of this city, have gome te Plymouth, to visit Eev. Mr. Eh,niiK and family. The Sunday School of St. James Epissopal church, Dexter, will have a picnic at Mrs. Seper's cottage, Base Lake, on VVednesday, the 21st. N. A. Wood, of Lodi, wfll remove to Amn Arbor in a short time, and has achertised to sell his personal properij' at auction. oa tbO 30th. Aiinong ithose wlio took the teachers' examjiiaatton last Thursday and Friday, -were Mieses Mae Heaion, Emma Koifberger, aod Messrs. Herbert "Wiitherell and Joeeph Lamí), of Manchester? Incidentally, those wlio have got their threshing done, are improving the opportunity to take a general survey of the situation. When a farmer gets his vvheat and oats in the bins, he can form a good idea of how he is going to conae out flnancially at the end of the season. He can at this time make a close estímate on the yield of his corn, bean, potato and apple crops. The yield he can figure on almost to a certainty, but the price- that is different. The dealers fix that for him. A couinty superintendent in a nelgli■borinig caumty recently asked every teacher at the oouoaty institute that took ttueir loca.1 paper to hold up their liiande. Ou of 160 piresent, only utoc responded, at Avhócti he not only expressed euirprlse tut said : "You don't spemd a, dollar a year witli these papers, yeft you expect th.em to print iree of eliarge, notices of institutes, inserí pirogra-ms of tüie eame, take full a-eport of what you do or say on tlieso ocoasioms, paiblish your (school ■nepo'rfe ftnd thiea expect them to ad■Tertilse you atnd your ability in. your ohosen professdoii, thus assisting to cUmb tüiO ladder to higher positions aaid lyettor salaries witliout a cent's part-romaige in return."


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Ann Arbor Courier