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The Pioneer Press Company

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f" "I IT'S INJURIO US TO STOP S ÜDDí li. Y9nr DENLY and don't be imposed upon (I ]1 iL ' by buying a remedy ihat requives y ou 1 Jl Jl to do so, as it ís nothing more than a x-!' A ix substitule. In the tudden stoppage Sfc=- Q =. TFJv f tobacco tl011 must have tome stiinI ÍÍ I )t vlant, and in most all cases, the ef t J'ect f ie smuant' be it opium, JA sjr IL morpkine , or other opiates, leaves a ■""" """"l far i'-'orse liabit con(I 1 !=4C f (i i II II druggüt about BACO 7 !-JAtai!J' CURO. Itispurely - J-== -■ - - vegetable. You do ■ - - "iJ ?ïo tare o síop mïíí'7 iuia cco wüi 1JACO-CURO. wiM noiiy ?oí wie to siop and your desirefor tobáceo will cease. Your sistem will be as f ree f rom nicotine as the day before you took your first chew or smoke. An iron ciad inritten guaranlee to 'ure the tobáceo habit in all its forms, or money refunded. Price $1.00 per box or S boxes (30 days treatment and guaranteed cure), $2.50. For sale bi all druggist or will sent by mail upon receipt of price. SEXD SIX TWO CENT STAM I'S FOIl SAMPLE BOX. Booklets and proofsfree. Eureka Chemical cfc M'fg Co., La Crosse, Wis. OfBce of C. W. HORN"TCK, Supt., _ . _ . . 14__ _ . öt. .fanl, Minnesota, Sepo. T, 1391. Eureka Chcimeal and Mf g Co., La Crosse, Wis. Dear Sirs-Ï have been a tobáceo flend for many years, anti durlng the past two years have smoked flfteen to twenty clpars regularly every day. My wbole nervous system becamc affected, until ray physician tol tl m I must give up the use of tobáceo for the time being at least. I tried. the so-called "Keely Cure," No-To-Bac," and varlous other remedies, nut without success, nntil I accldcnally learned of your "lïaco-Curo," Three weeks day I commenced uslníí your preparatlon, and to-day I considfir myself complctely cured; lam in perfect health, and the horrible craving for tobáceo, which evury in w r fuliy Hppr-'ciates, has completely lef t me. I eonsirter your 'Baeo Curo"' simply wonderful, and can fully recominend It. Vours truly, C. W. Hoiïsick.


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