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Mr.--. Knrulnl! Ktttredge hae returned from iier trip up nurth. Mise Matie Gocdalo has g-one to Reed City 10 visit her sister. MteB Core 1!. Jïajidall is visit ing lier ln-otiier Frank, lm Cleveland, O. Mrll Gilleepie has abont recovered from hl-; long and isevere illnees. Mr, and Mis. O. L. EobLiison of llill st., have g-one to tlie Georgian Bay for iii week. Mms. Frank Abbott and .lau.irliters formorly of Lanslüg, are now Ann Arlor res-Wenbii. Mrs. U. I!. .Mai-kham, of thLs city, has been vteltlng lier sister Síré. R. E. Finch, at Fincknry. Eer. JoAkq Diaterle ;nn! (jon of Xi-oy, Ohio, ,'ire in the elty rtsltlag J. Adam Dieterle ajad fainily. Mis. C. ir. ia ■■hnimid and tlauirhtcr hav( Icft for Chicago to lake up their pernia nciit residence. i ■ Wahrare ,-p ndIng a week wlth grandfather (' iiiiiklianlt. at Sala Register ol Deeds JicK occupy taie brick resiidence .u. -JS Catliarino st.. after Bept. lst. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Warmer returnetl AVeibicsilay from 1 1 l - 1 -lsit with fi-incils in New York Bfcate. augh, city attorney of l'aw Paw, is vleitlaig liis boro M. J. t'avanatiglL and faniily. Miss Helen St. .To II 11 of iii:s city, ha ' Bis er Mrs. A. C. Birtl ai HigWand, during the week. ( i na, Btella aml Eoee LaHery ol Detroit, are guesfte of their aunt, Mr-, K. Aiidrees, for a week or so. llis&es Cora and Minnle Alezander Have been n catnp at Walled .Lake, Oaklamd i-ounty, for the past week. Mr, (in l Mis. .i. j, Goodyear are at KMder's Tolnt. Oayuga Lake, X. Y., and will reUirn li.uiic abont Sept. 1. Mrs. ir. .il. i.ovc, accompanled by her Helen, oi Sacramento, Cal., liave beeo in Uie elty for a few daye Mayor Walker will ihe ap 'nis summer rc-sldnce at Zukey Lake during the absoaice oí Pisident Hiseoek in th.; eat. Camelen W. Keen, of fStockion, Cal., law '90, was iu the city Wedluesday, JTe i-topped over on hls way ■feo Basto a. Wm. and daogbter Co: a who have been visátlng relatives ,-it . ilandicster and vieinity have returned home. Mr. noid Mws. Josepli Clark, oí Aun Arlio-r, have been vlslting theii' many friaads iiere this week.- Jonesville In(lependeiit.. Jas. II. I'nntiss lias retunied fro-m liir 1 u:nrss trip th.rough tliö west, In II10 iatorests oí llie Aun Arbor Oi-gaai Oo Prof. Iawrence C. Htill, of Lawreiueviüe, IN J., Ls int lie city for a íew l.-iy-, dolng .-.un.' reading in the University übrary. Mrs. E. C. Lusby bas retunoed iroan a iit willi, relativesal Müfwtl. lier üianadaugMer Lulu Steveas accosnljanit'il hor home. Oeo. A. Clark, wlho uid post-graduate woik here last year, has accepted a pirofeesopsliip im Yanklon College. South Dakota. Miss G-raee öorsellus (,ï Midlaad, will 1e tilie gueert „f her aunt Jüss Cornelia Oo-reelius, of Lawreaee et., for au txtended pertod. J. T. SulUvau anl Mary left Wedttnesday evening tor Jioslon via the M. C. rewte. They wtil be abtwo tliree weeks. T. .T., the Detroit business manager of '11,, ■ Vh ■.-.: i;,u and Su.rffeon, ís in the eitytils week, looking after tho intereses of that excellent Jc-timal. Major Harri-cn Soule is bil] for tho animal reunión of the Gth Michigan Heavy Artillery, to oe held at Battle Creek Augr. 28. Ék says tJio Moo.n. Frank 'Howard lias jnst returned froan a trip vliicli took in tlve Dakot as, WioiK-peg and northwestern C3aaada. He i.s warm la his „.aises of that country. Miss Emma Hayley of E. F. Mills & Co's, W Tinn-.sday fo,P a four week's sfcay In Bostoo and vicinity. 8be was aecompanied l,y her sister Mra. Addio Dau, Howard Green .-uní famiily will return -.o Am, Arbor next week where lie -will cu.ntinu,. hls ia,w studies when the rniv.M-Hy oiwns in October- Eattte Creek Hoon. Tho CMaitindale family wül remove fpomi College HU) to Ann Arbor about Sepi 1. wben E. A. Martindale will enter tho mediaal departmeiit of tbe t"ni orsity.-Hillsdale Standard. Fi'of. J. H. Lee and family, who liave been enjoyins the Hummer at tajiedr cottage ooi Woodland aTC., wlU leavo to-day for their home in Ann Arbor. Tliey wül probably movo to Detroit lm the near iuture-Petoskey Daily EesM-ter. Vfhrn ntght draws o'er the earth Her intuïtie, dark and shady, All thlnge seek rest in sleep, Except the baby. School Commissiooier Wedemeyer ia Misiting in Kalamazoo. I.. C. 'W.iiitmaiii is ppcndiug a weck witdi iriontU at CLareoce. O. A. Kelley of MBan', ivas in toAvn ( :i 1 ■ii.-incss (i-iday eirening. Mrs. "Walter Taylor returned home trom CliirM'o last evejiini;. P. W. ]{u(l-oi lias rctunwd fro-ru liis ii-ü wit.ii filemos in Canada. Mi.- Alina Moma has returned frem a two weeks' rtelt in Detroit. E. W. Wallaoe, oí Saline, called en f hen' J 'inu-sday evenlng. l'-uima Kemper has returned to Ener duties at the Argus Office. Wm. Anilics. of Dexter, has moved inio liis íiL'w house on 8. 1-tli st. Mrs. C. A. Cnapin lias moved lato ■ ■ ■ ■: ,, on Kingsley st. Fred Irwln h.-is lieen employed a3 L iu:iur In Cheinisti-y at liay City. B. J. Howieti of Chelsea, was callInig on iiiend.s in the city last nlght. Mrs. W. W. XVTiedon ivent to WhltLafce Satuiday to Litay several day.s. Fred T. McOanlber has retmrned froan bis vat-at;üiu spemt at the northem ieSUl'tj.. i.'mh - . EUley anil ilaugliter Eidna, are taking a? trip arouad tho Hairy Moone accotnpanied nis auiit Mns. Hajscall, on lier return lionie to Ole-veJ Mis. ]:.!. Boudlno, of Cleveland, O., - i of Mrs. E. Root of E. lluroai st. Mr. Flausel, of Mamcinester, was the gil sí oí g( a in-law, Fred Manty, -lay. W. J. Knapp, tlie -vell-knovn ChelhArdiware m-ercíiant, was in. ihe cïty Tliui-sday. W. J. Bootli and wiíe liavO returned íroim tlieir extended vacation. tr'.p thiongto ithc easst. F. Stofflet aud dau-liter, Miss llena, nttended Ule lk'ycle races at Mt. is Saturday. Mdss iLizzie DieJU ivlio has úeen at MdxJdle J!;i.-s jvlajid, íor .ooict ime, reluinrd !ioinol'riday. W. P. ttiiiio:i beft last eveninff íor ;i vaoatioiiiof a couple Of weck-. He goes to Hastlngs, etc. Clarence Xoble umi Tliad. E Lelaud ïoturiiril last aiight from their tramp to Petotefcey and return. Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Kiirkland and daughter, -who had boon vteitlng here if. u i-iicti home fco Gregory. Mdse J;I;iiii:hc Spa-agu left last night for iier Jiome in Chicago. A large ji.-n tv o irteeds earw hor off. Mi-, ■ama Mtb. A. C. Pack, Mre. H. M. Pack and dangtofcer Ruby, retuin ed f rom Base i.aki Saturday. Greorge Al'.n. bas petumed troon a ttoee weefssfcay at Mt, Ciernan improxi'd iii tieahli. Wm, Baar and wlte of Central Park rida, arrivOd Tlmr.sday to vist Mi1. Croly, of Jlayaard st. Judge P. A. Dolan, of Lansiug, is in the city the guest of hifi Bister Miss Jliiigiin ■' Dolan, of tí. Stato st. Celia üiennan leit tliis uioraiusi ior her home in Chicago, after an iiled vlsit with oUl friends here. Br. C. VT. Prettyman. of Chicago, AMerman H. G. l'rettyman, went to Oliio Thursday lor a sliort vi-it. Mr.-. 5Vffl. Matthews has returned home to Owosso, after a vtelt vvilh hei-'moiher Mi's. Fteher, of X. Main Bt. Scliice, the popular clerk in George Wato's State Bt. book store, ■ u at wo week's vaoation Frlday nujiniing. W. C. HoUamdB and family left on Friday last for a week'.s i-tay at the St. Flats aud a week's at Jaciksan. l'owell, a teacher in tiie C!evel,,iid schools with Miss Vida Pterc oí Webster, were gueets yesterday of Mir. R. 0. McAllaster. M ssrs. A.. V. Valentine, X. llegue and o. Curling, of Uexter, were in towjj ïhuisday. They were Iraying horees ior Bhipment to Detroit: Senator Toan Palmer and W. A. Mooie, of Detroit, stopped over in thla city awhüe Saturday on their way to Whitmure Lake and the Farmer's piemic. Mr. and Mre. E. E. Taylor left Frlday for tlielr future home in Muskego.Q. 1b best wishes of a host of friieawfa accompany the newly wcddied oouplo. Jollín O. Tlio'nijjson of the Dexter Leader, was in the city Thursday, but he didji't come to eo to the show- just came down as company ior those who lid go. Pnof. J. Leary aod wife, who were JBarried last week and have been the guests of Instructor T. W. Hughes and wiie during the past ten days, returned to Ontario Saturday a. in. Irof. Lcary Is the principal of one of the' city schools of Toronto, and hls wife U 'Mre. Dr. Hughes 'sister. Ufe to us is real and earnest, A lid the jzrave is not our goal, The 'jreütest effort from Chir-ao Fal.'ed to put us '-In tlie hole." Pío!. Adams ama wiíe havo returnc 1 lióme. Con-, (i.-iiis i j). nt Saturday and sSúu(!ay ;i I)r i'.sA Staebler and aví.'c speut Sun' i!.-. 5 at 'Wintmore Lake. II. II. cune lióme frcm Deti oit to Kpeud Suaday. Wm, Clfavoi1 and fami'y retorned f i om Portage I.ako to-day. Miss Olattie M. Drake lias returneú 'hume from her tivo weeks' vacatioii. Mauiiee Lantz and famlly return d Saturday from a t wo ■week's stay at Base Lake. X:1-0'íi ( and iain Iy h&ve retiirined from tlieir out ing at Zuk-'v Ijake. James t. Iíajitly, wibx) lias returned í; oii! liii' east, is visiting' frioncls L: Kala.mazO'O. Janiri Muioian, llie popular day clea'k art -t lie Oook IIousc, spent áun1. E. Clni-tmaai, of HaXIer's lurnituie store, has returned Iroin liis Misil to Cliicago: Mire. J. y. Ilatcli of Mattoon. I'J., ís rtsiting liei' pareata Mr. and Mrs. Barbotr, 45 Forest a,ve. Mr-. A. E. A. Canil:!, oí Leelie, s t.lie aucs-t oí her Iii-otlier, Dr. U. M. Tyler, foc ti few days. s. avIio lias be □ vMttng hsr eister, Mire. ('. M. 'ftaub, in Detroit, has retumied lLonie. Saín I.angsdorf carne iip from Detroit Saturday xiiulit and epent Hundaj ivith fche boye at Zukey Laki . Mise Mat tie Huddy, cashior at Sclmirer & Milleo's, has returned froni her vatation, wliieh was ispent in Clii-, ca.gx) Mms. Amy K Tayloir, now of Chicago, wlio has be&n visiting at .Tadge Cheever's, lias gome to Detroit lo vfcit f rienda. Juistice A. E. Gibson has retumed fromi JiLs trip to Ohio. Jle Is still a jolly Tachelor all reporte to the conitrary juit wit list anding. Clarenco Clark, wlio has "been cast all nummer, has coaicluded to return tu Aimn Arlor and ieumo hls studies, a.nil will arrive here to-üay. Ilamny C'. Seott, accoinpanied by his sister, Mire. llary Carter, of Honolulú, te in t-lie city for a few day's stay. MffB. Carter expects to go to Europe bciore retumiiig to the Hawaiian Islaoads. Mis. Martha W. Culvor, of Xo. 14 Mnynard H-t., has rented her house anti will leave here fco-morro-w for Jlaisc-n. wiieie she -will Uve with her som for a tinm Jlr.s. Culver is one oí the old reatóemitB of our city, and ome that i dfelikes to part company wit h,. A. F. Martin oí tno Gtli ward, remoreil Katurday to Ba y City for tiermanont res-klence. The city in his removal loses a good Citizen- on; always intorcsiod in and laboa-ing- for its lest interests. He was at. one tiinie alderman from the 6th ward.


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Ann Arbor Courier