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IINKLIN HOUSE] Corner Bates and I-arned sts., only a b!. from Woodward and fefferson ares. DETROIT, MICH. The house has been thoroughlyrenovtted and is in the heart of the city, convenient to g aü car iines, depots and boat landing. Par ny. 1.50. H. H. JAMES, j V PER M0NTH In Your Own Locality made easily and honorably, without capital, dnring your spare hours. Any man, woman, boy, or girl can do the work handily, without experience. Talking unnecessary. Nothing like it for moneymakingeverofferedbefore. Ourworkers always prosper. No time wasted in learning the business. We teach you in a night how to succeed from the flrst liour. You eau make a trial without expense to yourself. We start you, furnish everything needed to carry on the business successfully, and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our simple, plaln iustructions. Reader, if you are in need of ready money, anc want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a document giving you all the particulars. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. FnkW. Peterscnon. Directoro Muslo, Col. Sinii's New Park Theatre, lirook lyn, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y.. Feby. 4, 1892 Messrs. John F. stratton Dear Sirs -I have been using your Russia Gut v lolin fetrings for some tiaie. as have th members oí ny Orchestra. We no take crea pleasure In statinK thiit for Etrencth an punty of tonethey excel all others we bav heretofore used. Yours with bet wishes, FRANK W. FETEESCIIEN Estáte of Eliza H. Aulls. TATE OF MICHIGAN, I OUNTY OF WASIITKNAW ! ' At a session of the Probate Court foT the oiinty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Hice iu tlie city of Ann Arbor, on Tue- ie 16th dny of July in the ye&r one tbousht buDdred and ninety-flve. Present, J. Wülard Babbltt, Judge of lv.In'the matter of the estáte of Eliza H. ulls, deceased. On reading and flling the petition, duly erifled, of Matilda Ruckman praying that dministrution of said estáte may be granted o frank E. Jones or soine other suitable perThereupon it Is ordered, that Monday, the 2th dny of August next. at ten o'clock In the orenoon, be asslgned for tin.' hearing of said etltion and that the helra-at-law of Bald eeased, and all other persons interesled n said eslate. are required to appear t a session of said court, then to be lolden at the Probate Office, in the city f Ann Arbor. in said cotmty, and show ause,if any there be, why the prayer of the etitioner ehould not be grauted. And it is urther ordered that safd petittioncr give noce to persons interested iu said estáte, of the lendency of said petition and the hearing ,hereof, 'by causing a copy of this order to be mblishedin the Ann Arbor Daily Courier, a ïewspaper printed and circulated in said ounty, three successive -weeks previous to aiddáv of hearing. Atrue"copv.l J. WILLAKD BABBITT, Judge of Probate. W. G. Doty, Probate Register. NOTICB TO CkeDITOES. QTATEOF MICHIGAN, County ofWash5 tenaw. Notice is hereby given.that by an order of he Probate Court lor tlio County of Washteaw, made oh the llth day oí July, A. D., inonilis ïroni that date were allowed r creditors to present their claims iainst :ie estáte oí Daniel E. Wines late oi said ounty, deceased. and that all creditors of aid deceased aro required to present their laims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Hice in the city of Aun Arbor. for examinaion aud allowance, on or before the llth ay of January next, and that such claims i'll be beard before said Court, on the llth ay of Octobei and on the lltli day of January ext, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon of eaeh aid davs. Dated, Ann Arbor, July llth, A. D..1S95. J. WILLARD BABBITT, Judge of Probate. Chaneery Sale. In pursuance and by virtue of a decree of he Cucuit Court for tne County of Vashteaw. in chaneery, State of .Michigan, made ndentered on tne seventeeth day of June 895, in a certain cause therein pending n John Christian Schmidl is complainant nd Sarah Fletcher and Mabel A. Flotcher re defendants. Notice is hereby giveu that I hall sell at public auction to the hlghest ïidder, at tlie east entrance of the Court ' louse, in the city of Ann Arljor, State of [iohigan (that being the building In which he Circuit Court for the Couuty of washtenaw a held), on Wednesday, the 2öth day of Sepember, 1895, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of aid day, the following described propërty ituated in the city of Anu Arbor. County oí Vashtenaw and State of Michigan, to-wit:- Lot nmnber seveu in block number three outh of Huron Street in range number live ast, accordlng to the recorded plat of the vilage (novv city) of Ann Arbor. Uated August 5, 1S95. O. EJjMEE BlITTKRFIEl.n, Circuit Court Commissioner, Washtenaw County, Mieb. Thompsox & Haeriman, Solicitors for Complainant. N'O. 22477 A.A. LIBRARY OP COXGItESS,) Copyright Office, Washington.) To wit: Be it remembered, That on the Sist day of February, 1805, unius I.. lieal, executor. of Ann Arbor, Mich, ïas deposited iu this office the title of a book, he tille or descriptiou of which is in the folowfng words, to wit: "Dr. Chase's Kecipes or Information for iverybody." The right whereof he claimsas proprietor in onformity wlth the laws of the United States especting Copyrights. A. E. Spoffobd, Librarían of Congress. In renewal from October 15, 1895. 4-t atLliTÍREDinTítCUSFAlUTCfÜCE. THE AMERICAN TOBACCD MHWHY 5UCCESS0 W ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD REUABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Has stood the Test of Time MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED OIVE EJOY Both the method and resulte when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system effeetually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its raany excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs ia for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by ali leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any ojie who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOWSVILLE. KY. NEW VORK. N.Y. W &T- JB&Mf JBl descriptlve JT vJÊffMÊL ƒ pampblet. 8 f.r sj.50. PF Schenectadv. N.Ys WANTED IMen toworkforuswhodesire tomake money this fall and winter during slack times. Excellent chance. Liberal pay. If you have spare time, out of work, or looking for a paying busiI ness write me at once. I Fred. E. Young, Nurseryman ROCHBSTER N. Y. üiilikTthe Dutch Process ÍKo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. Bater & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than, three times the st'rength of Cocoa mied with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is f ar more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers evorywhere. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester. Mass. IXASTHMA? SCHiFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure Never faila to give instant relief in the worst oases, and elfccta cures where othcrs rail. TrlBl PacltHge FIÍEE of Drukts or by Buil.. Addra-i DR. B. SOHIFPlMNKjSt, . Pl, ■. CAN I OBTATN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an honest opinión, wnte to MUNN ifc CO., who have had nearlyflfty years' experience in the patent business. Communications strictly confldential. A Hajidbook of Information concerning Patent and how to Obtain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechanical and seientiflo books sent free. Patents taken tbroiigli Munn & Co. receive special noticeinthe öcientific American, and thus are brouRht widely bef ore the public without cost to the inventor. This solendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has byfar toe largest circulation of any scientifle work in the world. S3 a year. Specimen copies sent free. Building Bdition, monthly, Í2.6O a year. Single copies, -iS cents. Every number contains beautiful platea, in colors, and photographs of new houses, wtth plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUUN & CO., NEW YOKK, 361 BKOADWAT. QEOL DSEFFENSACH'S tö5. PROTAGON CAPSULES, AV'jmm!ví Sure Oure for Weab Men, aa aSüw aÏA Proved byreports of leadingphy PQjUKrraB siciaus. State age in ordering. lifr nl)]pri(:c'1 Catalogue Free. rXn , v tS A O A A safe and speed? ILJmM. IJ flj IS cre for Gleet, JÊa WÊUÊtL WWW Strlcture and all M Mw unnatural discharges. Price!S2. WbW Éreer SPEClFlCS'fSïJI VMÊWW V and Skin Blseases, Scrof. nlonH Sores andSyphilitic Affectloasi witli outmercury. Price, S3. Order f rom THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL GO. igSS. 189 Wiaconsin Street, MILWAUKSE, WIS, J At the expense of little U MIJ Í i mo.iy and his spare émmiwrrif i time obtain a fair wor"HWjHHl i ing education. JSTUDYATHÓMEl THROUGH THE SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION, í Comprising the leading correspondence schools in theworld. 0 SUBJECTS TAUGHT. 4 I AUf The School of Law prepares pupils foradmission { LA ff to Ee ar' ï' an extended, thorough course. Has f é over i,6oo students in every part of the country. ' t iniin&l A I 1CM Tllis school teaches journalistic i } JUUnwALlolVl %L?% ork ftom le foun ífífifW IrmiUn This school ís conducted hy Í á KULIKIVttr lili] one of the ablest teachers of t j UUU n- '"" book-keeping in Araerica. { 'PUnDT UAUri This school teachesshort-handby i OrlUnl"HAIlUthe best system, and from the be. } Í ""' ""'"' ginning to the best expert work. f i nnrrl .„J I ITIU This school i l GKElK and LA I IN iatiun' -pition a„d tion to the most advanced work in the classics. j The aboïe schools tench by the ■) ', ence method oiily, and recognize uo rivals ii t } their respective ilelds. A Adtiress, stating in 5 f jfiJjv ' stamps for catalogue. ï Relief in Six Hours. Distressiag Kidney and Bladder diseoses relieved In eix h.ours by the "New Great South Amertcan Kidney Cure." This bcw remedy is a great surprise on account of lts exceeding promptness in relievlng pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in malo or female. It relieres the retentlon of ■water and pain in passing it almost immediat-ely. If yoti Avant qulek reHef and cure this is your remedy. Sold by H. J. Brown, druggist, Aan Arbor, Mtch.


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Ann Arbor Courier