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P. M. Cantonment

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Major J. J. Frguson, lstBattalion, 3d Regiment Patriarchs Militant, I. 0. 0. F., hands the Courier the following orders emanating froin the Headquarters Department of Michigan, whieh explaiu themselves : Head. Dept. of ."Uich., P. M., I. 0. 0. F. Fi.ixt, Mich., August löth, 1895. ;EX. ORDER NO. 1 . A Department Cautonment and Military Display Drill is hereby called for October 8th and 9th at Ann Arbor, at uhich time and place all Ofñeers in command of Regiments, Battalions and Cantons, also Staflf Officers of the Brigade, Regiment and Batallious sliall report to rheir respective Gommanders for dutv. htatt utncers and Cols. ot Eegs. shall report to Lt. Col. A. Huffbrd, Chief of Staff for orders and positions in line of parade, at 10 a. m., Oct. 8th, at the Dept. Com'r Headquarters. Officers and Chevaliers intending to compete for prizes, will report to Major J. J. Ferguson, lst Batt. 3rd Beg't of Arm Arbor, for full instructions in regard to the same, at 10 :30 a. m. Oct. 8th. Ass't Adj't Gen'l, ï. A. Willett, will be at Brig. Gen. J. W. Adair's Headquarters from 7-till 9 a. m. and 11 to 12 a. m., Oct. 8th to receive and file reports from Officers. Headquarters has been, established at the Cook House, where the Dept. Com'r will be found, ani hopes to meet every Officer and Chevalier in Michigan. It is the earuest desire that this shall be the largest and most interesting Cantonment ever held in the Department of Michigan, and that every Officer and Chevalier in the Department will be a committee to see that it is so. A I ness meeting of the Department Council will also be held at this time and place, to transact any businsss that may legally come before it. The hour and place for holding said meeting will be announced later. me couiK-ii wiU becomposedof those enumerated in Sec. 102 and 103, Code of As some very interesting reports aud matters will be presented, let there be a full attendance. PKIZES TO BE AWAEDED. List of prizes to be given by Ann Arbor Cantón, So. 30, and citizens, Aug. 8th and 9th, during the State Cantonment Patriarchs Militant, I. O. O. F. under the direction of Gen. J. W. Adair' Department Commander. Cantón Prize. Best drilled Cantón, not less than 15 swords. ISt 7= on fa -i::::::::::::::::::;:::: oo ■itll 12 jo ñ , ÏI62 50 Uonxmanders of Cantons drilling. rize:r 'ooo Sg :: ---":-:::::::::::::::::::::::::: loo ■HU 2 50 $25.00 Swon] Drill open to all Officers and Clievaliers. IstPrlze in oj -11'1 - 7 5U " ;: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ïï Í25 O I Cantón travel ing longest üistance, but less thiiu 15 swords _ _ $25 0(1 Largest Cantou iu line „II 2ó 00 Oldast c'nevalierinfull uniform, march' ina: _'_ 5CÜ Youngest Chevalier in íull uuilorm, marcliiníí _ g qq Special Prizes CRebëka'hsltö'dëcideJ Handsomest Chevalier __ $050 Tallest Chevalier _ " I '""" Homltest ZIT._L I 2 50 Sliortest II___III 2 50 Tu the heaviest Chevaíier in fnïï uniform in the parade and drilling, also to the Iightest weight Chevalier, a liandsome Buitable P. M. badge, engravecí on the back, presented by the Eebekabs of Ann Arbor. Severa] special prizes not mentioned anove will also be presented to Offlcers and Chevaliers. Rules and Regulations sball be as fol1OW8 : Cantona competing Lor prizes, must consist of not thaii I2men and 3 officers, fifteen men and oue officer. The Commander drilling the Cantón must be a meinber of tlie Cantón drilling. The schedule of drill shall in all cases be the one attached to this Prize List. Ohevaliera competing in sword conte.8t shall be in the uniform of their rank, exeept the sword and belt, whieh may be if desired a Chevalier's. All Cantons desiring to drill, shall report through thir Captain or Clerk, the Name, STo., location, number of Swords, and ñames of Chevalier's who shall take part in the dril!, also name of ;ng Officer, to tbe A. A. Gen. Competïtors for sword contest shall report in person to the A. A. Gen., also all who wish to compete for the special Rebekah irizes. It is the desireof the Department Commander, that all Cantons and Chevaliers, entering for competative Irills, or who intend to be present shall report to the A. A. Gen., not later than Sept. 25th, -1895. By Order of


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Ann Arbor Courier