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The Present Emperor Of Germany Was

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fortúnate in 1 1 is elioiceof íi father and a grandfather; but it is not so sure that they wore eqnally fortúnate in the selectiou of a son and a grandsou. Several English papers concede tbat Cuba will jiet autonomy, no matter liow many re-euforcemente may be forwardedtothe island. Spain is blinded by foolisb pride and will not admit that reviving the Cuba of the past is au absolute impossibility. Mr. Edfeon lias no doubt about the certainty oí oxecutlng a criminal by electricity. He aaya abont thii-ty limemcij. are killed every year Ty contact Avitli a live -viro and Uicy are protcc-ted bjr Uieir clothlng and low voltapi. Mr. Tesla expiresses a similar opinión concerning capital punisliment by ok-etrichy. "Bradgtreet'e" retuiras írom 145 nads revcal a gain of 3.C per cent. fin the gross eanünga of those Unes in tho tlnst kíx montlis of 1895 over fchoBe ui the correeponding time in 1894. This is -very encouragins imtelllgeince, and the next bix monlhs' ïigures ;u-o lllcely to be better yet. ïhore is no "Ict-ui)" anywliere iu the business improvcment. Tliere are 99 Hfe comviot.s in the prisan .Ikto. Of "these. 87 are iu for murrtiT nl eiulit foc criminal assault. Jo-eiiU BiKiui'l te. is the oldest timeaervör, hiavlag beem receiveü 37 years :rza f or BMiirdering his 2-year-old ch'ld. Cartliolomew Bands is the oldest lifer, beiing 83. He caine to prison 34 c:r. ago. He te in tlio pirisoa HosI. - Jacksoo Citizen. ímgalls' flesire lo retürm to iiie senate ís natural, anid far roasons equally natural Kansas ouglit lo return Mm. In-teilectually he stands liead and Khoailders abovO cvery other man tliat Htate lias luid Ín co His o'-ection to euceeed Peffer would mean that tklirium troinciis politics had emdied to Kansas and Uiat üoler and normal eoiwliüons liad rappeared. The Ijóg corn erop wlll reduce the per Imslicl to the farmer, but it vriti help the farmer an:l the country ne-vcrthcles.. Lajge cmope alwaya propert&y. Tho western raüroais nre expectímg largor groes recelpts in tho next iwelre months than they have had at any tilme la tho past two or tlureo years. Of course, largor treeeipts wiU ïncessitate larger tüs■bursements and incréase the general business cicUvity. A facetions writer answers the questiou: "Whatismarriage?" Marriage is the placing oL God's seal on the golden clasp wliich bindá love's two volumes oflifeinone. A woman answers the question as follows : "It'sthe way to get a'bousekeeper and general Bervant for her board and one calicó dreas a year. A man wli no doubt married ii liaste to repent at leisure, defines mar riage as "the universal lottery of life. At once the desire and dread of all. Bliss in anticipation, blister in realization." Thia is a salutatory of an Á.rkánsas ed itor: "Oar aim- Teil the truth though the heavena take atumblo. Our paperOf the peoplo, forthe people. Our re ligion- Orthodox, with a firin belief iu heil for delinquent subscribers. Ou motto- Take ül in eight and rustle fo more. Our policy-To love our friend and brimstone our enemies. Ii tliine enemy smite thee on one cheek Bwip hini with luiste and dexterity at the bu of the most convenient ear. AVhat w advocate - Our eontry,one flag and on wife - at one time. Our object - To liv in pomp and splendor." The cause of hoine rule for Iieland is under a cloud, and will probably remain there for some time to come. It will get no comfort from the Salisbury Government,and the Grand Old Man is not in a position to do anything for it. Perhaps, however, a period of rest will be good for all concerned. Good roads appear to be one of the investments tliat pay from the start. The flrst county in New Jersey to thoioughly improve its roads is Union, and the increased valuation of its property in a single year is $1,359,600. At Summit, N. J., the -increased valuation is $419,000, over 25 per cent. The Telford roads going down in New Jersey are pronounced excellent by all who drive and als by bicyclers. Tbc earnficMs in the south are bafe iroin he daager of ui eariy frost, whiuli is muit excellent reason why corn k!i(íu'.( be gTOwn in tliat section. -j iiupui t:iK-c nf this fact was appareat dn 1883, when a September trost enxt tliic con-u erop of llie country iram 12,000,000,000 bmeheta lo 1,551,000.000. Growere ot com in tlie sou I reaped ateo the toeneüt oí hJgber prices. Hungary next year will celébrate the one-thousaudth anniversary of the foundation oL the kingdom by holding an exposition on a grand scale at BudaPestli. ïheChamberof Commerce in tliat city is sending out invitations an 1 kindly including juveniles like the United States tliat are only 100 years old. When Uncle Sam reaches the age of 1000- but the inind totters at the mere thought of what niay happen then. A French zoologist has measured the lectric current of a torpedo fish and nds tliat it is from 2 to 10 amperes, vi tli a difference of potential of froin 15 o 20 volts, the maximum current indiating about a fourth of a horse-power. Those who have experienced a shock rom this remarkable little flsh report hat they felt as if they had encounterd one mule-power, butof course sensaion is not to be trusted as a gauge of lectrical forcé. Young man, do you want to be independent; above the hard knocks of veryday life, free from the old story of 'nothiug to do?" Then learn a trade ; naster soine line of business that demands skilled labor; learn whatever you go iuto perfectl}', make it the study of your lite, so that when Saturday uight comes you be fully satisüed witli your Oku labor aud feel that those for whom you have vvorked are left in the same condition of mind. Men who can be spared are too numerous to be desired. Bountiful crops are not the rule in ïuropè iliis year as they are in America. Che phylloxera is still ravaging the vine■iirils of France, and the wine erop will ïot be above 060,000,000 gallons a faling off from last year of 34 per cent. fhis insect appears to be one of the wort mown to cultivators of the soil. In .wenty years it has reduced the total area of French vineyárds from 6,919,859 acres to 4,364,864 and the yield of wine y one-half. If the Government entomologists can keep the pest out of this country tliev will perforin a highly valuible public service. A recent circular to the public issued by the superintendent of the ninlli división of the railway mail service states that the immense letter mail for Chicago will be hereafter separated for the carriers eutirely on the trains, thus much facilitating prompt delivery. All mail for that city should bear, in addition to the street and number, the numher of the carrier's route or the letter of the sub-station. Your correspondente the re eau easily furnish this information and mail hearing sucli designation will be delivered much quicker than without. Lord Woteeley, wh.0 has just been made commaiider-la-cJiiel of tho Britisk .tirmy. is one of many men who have Jiad occasion to regre-t a controrersy ■wlth Jeff Davie. His Lordijlii]) severa! yeaars ago wrote a war artklc for one o( the reviews In which lic witicised tlie military eapacity of the Confedérate leider. Davis repüod tit leaiglli in Belf-defense, andcoucludccl w'Mi au expresión oí surprise at the source of the attack made upon limi. U ! liad never had tlie honor bf Gen. 'Wo'.solcy's acquaintance and toad never feueard ol liim except in oom Hli "au unrealized hope for 'the rescue ot Gen. Gordon.1' Of late y aars telegraph operators have about discarded the yèncil and take telgrams, especially press reports, on the typewriter. Now tliattype setting machines are in common use in all the leading newspaper offices the experiment of setting the type up direct from the wire :s being tried. The operator reads the message by sound and instead of touching the keys of the typewriter and putting the message on paper in printed characters the operator simply touches the keys of the type setting machines and puts the news into cold type ready for printing. At Louisville, Ky., recenly, matter was thus set up at the speed of 30 words a minute and at anothertesi a speed of 50 words was reached.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier