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D. I. Laten te vlsittng frlends in Baltoe. B nest RchaiMe oí Lüdi, called en -. here yesterday. Al' a Derter, oí Mi revi'le, was in ilie cltj y.-irril i.v oi.i business. Miss iEaibe Biukhardt of Saline, Is visiting Anu Arboir friende. Misa St;-U:i Ilimt of M;iKcli-s;ei is Mr gouest of friendfi in Ann Arbor. Mrs. Eelbee Cordlfty, is visiting vHh f i-.iU inilu: vieinity of Petteysvi .ie. Mr.-. M. M. (.raliam o: Bridgewater, has beon visitlng friende in Ann Arbor. Miss Jerushia .mith oí TJllaa, is iijltag a few day.s liere with friffiitls. Mr ;ira:l Mns. Jacoto Klein, of Lima, were guesta over Sunday of their il i ïi. ül'lUU':-. Fned Stoiuikolil ui(l fami'y left en Satimlay eVentag fOT Ann ArbOï1 :nd froin iJiere waai to Chicago, where t.hey are wltoessdag the nuiny sigli s te uin:ly city. - Manchester Enterp lise. ■Jhe last legtelafcare materially streniarüiemed tlue puire Jood i;ivs (.f tta state amd provided, among o;her tliiDgs, for fli;' appoinünfiif of inire uo seek otul and report violation.s oí tlic law. Oui' fiiciiuls at Ypmlanti liad a liüt time of il at tlieir school meeting Momday cirüni.i. also. The result of Uu clectdiOia was the cho-ice of W. TI. Sucet. -wiio recoived 342 votes, and Mr.-. JemiisICiune 289 "vxi'tes. Fiank "Ward, wlio se home was ubo'ut one mite east of Lima Center, dieel o;i 'l'hui sday oí last week, of erysilpekis, aged í- years, .nd funeral servfces Avere lield Saturday. at the residmee. Mr. Ward was ill liut a íew (lrars. Dexter Leader : "W. B. Phillips of Anuí Arbor, was in town Wednesday, nwiking arrangciacnl.s for a men's meeting ito le held here Sunday nfternoon, Sept. 8tih. Tlie meeting will lie iu fclarge of tbe Ann Arbor Young Men' C'liiKtinii Association and will be itíteresting-." A laii'ge tarántula wás found in tibie anaish noirth oí town a few daye KLace. Tlie Bpider was of the original southeiiu epectes, and very active, showinu' t lia.i they may le expeeted to breed in t liis paart of the country, wlik-h will aiot be a pleasjnig thonght by any mjeans. - Saline Observer. "The piize oí a Bjjk banu v, to the laigest ontside union in attendance was awarded to the priater's an:on of Ann Arboa-." is what the Detroit Pree Prese says thte morniaig's ui Monday'.s Labor Day parade in that city. The union had 25 unen in line. The i- nu elegant .me. The boy's expect tiie in a few day There came beding quite a tragedy at the millmery (jtwre of ■Jhri.stine -I ïi ■ u i - -liier Kunday al'tornoon. A smaJi oil ötto"fetook iire and was boldly oarried tJie whole length of the store ty Mre. Iieut chle"'.s at. Ie daugh(tr. It is a woinder tihiat the gin escaped ulive. The fire departiment was called lo the scène but wad not needed. nie fire (lepaitnieint was called oit t?ueday naoimlng at abuut 1 o'dock 'to 5 Walmit Btreet. John Wilson's house was on fire "rom cellar to root aind in Bpite oí t.he efforts of. the fire laddlee was almost eaitirely destroyed. IIiow tiheítre oj-ininated is a mystery. Mr. 'Witeoin's fannily were at Portage Ii!ke aad ie went títere Saturday evenliis. The building was insured fof '$1500 and contante for $600. The Ioias atooTe tJifa is very sliglit. IUchard Zebbs and Jacob Hoffner, aow under three yeaa-'s e entences, triel iio escape froin fche cotmty jail Satuiday nicïht. Boane ome had pagseö .il 't o ihcm a large pair of phiniber's ton'gs and they liad made a compre of eaws out. of table knives. AYhen úi-oveic(l Iby Depmíy "Wool they had sawed off a coup.Le of small bars but were iar troon betngiat liberty. Tliey were coufimod together in the second tier, fche cell In wliich Hand had been kepIC


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Ann Arbor Courier