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The bloomer raaiden has come to stay, And heuce it anpears to me That it won't be lonsc till we see the day VVhen wmen can cllmb a tree. - Indianapolis Journal. Amos Dunlay of Detroit, has removed to tJiis city, a dn Utos an Maiden Lane.Prof. J. H. Drato lias rented Xo. 5 1-2 aiomroo si., and move? into it Scpt. lOtli. The First National Baat with its maliogany dsks, marWe bases and tile floors, is besinning to look very fine. N. H. Clarke, a pro-inlaent Idaho buiiness man hias rented 43 S. Ingalls ert., tund will enter ihc law departÜKMlt , Mts. P. T. Tracy and daughter oí Chicago, are moving into 9 Walnnt st. The daughter will atteaid the School oí Masic. The tjtore bel omging to David Binsey and oecupied by Mrs. Morton, on E. "Waíhuig-toiu ii., ia being changad Inte ma lly. J. H. Mays, law '05, last yeai-'s jlia,mp.ion 'orator in the University, is moviug iiito 23 Maynard st., for the coming y?ar. Xko city clerk lias 't lio ncw dog tags om. liiiud for '05-0. 'i'lnoy aro bbaped sa 'tlKit they niay be attached to the dog's collar, ajid not easüy lost. A co'iupliete coarse oí educational WOdk 'ha.s been mapped out by the '. M. C. A. íor tiiis -wiater, consisting oí instructioii in Germán, Englisli, Civil g-O'Venanient, dirawlng, penman.ship, connmcrcial training, etc. Each coiHBe iwUl consist of at least one lesaom cacU -vcek for twenty-five weeks, Avliile soveral of tlxe most necessary jourses vill liavO two lessons each week. Last year tlie attondance upon tlioso conrses numbered sixtyseTn. This year it is hoped to itlio atteadance ip to 150 at least. A little aclie.a little piihi, A little grief or sorrow ; Clieer ut), clieer up. and take my word It will be gone tomorrow. A little eold, a little rain. A Hule cloud we borrow; (Jhe=r un, cheer up I sim, Moom and blrd Will ail be here tomorrow. Mam ís tl 10 only animal who pnnislies filis off-sprtog in anger. The Nu S,igrma jS'u medical iraternity wlli occupy ftli-o lïcnise at 10 N. State mext yeasr. JIrs. .L. J. Hess lias moved to No. 23 Thompson st., AvlierO slie will open a 'toiardiug liomso. MifliiigaiL hais had to 'gh-e up first place Aa tule production. of salt to New York. Tüie Wolverines must be gt'tiiiiig o, little fre&li. The TvadieB Home Journal says: AVeddi.ii.1:- presents are always sent to the prospecitived bride whether t iie acquaintance has been only with the lridiesro'O(m or notu Tlie íriends oí Hng-h Jenkins, the stome niiacso-n, who lof fc here some mouitJis as"o to livie in Jackson, will regret to leann that he has "become almost ito'tally blind recently. Mr. Gecra-ge P. 'Wilder of the FUk phaimacy, will return to Aim Arlxir September 20. Mr. Wilder has accepted a position as assistaat in the p-harmaceutical department oí the Univensity. - Daily Eesoi-tcr. Edwnrd lioudino't, a íormer well respeöted resident of this city, ilied iu Danville, 111. about two weeks ago ol heart disease. He leaves a wife ■one so(n. Hls son is Omp'loyed with the Standard OU Co., at Cleveland, O. The pashor's blble class of the Presbyterian chuxch Uuring the coming ■winter will be a conree in "The Theology of Cfartóï," an-d. will be counted as a part oí tlie work of the ïappan Assofiatioai. It will be a v&ry fine course. TJiere aa-e two dangerous pieces of sidewalk. Oee on tiie noi-th side of Militar ave., froini Firsit to ets., a ad Wie other on the west side of ípi-iag gt., f rom Miller ave, to the bridge. Respectfully referred to the committee on eidewalks. Tliiree tihlngs help yomr town and T.heroby help yon. Trado at home. Do wliat you can to keep it clean and iuat. Bpeak well of it. In amy of tíhe aboyo texts there lies room for a Bermon, and levery person iu Ajnii Arbor elwnld preach and it. It is said tliat "bread destroys 1he sniell of anLons, and if water witli a picec oi bread in it be boiled in a pan snueljimg oi onions it will thoroug'hly clean it. TJio water sJiould be allowed o boil for about an hour, then bo emptied out, a-nd the pan wel! dried." Speaklng of the proposcd curfew ordhiance, a lady, and a luarned lady at that, suggests that the law be ameeded so as to inchide all the moa as weül, as she thiiiks that iL the ofiicers oJf thíe law -vould compel all tbc oidor men to go to tlieir liomes at nhie o'dock, the ïnothers could keep 'tiio boys at home without auy Tery gTeat trouWe. The 'bacilliis oí diphtheiia is not a ■nery iliuge iusect, being only one twenty-fivc-thou.-iaxidth iof au inch long, and -u-üien iixed ia the huiuun thro&t it grows int o a network with. other bacilli proiduced f rom it, all operating togetlior ito produce a. viruleet poison whlch, whian takon into tho Nood, causes ttue fatal cooasequenciis so apt t'o follow froni the disease. "H&ve 5011 obsierved," said a meroliaint, to a customier, "Tlie liandsoma advertlseaueat I have just paiated O'ii. t3ie fence between Ypsilauti and Amu Ai-bor ?" '-No,' tlie cuistomer said "but if jou -vill isend tho fence to our house, I wiU try and read the anmounoomenti. I read tlie papers and I haMen't time to go 'round reading the hill boards." ThO mercnant scratcüod liis liead. She may have a face of the rarest grace, Her hair like gilded eold may be; Sho raay come of a race able to trace Clear back to Noah its ancestry. Slie may carry the palm, but not one chai'in Can be fouml in thegirl by me; My heart, cold and calm, she surely can't harm Ifbor bloomers bag :it thp knee. - New York World. It tafces bo'th grace a.nd grit to set alonar pleasantly with. people who never make mfetakes. Elsie, 'tJiO Httle two year old daughtor of Win. Gcxstz, dded Tuesday nigh from tfee effects oí teething. The Eberbach Chemical Co. are displayiiag a case of perfume, which is to ibe ijivea away at the co'unty fair. Nües lias 2S Avoimea who support Unir iiusbaads by their owu labor. "Iüh; census was taken at a sewing socletj-. Bdwatrd H. ICüboiuun, of Lapeer has remted the Cüapt. Janes liouse, at No. 40 E. University ave., and is moving tihereiiQ. Prof. K. II. Kempf lias been engaged as organist and chorister of St. Andrews' Episcopal Chucli, and will coininence his duties thereiu Oet. Ist. The Baptist parsonage and the residence next door, of Mrs. Loomis, on E. Ann st., have both been very much improved by the removal of the old picket fences froin in front of tliem. liradfoa-d & Co limfted, made aa assig'nment Wednesday to' Edward Dufiy in iavo'i' oï thelr credltors. They ran a grocery and provisión store on E. "Washiing-to'ii ut., corner of Fiftli ave. Paraatis eliould gOt their ehildren ready to begin sehool on the first day of tihe term. A great deal dependa iipon .beimg prexmpt yourselves aiid in teadhding your cliiMren promptness. , The sa;ttie laborer who lound an 1S27 cent while digging in the trencli ou Main st., lias Jound a Mexican dollar lof 1831, in tlie State st. trench. Ií Oie keeps on digging lie will no do abt strtke a. goM mine. H he proposed city ordinance relativo to young children TDëing npon tho streets aights, ehould be passed and enfonced in tliis city, the poem, "curfew must not ring to-night," would le extremely popular. Wells street, where the street car track was laid and taken up again, is in very bad shape, and needs attention. Tliis should be done before the countv fair commences, as thon it will be in great demand and should be in siood coiiilition. "We leavn that Charles Kempf, "orother of Mts Ir. Kapp, wbo has been doing a soiccessíul mercantHe business in Spokane, "Wash., stül has a Love for old ilk'.hig-am and may return. He lias a farm near Ann Albor.- Mancüueste-r Eaiterprfee. T"h.e Graad Bncanipmcnt oí the Department oí 'Michigan I. O. O. F. mieets ,iia thiis city on Oot. 8-9 with headquaiters íit the American House. ThU is at the same time as the cantamnent aad exhdbition' drill of the Patrlau-clis Militant oí the order. The ipeach season is at its height about Grand Rapids, and every mornInir 'the markot is dmsely crowded ■veitli Variner's wagons. "Weduesday moming the namljer of wagons on the míurbet ivas estimated at 2,000. Upwards -oi 15,000 bnstuela oí peaches wiere offered íor sale besides an immenise quaaitity of otüier fruits and g-arden truck. The eeooiad aaniial rally of llie Eaton cou.nty Sunday Schools, held at Gl'.arl.o'tte '"Wedaesday, was a complete success, O'ver 5,000 lx;mg :n thu parade. Xever bef ore .was such a crowd seen in that city ; every ■business place was beautifully decorated and eveT.vthin passed off beautifully. Captain E. P. Allen, of, delivei'cd the address, whk-h wê full of beautiful tliou.ghts and expireesions of cii.tiuii-ia.sni for Sunday School woi'keri. It is sad to note the change in the stj-le of "ai-guments" of our esteemed neigJibO'r the Xpsilanti öentinel. Ui'ietofore that paper has een noted lor rits eharp podnts, and excellejit arg'uments. Xow if it difïers with ïinoüier P'orsou that uerson is brainless, 'and anj' ouo it seeks to criticise is "a rat and tan pup."' l'or yhnme. It is tho'tight that either the otó gentleman is in his second childhood, or Avliat is more probable, that h lias giveoi his pen over to ihe son.


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