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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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aSiNFIJL HABiïS IN YOUTIp ! LATER EXCESSES !N MANHOOD . K MAKE NERVOUS, DSSEASED MEN j STUC P EC S E T : ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mine! and body induo-r R i H t ï tO il L 1 ed by lust antfexposure aro constatóte wreckin Iho hves and intni eg öhappiness ToL Sou' and , of promising yonng men. ome facie and witter at Hitlj ge Bat the blossom óf manhood, while öthers arë roroed (o ,drag out a weary, JiJeoS ';$ Rinelaricholy existenee. Others reaoh matrimony bnt fina no Bolaco or comfort there. -he Svictims are fonnrt in all stations of life:-The farm, tho oflio;-, the workshop, tho pdpit,g. BJthe trados and the professions. : f RESTORED TO MAMHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. # Win. A. WALEEB. Wil. A. WALKEK. HES. CHAS. FKEEÏ, CHAÜFKliEY.9 RbbfosË TBEATSEENT iTOEB TEEATMEHT Divorced bet nnited agaia ; i-'i'JO MAMES On TESTIMOHIftLS UotLD VVÍTHGUT WRiTTEN CONSENT.- f i i 1 Tm.A. Walker of 16th Street saya:- "I baye snffered Í. VPHILSS ontoldagoniBsrormy'gaylife." Í tcs indiscreet whenB. yonngandignorant. As "One of the Boys" i contractedgj W FMSQQifliJS Syphilis and other Private diseases.. I had ulcers in theK [ tITiaOOi'-f 1O mouth end throat, bone paius, hair loóse, pimples ong "■ QTRIfTI IRS-" face, finger naiJs oame off, e:niseions, beoame thm anden j OHIIUI UsJi. despondont. Seveu doctors treated me with Mercary.K fl IR PD PotaHl),stc. They helpcd me bat coald not cure me. vUnfcU FinailafrisndinducednietotryDra.Kennedy&Kergan.E [TheirJSewMothodTreatmentcaredmoiii a few weeks. Thcir treatment is ■ You feel youreelf gaining every day. I havo never heard of their faiimg to cnre in asmgleg wcase' i-CURE3 GUAWANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED KCapt. Char,. Ferrysays:- "loTTomy lifa to Drs. K. & K. samr%m.fF-íkfáf VI At UI learned a bad habit. At 21 I had all the symptpms RPOTEnlCY L of ÍSeminal Weasness and Spernmtori hcea, Emissions ntifnatrB eW Jwere draining and wapening my Titahty. 1 marned at VArSiVUILLt I ?24 under advice of my Irnily doctor, bnt ït was a " „IiíírtirfCVio M Lta;l experience In eïghtetn nonths we were divoroed. I ESVsSbölöWö !' ■theii consulted Drs. K. & K.. ho restored me to manhood VTunr-n. S Sbjtheir Nnw lIJhodTrealm.:' -. Ifeltanew lifethrilltíirough CUKtSJ ïl ! Imy nerves. Wa were unit-.; l s :ain and aro happy. This was igf :six years ago. Drs. K. & K. aio scientino specialista and I heartuy recommend tuem." n i ' n SVc t'cat andettre Varicocch, Emhsions, Nerveus Debility, Seminal& Weakness, Gteet, Strici::; "yphilis, Innatural '. Discharges, Self Abme Kidney and Bladder Dis K 17 YEARS IN DETï.OIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISK K sOCñrSTE? ! Aro you a victim? Have yon lost hope? Are yen contemploting mar-J íEÍLLL5 ■ riage? Has your Blood been iliseased? Have ycu any weakness? Cnrif l New Method Treatment willcrevou. Whatit hasdone for othfré it will do for you. Kj')iSULTAT!ON FREE. No matter whq has treated you, write ínr an lionest opinión FreeSS Eof Charge. Charges reasonabla. BOOKS FREE- "Ths Golden Monitor" (illuetratcd), on eaaes of Man. lnciose poetage, 2 cents, Sealed. K Eïi-MO KAMES USED WSTHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PR!-E PÍVATF No medicine sent C O. D Nonames on boxes or enveI- (S o óes Evarythingconfidentiai. Quesiion t:st and oost of Treat-O ment. FREE. No. 148 Sf-SELBY ST.w! DETROIT, VSICH. H&KsPRS'KftK


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