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The After Effects

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Of Diphtheria, Beíective Sight, Paralysis, Dyspepsia. Mrs. A. T. Lyon of Detroit the Noted Patiënt, and She Talks of the fleans Used. It is an Interesting Story and fleans a Great Deal. The Same Means Used on Patrick Doy Ie of Lewiston, Mich., for Inflammatory Rheumatism and Paralysis with Perfect Success. THE MOST INTERESTING SUBJECT OF THE DAY. In a neat, home-like cottage at 112 Fifth Street lives Mrs. A. T. Lyon, a remarkably pleasant and motherly lady who tells a very iuteresting story of lier Ufe and, incidente lly, Bpeaksof her gratitude for a remeSy which haswroughtauchawonderful chiuige in her. Said Mrs. Lyon to a Journal reporter:- "About 30 years ago, before we knew how to pronounce the word aiphtheria,I was stricken with thatawful disease wiich left me blind, nearly, and paralyzed in my lower limba. "There seemed but little hope for un but T did improve gradually untii 1 was able to vr in a chiiir and drag myself around the room by pulling the clmir along with me. "I doetored for years, but was not cured. I ■pent a great deal of money and (ried many of the most notcd physieians. They only gave me temporary relief. I never was well. Finally, I began to have dyspepsia. My stomaoli refosed all food. I had tlie most dreadful feelings. I can not describe them. It was a peculiar burning sensation, as if I had been poisoned. I would fall down in the streets, and became so weak that I could not sit up only part of the time. I suffered intensely. Nothing seemed to do me any gopd'. I became thoroughly discouraged. To add to my misery, I had troulje with my heart. "One day a lady friend callcd to see me. She told me about the Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis for Palé People. I did not want to take them and it seemed foolish to bother with them when physioians had failed to help me. She said so much about it, however, that I was at last induced to try them. After taking the first half of the box I began to feel diö'erently. They made me feel so much better. I eontinued taking them and they have made a different woman of me, I feel like a new creature. 1 feel better tnan I have since I was a girl. "I am o ver sixty now, and I am stronger and can endure more than the ordinary young woman. I do my own work and feel well, which I haven't been able to say before for over thirty years." How Patríele Doyle of wlstoii, }Ileli., Was Cured of Paralysis. Paralysis could be -well named the king of disease. lts insiduous method of attaek and terrible results is inore than likely to baffle the best physieians. Until within a very few years ago paralysis was coasidered absolutely incurable, and as sure to cause death as a knil'e thrust in the heart or a bullet in the brain ; but seience persevered ; no stone was left unturned in the eager search íbr a means of conquering this dreaded enemy of mankind. At last from Canada the welcome news was flashed to the far ends of the world that a remedy for paralysis and diseases of kindred nature had been discovered. Physicians doubted, newspapers investigated thoroughly, and it was soon proyed that paralysis had been cured. This was the beginnine of the fame of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis for Pale People. Since then reports of marrelous cures by this medicine have come from all partsof the world. That Lewiston has not been slighted in this good work is proven by the following as told a reporter of the Journal: Patriok Doyle, a man more than seventy years of aire, called ut thisoffioe recpntly and related o remarkaM oconm of h' i.-..M„ withdipf")s"nr1iiífin"l ■. . vono knn'w rli. ,, .„■■ - ,,' .. .-, ,,] ;,( '_ cnlt ]■ '■■ .., ■:. ., tn ■ '.... ■■ tr,.,.,. carne alón? time of despair forme. My'ower limbs beciime numb and cold and 1 lost the use of them almost entirely . Fora long time I was unable to stand on niy feet without support. For four years I could not think of doing , any kind of work. " I treated with many eminent doctors without deriving any benefit. I speni more than $100 in one summer for medica] treatiii. .ut whioh íailed to help me-. ïhe local doctors could nol give me uny encouragement, and, in fiu-t, djd uot tnowwlml myaijmentwas. I became tirvd t doetoring, and forayearldidnothingíormy trouhle, eonsidering that my case was hopeless. Jiythis time the life was gone out of my legs, and I could not bend them at ali, the coras being hard as bolle. The cold occasioned me great pain. I could not walk at night, and hen I moved around in the daytime I liad to watch the ground each step, and then could only hobble along with the use of a cañe. "Hope had about gone otttofmy life whea I read in my local paper of persons whom I knew haying been cured of similar cases by Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis, so 1 tried tlicm and in a short time I could climb the stairs with ease, a thing I could not before do for years. I did not give them a fair trial, however, until a year ago, and after usinga few boxes, the life carne into my limbs and feet and I was soon able to resume work. I can now bend my legs and straighten my back which I had not done for years previous to the use of the pills. I consider myself completely cured and give the entire credit toDr. Williams' Pink Pilis. I most eheerfully recommend them to the use of all persons afflicted with similar diseases." To confirm his story beyond al] doubt llr. Doyle made the following aflidavit : State op Michigan, ) county op moktmokbnct. j ss' Patrick Doyle being duly sworn on hi oath saith that the forefroiii,!,' statement is just and true. Patric'k Doyle. Sworn and subscribed before me, April 29th, 1895. Feed. H. McMülle.v, Just ice of the Peace. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis fbr Pale People have an enormous sale, and f'rorn al] quarters come m glowins reports of the excellent results following their use. An aualysis pro ve thatthey contamina condensad fonn all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nérvea They are an unfailing specific fbr tueh diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, bt. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheiímatism, nervous headache, the after effect of la erippe, palpitation of the heart, palé and sallow complexions, that tired feeling resultïng from nervous prostration ; all diseases resulting from vitiated humors in the blood fiich as scrofula, chronio erysipelas etc' They are also a specific for troübles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood, and restore the glbw óf health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect i radical cure in all cases arising from men:al worry, overwork or excesses of whatever nature. There are no ill effects followine the use of this wonderful medicine, and ñ can be given to children with perfect eafety. I hese pills are manufactured by the Dr V iJiiams' Medicine Company, Schenectady N. Y and are sold only in boxes bearin? tnp ñrm's trarlp-mark and wrapper at 50 'pnts a box or six boxes for $2.50, and are ■ ver sold ii. huik. They may be fiad of all ■-'',-'.; "l ']irect by mail from Dr. Wil' '!". . '"' .":" Company. The price at ,, t IKp , : P ;ll.p S()](1 m.,).ps a co„rse of '■■■ nexpensive as eompared witb s.


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Ann Arbor Courier