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Fruits Of Clevelandism

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It is difficult to fiiul a single ante-election promise made by Cleveland tariff reformers that lias been fulfilled. (-)n of the sulijects upon which David A. Wells and liis freetrade followers made mnch ado was the question of woolen shoddy. They proclaiined far and wide that the use of shoddy was duo lo protective tariffs. Give us free trade, lie said, or even free wool, aud the shoddy business wil! disappear. Well, we liave had a year of free wool and the Clevelarul-Wilson-Gormaii larill', and wit li wliat resul t upon .shoddy? Pounds. Itnports of foreign shoddr during the lastyeárof McKInley tarift 131,774 Import of forelun shoddy in tlie first vearof the Cleveland-'Wllson-Gorinnii tarift are 14,772,690 Infirease of forcfgn shoddy 14,037,891) Tlius instead of abolishing the use oí shoddy, it has increased the importation of shoddy about 104 fold. Pounds. Importation of foreign wool m the last veur of tlie McKinley tnriff 55 ,000 000 First year of new tnriff.-" 203,0U0,U( Jnorease nearly 15ö per ceut. The effect of this upon the sheep-raising industry is shown by the following: Wool clip in the last vear of the McKinlev act '. 364.000,000 Clip of 1895 284.000,000 Decline 100.000,000 Loss iu one year to American farmers}40,000.000 Another alluring promise that was held out to American producers was the aasurance that the Cleveland tariff would give them the markets of the world. The facts again belie the promse: Exports of merchandise for the year endjng June 30. 1895 51,015,733,011 Exports of iiierchaudise for 1895- 798,89790 Decline under tariff reform % 222,334,121 At this rate ot' decline in twenty years our exports will amount to 000. So of the itnports of manufacturad woolens : Amount. in Hie last nine moiiths of the McKinley tariff $24.013, 895 First nine inonths of the new.tariff. 28,223,921 Increase M,210,026 Thus, as only a part of the result of the Cleveland tariff statesmanship, we have iucreased the importatiou of slioddy (which means the substitution of disease-transmitting rags for wholesome native woolj about 104 fold; we have increased the importation of wool by nearly ]50 per cent., which means displacing domestic by foreigu wool, and thereby have lessened the American wool erop by a hundred million pounds, reducing tlie home market for wool to American formers about $40,000,000. Instead of giving our manufacturera the markets of the world, the tariff tinkers have destroyed one-sixth of our export trade, created a ruinous defleiency in the tréasury, adding over $300,000,000 to the Kation's indebtedness, and put the governmentjprutítically in pawn to a syndicate of foreign baakers. A few more years of this kind of reform would demónstrate that the reptiblic was u failure. Hut, happily, the race of the havoc-creating egotist at whose instance these bewildeïing folües have heen niitted, is nearly run. He lias lost the power to initiate further destructive legislation, and in another year the people will relieve tiie nation of hls deadly influence by condemning him and his to political exile.- New York Press. The -wooJ growrs of Oliio did not rnilmoe matters at all at their recent mieettoig, wlien they tenned putting wooi on tlie free list one of the greatdsi crimes of tlie contury. They ure rigüit too1. As Ex-Mayor Ilopldins of Chicago, cncouraged Dols in liis dastardly work last ycar, siiy Ishould lio not h: tenteneed to as laag a term of sera ilude as was Debe? He oertaiuly deserves it, even more than !iis -:ctim.


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