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Dr. J. A. Wessinger Read A Highly

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interest nu; paper Friday befare tlie Jflssissippi YaKey l'hysiciiin's Asociatjcwi at Detroit. The nw line oí tlie T. & A. A. road betweem Hamburg and the Junctioa witli the G. T. R. E., is beiag pushed and will soon be ready to run over. Tlie 1. O. O. F's are to have a picnic, in -which all :the lodges of the county are expert ed to particípate, ■on Frlda.y of tliis week, at Whitmore Late. TTendelI Phillips Moore of Ann Arbor, is to be married to Miss Myrtle Langford, of "W'illianiston, onthe oventng of Tuesday, Sept. 17, at the place. Col. H. S. Dean, J. Q. A. Sessions, ÍJred'k Pistorious and Henry Keedle eït Monday on the Headquarter'a train that passed tli rough on the T. & A. A. road ior the grand encampment at Loutsville, Ky. A large nuinber of the old boys who istended to go did not feel able to stand the journey. P. L. ICeeler Ut '98, has just recelvd notice of nis appointment to the chair of Science in the new state norma! scluool at Mt. Pleasant. This is a bit of news that Prof. Keeler's miamy rrtends wiU be pleased to hear. .■itpoL.ntment was made Saturdaj- by the state Board of Education iii sessiom nt rpsilauti. Cari, ton of Mr. Melvin Gillespie, aged about four years, died Monday after a week'a illuess, at the home of his pavents on Cherry st., o!' typhoid and braiu fever. Mr. Gillespie is hhnseli' but slowly recovering from a Ion and serioua attack of typhoid fever, and we learn that their little daugbter Grace lias also been taken ill with the same disease. Hon. J. T. Jacobs has received a telegram froni his son Charles, iuformiiag him thafc lie has secured a good Ion at Ventura, Cal., about 70 miles from Les Angeles. He is delighted witli ihe conintrr. He visíteil families oí Mr. Beunett, Mr. BeForest, a.nd otlier íorfmer Ann Arboiitcs. unid was sfaown mnny atten■tioms tfhat -ivere appreciated. Iai vtew oí the buirnmg of ihe mngniíicent Masonic Temple at oston, ontailinig a lo'ss oí uipward oí 54:00,- 000 laind all fche lo-dge recoi-.,. it has been suggested severa! n.embers oí the ínaBomfc fratoi-nities that the íive. Èaasoinic bodies liere join in the purchase oí a safo in "vhich to store the a-ecoirds, if a fire shoald once get Hinder headway in that building tlliere would be little hoíe of savlng thO contents of the Temple. Tlie augigestiioin ds a wise one, and should it toe acted upoai hy thO'se bodies, miigílit be the meains of saving amd to them, prieeless recoa'ds. The M. C. R. K. gives half-fare rates to the Wasbtenaw County Fair, on Sept. 24, 25, 2f) and 27, good to return on Sept. 28, and the T. A. A. & N. M. K. li. does the same thing on the same dates. This will fíive any of the visitors to the fair a sufficient leagth of time to risit the University grounds and see the museums, laboratorios, libraries, etc., etc., if they desire to do so. Tickets on the M. C. are sold as far -nest as Jackson, and as far east as Detroit, and on the Toledo & Ann Arbor R. R., as far north as üwosso and as far south as Toledo, Ohio. Tlie fair will be a huminer this year, and all the good people of the aurrounding country are respectfully invited to come and see it at half-fare rates.


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Ann Arbor Courier