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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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200.000 WEAK MEN GURED! STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. ESCURES GUARANTEED OR NO PA Y ! APE Vfl II 9 Nervons and despondent; weak or debilitated ; tired mornintrs; noamHrlL 5 UU I bition- hfeless; memorypoor; easily fatigued; excitable and irritable: eyes sunken, red and blnrred; pimples on face; dreams and night loases; restless; haggard leoking; weak back; bone pains: hair loóse; ulcera; sore throat; vancocele; deposit in urine nnd drains Bt stool; distrustful; want of confidencia; lack of energy and strecgth - WE CAN CURE YOL) I RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. JOHN A. MAXLIN. JOHN A. MANLIN. CHAS. POWERS. CHAS. POWEH8. BEFOHE 'ir.EATJiE.NT. Al i.... TBÉATllJOT. BEFOBJS XKJSATJlJt.NT. Al LLI-AIST. NO ÑAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WR1TTEN CONSENT. lADirnrn IJohn A. Manlin says:- "Iwasonnof the conntiesB M VrtnlL5Jfc.Lfc., tima of early ígaorance comiueaced at 15 years of ge. I i C IWt I C1 0 I f M O - scveu medical firms and spentS'JOO without avail. H fc.!YMLblU!O AMD igaTenpin despair. The drains a my syatcm were E I V) POTCM PV 'ke,n,"í '": intellect as wel I as my sexual i.nd ph.veical 3 llVirVJ ! tiMY T.MJ' brptner advised me as a íast resort to consult 0 r'IIDCT Drs. Kennedy AKeritan. lcoramenced thoir New Method B LUli tU i rreatmont and ni a few weeks was a npw man, with new I - . lite and ambition. Xliis was four years ago, and now 1 I Bpecialietetoallmyffllotedfello1 " " reoommeild theso reliaWe 1 CURES GUARANTEED OR NO CONFIDENTAL. '"Thevices of early boyhood !r,:.l the foundation of my ■ ra rnm. Later on b "pay Hfe" :t d expoBnre to blood ClinhiÜC' Cm!pfinn i Beases completad the wreek. I had all the symptomB of oyUnSílS, tflIIbSJOnS f INervous Debihty- uiikenpjeB, t-nissionr-, drain in urine u , „ nervonsneas, weak back, etc. Syphiliscansedmy hairto Vf!r HÍ1RP P Plirpn H fall out. bone pain, nleers in mouth and on tongno I 'ÖHuUuCIC, LUICU. I blotches on body. etc. X thank God [ tried Drs. KeniTedy 8 & üergan. The; restored me to health, Tigor and happinesa." CHAS. POWEKS. ,3T,We " and cure Varicocfie, Emissions, Netvous Debility, Seminal i Weakness, Gleet, Strüture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Se Abuse, 1 Kuiney and Bladder Diseases. Rj 17 YEARS IN DETROItT 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. tictSgSSi'JStFf&fi Golden. Monitor SSSgS&TS i wSTN9. NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT PRI VATE. No medicine s-ntC. O. D No nameson boxes or nvp " mBeeni, FREE'"8 conflde"tial. Question iTít and cost Sf T?eat= I No. I48SHELRYST". I DETROIT, MICH.


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