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The following statistiCs are frxm the Secretary of States office at Lansing, and are such as to command the attention of people who give thonght to such Bubji The populatiou of tlio State June 1, 1894, as appears now after önal correctious have been made, was 2,241,641, of which 1,970,786 we re nativo ai foreigu-born. Of the native inhabitants 198, or 50.89 per cent, were malee, and 820,588, or 49.11 per cent, femi of the fóreign-born inhabitants 310,342, or 54.36 per cent, were males, and 260,513, or 45.54 per cent, teníales. The proportion of males in the foreign-born 3.47 per cent greater than in the native population. PARENT-NAT1V1TÏ OF POPULATIOÍTOF STATE. The returns show the parent-nativity ol' -',175,211 inhabitants out of the total of 2,241,641, leaving 66,430 ior whom the nativity of one or botli párente is uot reported. Iuthis summary olny the po]ulation for whom the nativity of bbth parenis is reporu-d ia considered. The number of inhabitants of the State returned as having both parents native is 911,800, number having both parents foreign-born, 1,004,931, and the number having one parent native and the other foreign-TJorn, 25-1,474. The number whose parents are both native is 41.92 per cent, the number whose parents are both foreign-born is 46.20 per cent, and whose parents are one native and the other foreign-born 11.88 percent, of the total number whose parent-nativity is reported. Expressed in numbers, in each one tliousand habitante the parents of 419 are both native, the parents of 462 are both foreign boni, and the parents of 119 are one native and the other foreign-born. J'ARENT-NATIVITY IN CITIES AXD COUNTRY. The number of inhabitants of incorporated cities returned as liaving both parents native is 240,633 ; the number having both parents foreign-born, 467,536, and the nuraber having one parent native and the other foreign-born, 90,182. In each one thousand inhabitants the number having native parents is 301 ; the number having foreign-born parents, 586, and the number having one parent native and the other foreispiborn, 113. Outside the cities the number returnedas having nativé paren tB is 671,173; I the number having foreign-born paren ts, 537,395, and the number ha ving one parent native and the other foreign-born, 168,292. In each one thousand the number having native parents is 488, the number having foreign-born parents, 390, and the number having one parent native and the other foreign-born, 122. The number in each one thousand having native párente is 301 in t,he cities, as compared with 4SS in the country ; the number having foreign-born parents is 5S(5 in the cities, as compared with 390 in the country, and the number Inning one parent native and the other foreign-born is 113 in the cities, as compared with 122 in the country. I'AIÏKXT-XATIVITY OP NATIVE INHABITANTS. The parent-nativity of 1,(512, 883 native inhabitants of the State is returned as follows : Both parents natiye 904,881 Both parents foreign-born 464,570 One parent native the other foreiijn-boru 243,432 Of the total number of native inhabitants 56.11 per cent have native parents, 28. S0 per cent foreign-born parents, and 15.09 per cent one parent native the other foreign-born. Expressed in nuiiibess in each one thousand native inhabitante 551 liave native parents, 2S8 foreign-born parents, and 151 one parent native and the other foreign-born. The Shakers have made a discovery whicli is destined to accoinplish mucli good. Realizing that three-fourths of all our sufferings arise from. stomach troubles, that the country is literally filled with people who cannot eat and digest food, without subsequeutly suffering pain and distress, and that raany are starving, wasting to mere skeletons, because their food does them no good, they have devoted mach study and thought to the subject, and the result is this discovery, of their Digestive Cordial A little book can be obtained frorn your druggist that will poiut out the way of releif at once. Au investigation will cost nothingand will result in mach good.


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Ann Arbor Courier