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The Miiriiier fíirl comes back to toivn...

The Miiriiier fíirl comes back to toivn... image
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The Miiriiier fíirl comes back to toivn, A mphony ín tan; She lio can weara low-cutgown, And seea n-al live mau. - Pblladelpbia Kecord. GeoTffo I!. Dygert, Ut '93, aw '95, s coaohing a foot ball team at Kuck.-i Co'.lege, 111'. Tbs? fiien:lu el Rev. A. F., wlU be pleased to team that Jie is o be loeated ín Detroit for the next 'ew yea,rs. Mrs. Paul G. Buekey is to Keil off 1.11 the farm implements and personal property and move to Toledo where liiuMbamd fe engaged in tmslness. J. b! Trog';inoki íbe well-known S'tíite ut. barber, is Btlll iuite sick. He ios had a hard snminer, jiaving Ieen b-úiak a great deal of tlie time. Tiiad 'B. Lelamd, of Eonery, i atteiidlng to advertising our counl y fair ui (íUirrooiading towns. He reports tlie proepeets of a good attendance [rotn thesO towns as of the very bast. Ladies oí Aun WhO want lie'p witb SEWjJíg or liousework, wlio need a stewardess oí' tab'.e waiter, whose dhildrem wi-li prívate tuto'ring or wlio desirc help of any kind, wliich could be given by wonien In the University, will fiíid it dL"sira.Tle to sead t-heir íaines to íhe Studente' Chi-isfcian Asíwcia-tioin. It has beon customary bo have these services paid foT by room! or 1oard or botlh. Ladtes will picase cali at the general secretary's Office íuid Btate tlieir Jieed.s and requiremeute or Bcnd vvoi'd to the Siudcints 'Ohuistiaii Association, Newberry Hall. , A oonxospoudeiitwrotetoabro.ilcr editor, asting him 'fHow to g'et lileh." He was auswored very properly : '-!NothÍ!ng is more oasy than to gronv rich.. It is only to trast notody, befricaid íiouc, but g-efc everythiiiig' and &a,VQ all yooi get ; to stint O'urselxs auid everybody be'.ongmg t o us ; to be tlue frieaid of no man, to hiea.p interest upon interest, cent upoa cent ; and to iiave no man for our fiiemds, to bo meiiii, miserable and despised for soane 20 or 30 years, and ricliies will coane as Bure as disease and f.i-appaijitment. And wlien pi-etly near eáough. wealth has !een colloctetl Ty a disregard oí all the chariUcs oí tibie heai-t at the expense of every enjoyment save that of to wallow iu filthy meaenaas, death comes to íinis'a the wotk - body buaied in a hole, the heii's dance over it, the lawyers divide the hoarded lucre, and tlM". fepirit goes - wliere ?"


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