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Nerve Jifa Bloodí jyVjyWwjMMr pa nip biet, 6 r s-i.5o.mjr N.Y fwANTED" I Men to work for us wlio desire to make i money this fall an1 winter during K Black times. Excellent chance. L!bH ernl pay. If you have spare time, out ü of work, or looking for a paying busi■ ness write me at once. 9 Fred. E. Young, Nurseryman ROCHESTER N. Y. (Jnlike tte Diitoii Process lío Malies KyjjteipffrLfTt - OR - mÊr Otber Chemicals ml lu are used itl the ttil il il preparationof iÉp.Baler&Co.'s Breakfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mi.ed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and Í3 f ar more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co,, Dorchesier, Mass. HAVE Ja O p J WJm Sm. Qf youMOI niflH SCHJFFIWANN'S Asthma Curei liever fails to gi?e lnst&at relief in the worst m cases, and effocta carea where otlierw tul. B Trial t:ipknffi Jt'KEE of DrujrfrMa or bj Mail. Addriss DB. R. SCHIIFAiANN, FanUiaJ CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Foro Tironipt. fiiisTrer anti an bonest opinión, write to M I.' N N Ar. CO., who have had nearly flfty years eperitncein the patent business. Communications Btrlotly confldential. A iliinilbook ol ín. formatlon eoncorning Patenta and bow to oütiiin them Bent trae. Also a catalogue of mechanica] and scientlflc books sent íree. Patent taken throuKh Munn & Co. receive enecial noticainthe Scicntific American, and thus are brouKht widely bef ore the public without cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued vreekl !, eleeantly iüustroteil.hasbyfarthe larpest circulation of any scientific work in the world. S3 a year. Specimen copies sent Tree. Building Eifition, montlily, Ï2.5üa year. Single coplea, ti.? cents, Every number contains beautiful plates, in colors, and photographs 01 new houses. with plans, cnabling buildera to show the latest desiuns and secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO., NEW YOUK, 3Ü1 BltOADWAT. F&EiïL DIEFFENBACH'S föJET PROTAGON CAPSULES, K'A%f Sjre Cur? f nr "" Men, aa íy 5o provedbyreportsof leadingphy0E"-::-3m & sicians. State age in ordering. JNii3Ma áS pU'nce. 81. Catalogue Frce, I mmtiwPmfrk BU ffW RSÍ cure for Glect. fflral U w 3 ftllrlcturr and al 3-lntlnSHH unnatural discharges. PriceS. wÜMSUKP' WpirrY CDICPItlpCuresal! X&iMir Wünd SUin I)leii8f , Scrof. alonü Soreu andSyphililic Aftectlons, with. outmercury. Price, S?a. Order irom THE PERU DRUGS, CHEMICAL CG. JgS. 189 Wisoonain Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS. ! At the expense of little i0y i I mof&y and his spare JiÊ&$&Z-' t time obtain a fair SjjhVtQL 1'stÍidyathomeI THROUGH THC SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCT10N, ' Comprising the leadicg correspondence schools in theworld. f SUBJECTS TAUGHT. i I AJH The School of Law prepares pupils for admission J I I M Sa t0 r'ie 'iar an ext?ndet'' thorough course. Has f 5 over i,6oo students in every part of the country, ' i Srttm&tCI IOK9 This school teacbes iournalistic i 5 JUuHNAllám rrk from the iW j J UUUIl [tLLI IIIU book-kceping in America, j 0 (TSinnT BJA Mil Thisfichocl teachcsslsort-handby S.HI!n I -ilKSïU = b=s system,ai.dirom the be' { j q.jbH I IIHHU „inning the best xpert wotk. ÍÍ nnrrlf _J I ITIU This school teaches ï í flKfríl 8 in I A ï IN lation, !!!.: and j ? ti on to the most advanccd vork in th f TheaboTe schools tcncli by the j ence mothod only, and recoguize 110 riïals i { J their respoclivi) tields. Address, stating in r 5 P}'i zy iijlcreVtod, nd in-í ,J--y y7 stamps for catalogue. ! 5 íí-w -■!- v ■ ■-.'-) Each school has sep 5 ; ; ' ■' ■ ( i' r .' 'Kr1! y Cotner, r., jl { -SraSJmyi J' Detroit, mich. J { íSíwKZL-?? Telephonc E!d3. i Relief m Six Hours. Bistressiog Kidney and Bladder diseases reliOved la six h.oura by the "New Great South. American Kidney Cure." Tliis iiev remedy Is a great surprise on account of lts exceedlng promptness In relieving pain in tne bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the nrinary passag-es in male or female. It relieves the retentlon of ■water and pain in passing lt almost immediately. If you Avant quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by H. J. Brcnvn, druggist, Ann Arbor, Mich.


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