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Annual Tax Sale

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STATE OF MICHIGAN', CoUNfY OF WASHTESAW, i The Circuit Court for the County of Washtelaw in Chancery. In the matter of the petition of Stanley W. furncr, General of the State of Michgan, for and In behalf of the State of .M Ichigan, for the sale oí certain lands for taxes issessed theri on. mi readlng and riling tlie petition of the Auditor Genera] of the State of Michigan as iforesaid praying foradecree in favorof the átate of Michigan, againtM each parcol of land tuereln described, lor tbc amounts Hu-rein specified, claimed to be due for taxes, interest uu! charges on eacli sucli purcel of land, and bat such lands bo sold for the amounts o claimed by ihe State of Michigan. It is ordercd that said petition will be trought on foftfciearingand decree at tbeOctojer term of this Court, to je huid at Ann Arxr in the County of Washtenaw State of Michigan, on the seventh day of October, A. D. 189j, at the opening of the Court on that lay, and that all persons in teres led In such aodsorany pari thereof, desirlug toconteat :he lien claimed thereon by ihe State of Michigan, forsuch taxes, Interest and charges, or iiny part thereof, shall appear i" sald Court, and ftle with the clerk thereof, actlugaa reglsfcr in chancery, their objections tnereto, in r before the flrstdayof the term of this Court ibove mentloned, and that in default thereof he same will bo taken as confessed and a i. üí be taken and entered as prayed for in said peiltion. And it is further ordered that in pursuance of said decree the lands Lettcribed m saiit petition for which a ( )1' sale shall be made, will be sold for the several fakes, interest and charges thereon ;i mlned by such decree, on the fust Monday In Uecember thereafter, or on the day or lays subsequent theretoas may bc neei to complete the sale of said lands and of each uid every parcel thereof, at the office of the County Ireiisurer, oral such convenient place as shall be selected by hlm :tt the eounty seat 1 Ihe (Jounty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan; and that the sale Uien and there madi will be a public sale and each parcel described In the decree shall' be separateiy exposed for sale for the total taxes, Interest ai anti the sale shall be made to the person ingtobuy for any glven tax and paying the full araouot charged against sald parcel, and accepting ■; conveyance of the smal lest. undi tded fee simple Interest therein; or, ifno persuii will buy lor any of said several taxi pay ths balance' thereof and take a conveyance of lesa than the entire thereof, then the whole parce] shall be ofl'ered and sold. Ifaay parcel of land cannot be sold lor laxes, Ínter. ad charges, such parcel shall be over for the time being, a ml shall, ou the snoceedingday, or before the close of the sale, be reoffered, and ü', on such second offer, or durIng sucli sale, the uaine cannot be sold fbr the amounl aforesaid, the County Treasurer shall bid oLf the same In the name of the state. Witness Ihe Hun. Edwarfl 1). Kinne, Circuit Judge, and ihe seal of said Circuit Court oi Washtenaw County, ihis 16tli day of August, A. 1). 1SÍJ.Í. [Seal. ED. KINNE, Countersigned, Circuit Judge, Wï. Dansiïigbukg, Register. STATE OF MICHIGAN, To the Circuit Courlfor the County of Washienaio in Chanccry : The petition of Stanley NV. Turner, Auditor General of said State of Michigan, for and In benalf of said State of Michigan, respectfully shows that the list of lande herelnafter sel fortli and raarked "Schedule A," contains a description of all lands in siiid County of Washtenaw upon which taxes were assess;d for the yëars mentioned therein, and wnlch were returned as delinquent tbr non-payment of taxes and whioh taxes have not been pa tl; togetlii-r wlth the total amonnt of such taxes, with interest computed tliereon to the time flxed for sale, and collection fee as provided by law, and the cost of advertising and other expenses of saleof eachof said pareéis oí land. Your petitioner further shows to the Couit thal aid lands were returned to the Auditor :,l under the provisions of Act 206 of the Public Acts of 1893, as delinquent for non-payment otsald taxes for said years respectlvely, except sucli of the taxes set fortn in said schedule as were returned to the Auditor General accordlng to law prior to the 12th day of June, 1893. and remain uupaid. Your petitioner further shows and avers that the taxes, interest, collection fee and cosí of advertising and other expenses of sale, as set forth in said Schedule A, are a valid lien on the several pareéis of land descrlbed iii said schedule. Your petitioner further shows that the said taxes on said described lands have remi unpaid for more tban one year prior to the flrst day of May, 1895; and the said taxes not havlng been paid.and the same berng now due and remafning unpaid as above set forth, your petitioner prays adecree in favor of the State of Michigan against each parcel of said lands, for the payment of the several ainounts of taxes, interest, collection fee, cost of advertisinií and other expenses of sale, as computed and extended in said schedule, against the several pareéis of land contalned therein, and in default of payment of the said several Biims computad and extended against said lands, that each of said pareéis of land niay be sold for the amounts due thereon, as provided by law, to pay the Hen aforesaid. And your petitioner will ever pray, etc. Dated August U, 1895. STANLEY V. TURNER, Auditor General of the State of Michigan, for and in behalf of the State of Michigan. SCHEDULE A. TAXES OF 1891. CC ü Co CO O ñ =r Ji o ïb _ :? ï = 2 s á ai CITY OF AN AKBOI!. Lot bounded n by Camp's land, e by Davison st., s by Fohey's and Clark'g land 4."46 13 01 182 70 6162 TAXES OF 1892. CITY OF AS." ARBOR. Beglnning at the w HneolMann st, 8 nis n cr H uroii st, thenco n to ])nn e a n 1 a n (1. (heneo w to .1 M Wheeier i : o tl, thence -10 rj(ls to H y a 1 1 1 :i n cl, thenoe e to the place of beginning 7 87 173 31 70 10 61 A certain piece or pareel of land bil n by Havlland l;i ml, s bv lots lli, 17 and IS of BI 3, N Rlö i:,on thee by John Camp hmd,-v by lot 19 of the abovemeut toned lil a n d Ilange, 1 57 &5 06 70 2 68 Davidson's and Guüeau's Aildition. Lots 11 and 12 bik 7 1 57 35 00 70 2 6S CITY OF YPSILANÏI. Parcel of land bd n h.v MilliT's Add.s by land of A Baumstark, e by land of John Qilbert, w by Prospect st; also pareel of land bd n by land of J 1 ('arpenter, s by land of Clara Foster, e by land of John Jilbert, w rjy Prospect st (as one) 10 39 2 29 42 70 13 80 Norrif, Follel, Joslin, and Skinner's Add. w,11ofs;ioflot572, 1398 3 08 56 70 18 S2 ÏAXES OF 1893. Township 3 South of Range S Sast. e K of Bw lZ 1 86 2 61 37 10 70 3 68 Township 3 South of Range S Easl. sw i of sw i 5 40 4 10 57 16 70 5 53 eiJofeM13 180 1192 167 48 70 14 77 Township 1 South of Range U East. e Vá of ne i 20 80 27 48 3 85 110 70 33 13 w yi of sw í of se Jl 20 20 2 76 39 11 70 3 96 swKofsw Ü1A 30 40 11S 17 05 70 210 Township !, 8ox 8 East. All of iv lA of ■■■■■■ n of Chlroad 6 2 233 S3 00 70 345 ne ' , of np 17 -10 5 76 SI S3 70 7 50 sw ]A of oe y. 1A 40 10 50 143 42 70 13 10 ne '4 of ne Vt Of 8W i , _ 10 1 9S 2S OS 70 3 04 Hoii-ii and lot on nw i bd d and w by DavenÏiort, e by 1 1 c k ' s road, s byself -l 2 J7 30 09 70 3 26 Pint oí an acre on sec 28 and 20 lid n and w by Blver e ly Biow n, s by road 28 andi!' 01 09 02 70 142 n ;s of ae 82 100 40 90 5 73 101 70 48 97 riwMofnw ]4 ■:,:; 40 1152 101 4G 70 14 251 36 aerea on e Yi of sw y s of R R 30 30 50 35 05 5 03 1 44 70 43 12 Toivnship h South of Range 7 East. w part of nw y, of neK 10 20 7 56 100 30 70 9 02 nw á of sw ii 18 40 10 30 151 43 70 18 44 s i of nw i 21 37 48 07 02 70 127 & l4 of ne w ]4 28 SO S50 119 34 70 10 73 CITY OF ANN AT.BOR. Lotbd n by Meuth land, e by División st, s by Foley land and Clark land, and w by ÍJetroit st, bik 4 n r6 e 30 80 4 31 123 70 37 04 Lot 10 bik 2 n r 14 o V' 03 I 68 48 70 1 ! 89 Lot7blk5srle 2 57 36 10 70 3 73 A pieco of land bd e by Walz land, s by Chubb road, w to a point n by llanlinst 2 57 30 10 70 :; 7 ■: Lot bd e by State st, n by Churchland, w by Swatïiei land, s by Churoh land 257 30 10 70 3 73 Land bd n by Hotcbkins land, e by Broadway, .s and w by Dunn land 515 72 21 70 .g. 6 78 Piece of land bd n by Havilandland, s by lots 10, 17, and IS of BI 3 n r 15 e, on e by John Camp land, w by lot 19 of above mentloned bik and range 1 71 24 07 70 2 72 Land bd n by (,'anip land, on s by lots 13, 14 and 15 of hik 3 ii r 15 e, on e by Henry Smith's land, and west to a point 85 12 03 70 170 Iïrown and Fuller's Addilion. Lot 9 bik 1 1 71 21 07 70 2 72 4JU V J 'UIL A. I í. ú -1 II' - ' - College HUI Addiíion. Lot 38 83 J2 03 70 170 Lot 88 85 12 03 7U 1 70 Dnviclson and Gnileau's Addition. Lots 11 and 12 blk 7 1 71 24 07 70 2 72 Jewett's Addiíion. Lots 28 and 29 8 59 1 20 31 70 10 83 J. F. Lawrence Addition. Lots 1 and 2 blk 4 43 00 6 02 172 70 51-11 ir. S. Maynard's Ist Addition. A strip of land lyIng e cit' and adjoining lots 1 and A, 111 'i s r 2 e and extendiiis in equal widtn of said lots to w sido oí S Second st 48 6S 6 S2 1 95 70 58 15 MiUer's Addiíion. Lot 8 1 29 60 17 70 5 78 Lots 20, 44, 53, and 55 20 64 2 89 83 70 25 06 Lot 38 85 12 03 70 170 Lot 85 48 16 6 74 1 93 70 57 53 l'artridge Addition. Lot 9 blk 6 Só 12 03 70 1 70 CITY OF YPSILANTI. Original Plat. Lot 1(!7 and s l of lot IBS 7 90 111 32 70 10 03 Sub 11 of se 14 sec 5 S7 49 12 25 3 50 70 103 94 Parcel of land bd s by Chicago ave, n by Gastare Bertram and H Coe, w by H Campbell, e by J 1J Kirk 7 27 1 02 29 70 9 2S Parcel of land ba n by Cross st, s by Kllis st, e by S Post, w by Suinmitst 3 04 43 12 70 4 29 Parcel of land lid n by M C K K Co, W T Matbias, e by John Gllbert, s by Oíd Mili Track IS 24 2 55 73 70 22 22 Parcel of land bd s by land of Mis Boatman, e by River st. w and íi by Norris st extended 1 15 10 05 70 2 06 Parcel of land bd n and w by Norris st extended, o by Mrs Wovburn, s byanalley 4 63 65 19 70 6 17 Parcel of land bd n by ïowner -t, w and s by V W Philips, e by A 1' Busbark 4 63 65 19 70 617 Parcel of land bd n by Mlller's Add, s by A Baurnstock's, e by J Gllbert, w by Prospect st; also panel bd n by H Carpenter, s by Clara Foster, e by J Gilbert, w by Prospect st 13 S3 194 55 70 17 02 Bartholemew'i Addiíion. Lot 90 2 41 34 10 70 3 55 Clark' s Addition. e 72 ft in width of lots 2 and 3 3 61 51 14 70 4 96 2V. Follcfs Addition. Loto 1157 162 46 70 14 35 Jareis Jiest rve. Lot 7 22 86 3 20 91 70 27 67 H. TI'. Larzalire Addiíion. WáOflot32 IS.") 6S 19 70 6 42 n.ol'lotSO 185 US l'J 70 ti 42 JIorso Addiíion. Lots 80, 81, 32,33,34, 35, 36, 37, 3S and 39 12 15 1 70 49 70 15 04 Lot 44 3 61 51 14 70 4 96 JMcCIanahaa's Addition. Lots 1 to 13 inclusive and 17 to 21 inclusive 119 03 16 66 476 70 14115 McCormick's A ddition. Lot 10 except n 10 rods 2 41 34 10 70 3 55 NorrU Western Addiíion. y í of lots 598 and m 6 06 S5 21 70 7S5 Worrit and Cross' Addition. e ■ i oí lot 362 10 92 1 53 44 70 13 59 lYori'ís, Follelt, Joslin and Skinner's Addition. w í of s Y of lot 572 16 19 2 27 65 70 19 81 Park Ridge Addiíion. Lots land 2 2 42 34 10 70 3 56 Lots 24, 25, 26 and 27 2 41 34 10 70 3 55 Lot 35 121 17 05 70 213 Lot 112 123 17 05 70 215 Lot 129 121 17 05 70 2 13 Lots 130 and 132 2 41 34 10 70 3 55 Lots 244 and 343 2 42 34 10 70 3 56 Lots 245 and 253 2 41 34 10 70 3 55 Lot 217 1 21 17 05 70 2 J3 Lots 254 and 255 2 42 34 10 70 3 56 Lots 259 and 268 2 41 34 10 70 3m Lol 260 120 17 O.", 70 212 Lots 319 and 320 2 41 34 10 70 8 56 1 21 17 0.") 70 2 18 Lol 358 121 17 n'i 7ii 213 Lots 381 and 4i)3 . 7" 11 03 7o I ra Lol 373 120 17 05 70 i 12 Si 05 02 70 1 16 Lot-180 38 05 02 70 1 15 Lot 48fi 1 20 17 (M 70 2 12 i il 487 1 21 17 05 70 Stuck's Addiiion. Lots -il and -!2 7172 1004 2 ,S7 70 S5 33 Volkt i ' "' S " ■' ' üio i. Lota 15 and 46 230 09 70 1 VILLAGE OF DEXTER. Lot 11 bik 17 6S5 90 27 70 8 78 VILLAGE OF 3IILAX. Lol bd n and o by W-lsott nnd Warïir , s by st, w by R ï; 20 60 2 SS 82 70 25 00 Braman's A ddition. Lots S, 9, 10 and 11 10 30 1 4J 41 70 12 85 Hoek' s AddiUon. Lot 1 10 30 1 44 41 70 12 85 Wilton and Warner' Addition, Lot 7 3 09 43 12 70 4 34 Lot P 4 12 58 18 70 5 56 Lots '. 11 and 12 206 29 i8 70 813 Lots 16 and 17 515 72 21 70 6 78 VILLAOE OF MOOP.KYII.J.K. Lot 7 bik 2 n r 1 w 1 09 15 01 70 1 98 VILLAQE OF SALEM. Lots 5 and 7 bik 1 65 0(1 03 70 1 47 Frederick's AddiliOn. Lots 11, 17 and 52 79 11 03 70 163 Lots 29, 35 and 41 72 10 03 70 155 STANLEY W. TURNER, Auditor General.


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