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Take lip your cross. Yours Isa liod ; Biionlder it: Yours is a bronm : sweep witli it : Yours is a piek : strike with it ! Yours is apen und paper; wriie! Yours is a flair flv it I Yours is n song: siiii it! Yours is a sword; smite with it ! Art Martindale has been visitlng fiicads in Hillsdale. Mrs. H. G. Van Tuyl, of Detroit, is in the city to-day. D". McCüntoek lias rstaiTLed fi-om lii-i summier in the west. City Attorney Kline was in Detroit yesterday, on city bus:ness. M'jsr B':id!p Fitzerald hae returned froni a moiith's visit at Wayne. Dr. E. A. Grange. of Lansing, lias arrived in the city for a few months stay. Gusta ve Brehm returned yesterday froni a visit with his sister in Dayton, Ohio. Mrs, H. M. Pomercy, of Adrián, ha takt-n tlie Dewey house on Forest aeiïuts Rev. JI. A. Dean, a returned missionary froni África, is stopping in the city. Miss Nellie Allen la in Ypsilanti ioday attending the Rorison-Garrison wedding. Mie Dr. Waters of Coldwater, accompaated by her sou, is visiting in Ann Arbor. Hale Bliss has returned home to Chicago after a few day's visit ivith liis parents. Mus. Chas. M. Jones of WlcWta, Kansas, is Tisitiag her ulster Mrs. I! F. Watts. George E. Barker, of Flint, aianaglng editor of Th eWrink'e, has returned to college. Mm. Lucy Fisch-.r, of Jackson, is viisiting t.lie family of Johji AValz on W. &ecoad st. Mre. Baird a nel fam ly of Port Hu;ou are nioving into the Mrs. Kinne Jiouse on E. Hurón sit. Jlis;. Mary Kitson, of Columbus, O., as arrived in the city to enter the cliool of Music. , Th: Kalaanazoo Gazatte notes tlie act tiiat "Freil Hasenack of Ann Arbor is üi the citj-." Miss Pcarl Davenport of Jackson, viio has been visiting friends here las returned home. Mrs. A. (!. Walker of Jackson, has een spending some days with a sisei' In Ann Arbor. Mr. and Mre. Bert Tliayer, o-f Spriiig t.. rejoiioe in the advemtt his morntoic of a ldaug'htr. Richard R. I.ewis, of Reed City, who ïas been in the city for a time, reurned home to day. Mrs. Geo. T. líorrance lias returned home to Jackson, after a visit with Ann Arbor relativos. Mrs. Helen Woodrow, of f. Dtvlsfotn st., lias gome to Co'.orado Springs, Oolo., to visit a üa-ugJiter. Geoa-ge Clarkem hais moved to liis nevvly aequired house, the ÜeForest propérfy, on N. División st. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gruner, who have K'eu out at Grand Forks, N. D., for summer,"iave returned home. M,r. and Mrs. C. BaJus are at the ionio of theèr daughter Mrs. George Spathelf, Jr., of tho northside. Munson W. Bliss, of Kansas City, Mc)., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Büss, of g. Fittli ave. Mits. "W. H. Fox has returned Home tb El Piaso, Tex., afber a. visib -,vith her mothOr, Mrs. Kemp1, of Müler ave. Dr. W. F. Breakey returned hom Sunday Irom a visit with his daughter May and famüy at Lawrenee, Kansas. Carrier m. J. MUler is lakens a ten day's vacatiou. He wiU spcmi several days wibli his iamily at PortagO Lakeu Attorney General Fred A. Maynard was In the city over Sunday, the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Maynard, of N. División st. Harry líuber, whO' has been ín. the o flicc of ttie Gradu Triwüc U'y. Chi cago, forttoe suimmer, has returned to Ann Arbor to enter the law departmvatl. Mus. Z. Buird, of S. State si., who has .bectn visiting lier daughter, Mre I. H. C. Iloyee. of Terre Haute, Imd. returns to-night, accoonpanied liy he diaugliter. Mis. F. M. Del'uy has returned irom a summer's stay at Jaraestown, Is D.. 'where she has leen visiting her son rho resides there, and is at her liom agaiu on Maynard st. Dr. G. J. Hirth, -wlio has beern studj Ing in Vienna, Ausibria, ior the pas few nncnitihs, is calling on old friend In the city. He is ooimeeted with a Unlívwsity in Milwaukee, Wis. The young son of Evart H. Scott while hurrying to accompany a nut tlng party of mates last Saturday, fel dovvn the cellar steps, and liad th niisíortune -t o break an arm.


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Ann Arbor Courier