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If you have a kind Word-say it, ThrobbiDg hearta soou sinkto rest; 1 1 yon owe a ktndnesn- pay il, Life's sim Durrles to the 'west. - Forward. Dr. V. 0. Yaughan is home frcin 'olorado. Harry L. Barnes of Jackson, is "vistiDfe' in the city-. Mies Mary Loilir of Packard st-reet, ïas iretuintted liomc. Mm. Boutwell a.nd son are visitng friemds in Detroit, Miss 'Beitlia Schairer of Saline, visted Mie city yesterduy. J. J. MeCMladi is back again, acompainied ly his sister. Tr. J. M. Bostle of Ilinok'ey, III., ia Tieiting frieiids in th city. Dr. and Mms. Hoff are heme again rom tiveir summei'j cutlng. John Cf. Weitbrecfht of Detroit, vistOd liis sisters o.n W. Liberty Bt. yesterday. Clay Gren is moving into the lat esidence of C. Brown on l'ackard btreet Mm. J. W. Cuttiug wiU reside witU ïer son J. H. Cuttdiig during the coanimg ■winter. Miss Maigaret AVeideiman went to Chicago to take a course In kindergarten ivork. Mits. Mary OaUine Whiting ïias been entertaining bor sister Mrs. .Vbi M. F-isli. Uuriog the week. Amomg the isioiti-s lieire fair week wm S. K. Edwards, of Dowagiac, wtw formerly resided here. Mr. and Mrs. Ho-zhöinner j'etoi'ned (last nigait from Saginaw wliere they luave been spanding the summer. llr. aaiid Mrs. Alexander Van VoorIheis. oí Saoramea'bo, Cal., have been Tiiisiting Mre Batan, of E. A_nn st. Chae. Staik lias returmed hoine trom Frankfort Avhere he has been in the employ. oí tlie T. & A. A. R'y for the eummer. p Trufant Shoeraaker left on Monday 'or Aun Arbor to take a course in niebanical and mining engineering. - Mt. C)emen8 Press. Pioï". E. C. Davis lias returned irom hii Macatbin in the east. He has akuost recovered irom the painiul accident to his eye. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bennett and son Harold, guests for several days at the hom of Martin Crocker, returned to Ann Arbor Tuesday - Mt. Clemens Press. It is probable that there will le plenty of rooms in the city this year to sap ply each applicant. Iti Ypsila,nti, on Sept. 25th, by Bev. Tlios. F. Bmith, Mr. Aldein DaveaPcrt of York, was toarried' to Miss Myrtle M. Thora of Augusta.


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Ann Arbor Courier