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ora j3 ELECTRIC L5í!L I Trade Mark- Dr. A. Owen TOR MEN AND WOWIEN ' I ■ latent and only eclentifio and practical ; r'w. Belt made, or general use, produeing Lgauuino current oí Electricíty, for the curo .: di'ease, tliiit cau be readiiy felt aad regusted both In cjuantity and power, and applled o any part of the body. It can be worn at any me during working Hours or sleep, and WILL POSITIVELY CURE ■,iTS 1,1! M (JAGO ■QJGENEHAL, nEBILITV VWifcsi&SBl11118 BACK ISs!Ea)HffNBnvoi;s diseases 'lSp-Íp VAHICOCELK ■È SESXÏJAli WEAKNS2SS ft I75POTENOY K1EY JJÏSEASES WITHOUT MEDICINE Electrlcity, properly npplied, s fast taking he place of drugs for all Nervous, Eheumatic, ïi'lney and Urinal Troubles, and wlll effect urcs in seemingly hopeloos cases where every otber known meane has failed. Any slugieh, "weak or diseased organ may ) this rneáns be roused to healthy activity before it is too late. Leading medical raen use and rccommend the Owen Belt in their practice. OÜR LARGE LLÜSTRATED CATALOGUE Containsfullestinformatlon regarding the cure of acute, chronic and nervous diseases, prices, and how to order, in English, Germán, Swedish and Norwegian languages, will be mailed, upon application, to any addre6S for G cents postage. The Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Co. MAIN OFFICE AND ONLT FACTORT, The Owen Electric Belt Bldg., 201 to 211 State Street, CHICAGO, ILL. The Largest Electric Belt Establishment in the World MBNTION TKlfi PARID, NOTICB TO CrEDITOKS. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of WashteO naw, ss. Notice is hereby ííiven, that by an order of the Probate Court íor the County of Washtenaw, made on the second day oí October A. D., 1895, six months from Ihat late were aliowed for credltors to present heir claims agalnst the estáte of Sara E. 'attengill late of said -counly. deceased, and hat allcredltorsofsaid deceased are required o present their claims to said Probate Court at the Probate Office In the city of Vin) Arbor for examination and allowance, on or before the second day of April next, uii that fiuch claims will be heard before said conrt, on the second day of January and on the second day of April next, at .en o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor. Octohcr 2. A. D.. 1895. J. WILLARD BABB1TT. Judge of Probate. Estáte of Andrew Bell. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtek5 naw. ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the ?ounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the ciiy of Ann Arbor, on Fiiday, he'27th day of September, in the year onc housand eiglit hundred and ninety five. Present J. VVillard Babbitt, Judge of Proate. In the matter of the estáte of Andrew Bell, deceased, Charles H. Worden an d Susan P. Bell, executors of the last will and testament of said deceased, come into court and represent -bat they are now prepared to render their final account as such executors. Thereupon it ordered. 'hat Tuesday the 29th day of October, next at ten o'clock in the orenoon, be assigned for examining and alowingsuch account, and that the devisees, egatees and heirs-at-law of said deceased, and all other persons In teres ted in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should uot be aliowed. And it is further ordered that said executors giye notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof. by causing a copy of this order to be publisheit In the Ann Albor Courier, a newspaper priuted and cireulated in said couuty. threc successive weeks previous to said day óf hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty. Prohate Register. Michigan Central "The Niaaara Falls Route." TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 19, lSi-5. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Á é si Á :á :S?.?i!5S53S38 : :8SS8teSs33 i & Y. i áá SS : ::: áá 3 ?í?í'í asas gssK :a ; : isas ri á a s j g gg w S i :: iea gg ! : ■ i I g 0 : : : tí ;■ i i ü 1 SSS i ; ;SS :SS 8S i? ig i i iííSB w n -o . . .oo -r-t' : :j : : ;;á S !Í:!:I::'IÍ B á ÍÜ JÜ S :::::::::i: 3 ::: ::: a 5 : ■ j I ■::: i "9 SS : i :s : : :SCS 15 ; " 5 : :i : : -sa ES ;:: jes 2 6S : : j i : S a. '■ : : '-x : : : : : t ?3S i : :8 :8S gg !s :S i : i&Sf oí;- -iH.n . j jj :.- :í- : : :ói _. S g gg gg" g 1 a = ' S ÜS8SSSSSS8S 8SSSSÍ5ÍSESSS5 :::::::■ L :: I 51 . i . S ::::::: : - :::::::: :" h ::::::::■ h & :::::::;: 5 5 = ! i S o :H I yiiipji ! iliijini i Hiiii llaijt O. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P & T. Agt., Chicago Agt. Ann Arbor


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Ann Arbor Courier