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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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S1ÑFISL HÁB1TS IN' YOU"ÍH ? LATER EXCESSES M MANHOOD . K MAK E NERVaUS, DISEASED MEN Dthe trades and the prfessions. - g RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. TWM. A. WALKEB. Wm. A. WALKEK. MBS. CHAS. FEBEY, CiE?JY- Í3EF0EE TREATMENT 4FTEB TEATHENT DivorCed brit nnited again $ rNO ÑAMES OR TESTIMONIftLS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT.- ft Wm. A. Walker of 16th Street says:-"I have suffered CVPUII Q untolduB"nieaformy"gaylife." I wasindiscreKtwiieul bYrnlLÏÖ voansandisnorant. As "Oneof the Boys" I contracto C M I Q 5 S C M Q Öypliïlis and other Private diseases. I had tilcers in tiieft tlVlIOÖSUiö mouthandthroat, bone pains, hair loóse, pimples ong CTD1PTIIRC face finseriiuilscame off, emisaions, becamo tnin and OinHIUnt deupondent. Hoven doctors treated me with Mercury, O! IR Cn Pottvh, etc. T!ey lielped me but coald not euro me.g 1UntU Finall.-afriendinducedmatotryJ)r3.Kennedy&Kergan.j - T„.;r Np INlpthod Treatment cured mo in a fow weeks. Their treatment is wondert tii.B Yoa felyourBelf gaining èvery day I Sive never heard of their faiüng to cure m asingleg wcase" c-cURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNPED KCapt Chas. Ferry eays:- "I owe my life tp Drs. IL & K. QATCMÍV W AtHIlearnedabadhfibit. At 21 l had all the symptpms (iPO lEIMUY 15 B",f tSemlnal WeaKneas ancl Spermatorrhcea, Emissions f.DAnAri c1 I Kwere raimng and Teakening ir; vitality. 1 married at VARiCUCtLfc. Í &i xmáar advice of my famir. doctor, but ït waa a CRniOOiriíMe i KBadesperipnoe. Incishte. nmo::".,; we wem cuvorced. I ElVSIbfelOiMö ÍS Sthen consnlted Drs. K. & K., wlio rasfaxed me to manhood „ PCTï :R Sbïtiieir Ateto Method Treatment. ifeltanewJitethnllthrongli OUKtU E l'íli'"v nerveB. We '.vero united again and are happy. This was __ „ 1 L"êis ycárs ago. Drs. Il, & il. aro ccientific speoiahsts and I heartily recommend them. ; We treat and cure '.-, Emzssiofts, Nervous Debilüy, Seminal ykWtakness, Gleet, Strictur'. Syp.'-üis, Unnatural Discharges, SetfAbusA o Kidney and Bladde? Diseases. tg m. 7YEARS IN DETROIT. 2OO.OOO CURED. NO RISK fftrBft (rEEÏ Areyoaa-rictim? Hayeyoalost hope? Are yon contemplatine marJS KlKRtAOEÍÍ I rWe:-1 Has yonr Blood been diaeased? Havo yon any weakness? Ourï NnwMethod Treatment will cure tou. Whatit hasdone for othrs ït wül do for you J l-CONSULTATiON FREE. No matter who has trente.! youvvvrite for an honest opimon FreeS ofCharse Chars-sreaaonable. BOOKS FREE-'Tha Golden Monitor" üUustrated), onf iriuiseaDesof Men. Incloso postase. 2 cents, oealed. I iü -WO MAMES USED WITHOUT VRITTEM CONSENT. PRI-I Huab ÏJ medicine sent C O. D. Nonames on boxes or envel-' ffiVATE. gNoed'1, -fei3smial. Quastion list and oost of Treat-I jSment.FREE _ ,„_,..„. . „ ÏMO.I48SHLLBY Sl. 3 DETOQST, ÍVI8CH. & AirsQRS KS!KsPESSliL5IBlKMS


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