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mimi Jaekets, Capes, Dress Goods and Shoes. An intensely interesting event. FRIDAY, SATÜRDAY and MONDAY, OCT. 11, 12 and 14. 300 samples Jaekets and Capes in addition to our immense regular stock, gives you every possible style of garment broughtout this fall, toselectfrom. These samples are marked away belovv their actual valué and are as good i make and style as we have in stock. To craui our Cloak Department for 3 days, we willgivë A $3 Ladies' Shoe FREE to the purchaser of any sample garment, do matter what price. DRESS LININGS FREE. Prevailing fashions make the fiirnishings for a dress a very important item of expense. To help the ladies out in this particular we give with tlie purchase of any dress worth over 50c a yard, the waist and skirt lming ree. Best Glove-flnished Cambrie, 2 l-2e a yard. The cambrie we offer in tliis sale is the best made, the kind we sell every day and the kind you pay Ge for on the street, our regular price is 5c. 3 days Li.,'e. SHOE SALE. Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid Shoes Goodyear Welt-worth $3.00. .-$2 25 Ladies' Hand Made Vici Kid Shoes Hand Turned Soles. Extensión Soles or Cork Soles, a ■ $4.00 Shoe at 2 75 Ladies' Custom Made Shoes All Styles a Regular $-1.50 Shoe at 3 25 For 3 Days Only FRIDAY, SATÜRDAY and MONDAY. A FINE LINE OP (Ving Disk, AND i O'clock Tea Kettles, AT W'rn. Arnold's Jewelry Store.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier