At No. 30 E. Hurón St., nearly opposite tlie Hamilton block in this city, there will be put on sale for seven days, beginning Saturday, October 12th, at Í) o'clock a. m., a large stock oi Men's, Boy's and Children's Clothing, brouglit froni the ware rooms of one of the largest wholesale dealers in Detroit. This concern forced by the hard times will sell off a portion of their stock at reiail in order to meet pressing obligations. "As one person's loss is another's gain," so this sale affords a grand opportunity to the people of Ann Arbor and vicinily to lay in a supply of winter clothing, cheap. Goods will be sold for less than the actual cost of making, even less than 40c on the dollar in order to realize money quick. Nothing in the nature of bankrupt or fire damaged goods are offered for sale, but the best product of a large Detroit wholesale clothing house, made up in the most fashionable styles will be sold, and for less than the actual cost of making. Every article sold warranted as represented, and only one prieeto everyone. Following are a few prices whieh show how serious is our situation. Fine Ham nier toa caesiuiere sak worth 8, 10 and $12, for $3.87. Splendid Cheviot suits in single and doublé breasted, at .f4.75. Elegant Nottingham tvveeds cheap at $15 at $5.95. Silk mixed worsted suits, sold everywhere at 18 and $20, for $6.78. Handsome tailormade suits at $8.90. Great storm ulsters, high collar and extra long, worth 14, Ifi and $18 at $3.98. Chinchilla beaver overcoats, very durable, $4.75. Heavy twilled cassimere overcoats, worth $20, at !f").65. Kersey top coats, Engligh make, worth $22, at 8.50. A large lot of Harriss cassimere boys' suits, worth $8, for $3.75. Fine twilled suits, worth $10, at $4.90. Children's suits, bargains at $3.50, $for 1.23. Hundreds of strong work pants, $1.75 quality, at 69 cents. Thonsands of heavy denim overalls, with bib and suspenders, worth 75 cents, at 25 cents. All wool heavy underwear, 43 cents each. Susnenders, 9 cents. It will pay you to come 100 miles to attend thia sale as it is such an opportunity that comes but once in a life time. Readers of tliia article will do their friends a favor by inentioning this sale to them and location of store which is Xo. 30 E. Huron St., nearly opposite the Hamilton block. Merchants desiring to replenish their stock would do well to attend this sale. Goods sold for cash only. 25 clothing salesrnen wanted. Apply at store, 6 p. m.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier