m cold tin Strnck everybody as being very appropriate and to be appropriately dressed ibr the "shivery" weather : Ladies ! you'd better don one of our up-to-date Capes or Jackets offered this week at Special Pnces. For $5.00 we give the choice oí one trandred Xobby Capes and Jackets, all worth .f8.00 to $10.00. For $8.00 and $10.00 we give you the selection of nearly two hundred elegantly made Capes and Jackets, half silk lined, striking uew designs, real valué $12.00 to .$15.00. For $12.00 and $15.00 we give you a selection of new and extremely stylish Jackets and Capes worth $18.00 to $20.00. During this Sale we shall offer a lot of Xew Fall Capes at $3.75, a Great Bargain. Ladies Don't Miss Our GREAT GRESS GOODS SALE. Hundreds of yards being cut up every day. 40 inch Pure Wool Serges Black and. Colors at 39c a yard. 48 inch wide 'wale Storm Serges, Navy Blue and Black at 50c a yard. 50 inch French Serge, the 75c kind, a Great Bargain at 50c a yard. 45 pieces New Fall Dress Goods all marked 18c a yard. One Case Ladies Fall weight Ribbed Vests and Pants at 25c. SCHIER & NULLEN LKADKBS OF LOW PRICES. GODDYEAR'S DRUG STORE 'mm i ijsx SWEET ODORS Are Pleasine; to All. Our line of PERFUMES contain all of the best varieties of English, French and American Extracts. Colognes, Florida Water, Violet Water, and Toilet Waters of all kinds, at GODDYEAR'S DRUG STORE, TO RIGIKTT In the New Vaults of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Absolutely Fire aud Burglar Proof Cali and Inspect them
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