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No Rest, No Sleep

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Hovv many thousands to-day suiFer from sleeplessness caused by nervous weaknes. It is one of the incideüts of American lile, and you who read these lines are 110 doubt one of the great throng. After the day is done and when its eares ought to cease, you wisli that they might fold their tents like the Arabs and as silently steal away. When niglit lias drawn her sable eurtains and all nature seems in svveet repose, your weary eyelids long for that tired nature's sweet restorer, lialmy sleep. What would you not give for the rest you had in the olden times. But it is deuied you. 'Die long hours are full of weakness and weari&ess, and the coming day brings only headache and heartache, impaired strength and exhasuted nerves as you drag through its duties. There is no buiden so painful, and iio loss so wasting. It wrecks the body and impairs the mind. It is the fearful harbinger of insauity. It lias fllled our assyluins witli its victims. You know this and gloomily dread the future. Weak, neryous and discouraged, the lenst excitement prostrates you, and you are dwars worrying over anticipated trouble. Xothing goes right, and you you often feel like despairing. You do not feel equal to the barden you once bore so easily. rake head while it is time. You are in a whirlwind of destruction. You are in the very Niágara of our nervous modern life. Do not delay. Safety is right at hand, if you will but accept it. That loss of appetite, gas in the stomach, torpid fever, constipation, nervousness, headache, etc, are but the first syuiptoins of the danger to come. It can be avoided, but only by acling a once. Thousands have stood where you now si and coiit'ronted by the same frightful consequences, and "have been cured and restored to health and happiness by that wonderful enchanter of sleep, that marvelous restorer of nerve energy and physical strength, Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. It is purely vegetable and entirely harmless. Mrs. L. L. Gumpriclit, who resides at 168 Blue Ilill Ave., Boston, Mass., says : "After having had an attack of the grippe I was feeling very week and coinpletely run down. I could not sleep or work. I was so weak in the limbs I could not walk or work. I was very miserable, and I thought I should die. I lost all interest in everything. I had great distress from the little íood I could eat. "After taking three bottles of Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy I was entirely cured of all these complaints. I feel like a different wonian." This grand restorative for the nerves, Dr. Greeue's Nervura, does not contain a partiële of auything injurious, and can be given to restless and sleepless infants, nervous children or the most delicate invalid with absalute assurance of beneficial results. Dr. Green, of 35 West 14th St., New York City, the most Buccessful physician in curing nervous and chronic diseases, discovered it, and he can be consulted free of charge, personally or by letter.


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