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A nH pwp-'-'M A well selected text is half of the ser. Bion. Given a good text and a preacher who is in earnest, and the result is sure o be good. The text of this article is a )lain simple statement that proves itself in the reader's own mind without argu-. ment. The text is " Good health is better than great riches." Without health nothing really matters very much. A hacking cough takes all the beauty out of a landscape or a sunset. Erysipelas or eczema will spoil the enjoyment of sprightly conversation, of a beautiful concert, of a wonderful paintiug. The biggést bank account in the world won't pay a man for his health, but a very small amount of money will make him healthy and keep him healthy. Most all bodily troubles start in the digestive or respiratory organs. It is here that improper living first makes an opening for disease. The development differs as constitutions and temperament3 differ. The causes are almost identical. To get at the root of the matter is simple euough if you start right. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a medicine for the whole body. It works through the digestive organs on all the others. It cures the first thing it comes to and dfter that, the next. It puts health in place of disease in the stomacli, and from, the vantage ground thus gained, it reaches every fiber of the body and drives disease before it - indigestión, liver troubles, kidney complaint, biliousness, skin and scalp diseases, salt-rheum, tetter, eczema, and all the troubles caused by impure blood.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier