i The Verdict i ÍK' Said Mr. M the other [ W day: "I waut one of }'our n) W seamless hot-water bottles fA iju that you warrant. I liad one WL W of tliem and it lasted six )) .uá months with constant use. 5JÏ )]u' I bouglit two at 's and Wf, ( they save out very quickly." fl) Wt We can g've you ie man's Kf iVA name if you want it. yl) ÍW These bottles wil] last two or $1 fó three years with ordinary use. m W CALKINS' PHARMAGY. wt ' GEO. SCOTT, ARCHITECT aii SIRIITE1K? I OFFICE 38 FOUNTAIN ST., Cflb-'Iail orders promptlr attcnded to. ART NEEDLEWORK. Pillows, Centers, Doylies, etc, to order. Work commenced with silks to finish. Lessous, Materials, Stamping. MRS. H. HARTER, 28i SOUTH FIFTH AVE. 87 1 mo. ANDREW E. GIBSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW - And- Justice of the Peace. OflBce, No. 10 Huron Street, C-Opposite south door of Court House. THE AnTcan HOUSE Cor. Washington and Ashlcy Ave. Refitted and equipped with all moderaim. provemeuts. First Class Tablk. RATES, S2.OO TO $3.OO. lyr. d M, STAEBLER, Prop. EnglLsh. Spa-vin Linlment removes all Hard, Soit or Calloused Lumps and BlemisJiee trom horsea, Blood Spavins, Curbs, Spllnta, Sweeney, KlngBooe, Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Taxoats, Coughs, etc. 6ave $50 by use of ome bottle. ■Warranted the most wondertul Blemlsh. Cure ever known. Sold by H. J. Brown, druggist, Ajih Arbor, Mich.
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Ann Arbor Courier