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Schumacher's Hardware Store

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Give The Poor Orphans a Chance Do not think because it is all torn up around us that we are buried. We are MORE ALIVE THAN EVER We now have a fine new store. We want you to come in and look around at our Grand Stock of Goods, just ask our prices on stoves, then go and see if you can match them elsewhere. We have the finest Oil Heaters manufactured for five dollars ($5) and five and a half (5L), that have never before been sold at this low price in the States. We have five different styles- we can not help but please you. We also sell the celebrated Bom Ranges. We guarantee to save you fifteen (15) to twenty (20) dollars on every range you purchase of us this month. We sell you for forty (40) dollars, what others will ask you sixty for. If you don't believe us cali in and investígate. We guarantee every range, and challenge any other stove to do the work of this one with as little fnel. It will pay for itself. 68 SOUTH MAIN STREET.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier