For Throat And lung Troubles, Take AYERS V Oherry Pectoral Received Highesi Awards At World's Fair. When in Doubt, ask for Ayer's Pilis. WHEJï TOU GO NORTH for the summer, jilease bear in mind that Chicago and West Michigan railway service to Bay View, Petoskey, Charlevoix and Traverse City is the most complete and best arranged this year of any since the "Scenic Line" was compleled. All trains of the M. 0. R. E. connect at Grand Eapids with the following traius ou the west Michigan: Leave Grand Rápida at8:05 a. m., with parlor car, arrive at Traverse City at 1 :20 p. in. Boats for Bay porta leave WtvT Traverse City' at 2:30 p. m. il lui This train arrivés at Petoskey and Bay View at 4:30 IVIIbnluAN OUK AïTERNOOJf FLYER leaves Grand Rápida at 1 :00 npniiinr ni- with parlor cars, and iirnï Lr arrivés at Traverse City at ULIIIIUU 4 :50p. m., Charlevoix 6:30, Petoskey C :55 and Bay View jn 7 :00 p. m. U It is a great train, enabling a person to reach his destination in time for supper. UilDTUCDM Justthe thing for families NUnltittiN [wifn children. [The daylight ride along the ♦beautiful bays and lakes RFflRK tll0lth of Traverse City is a IILüUll 1 0 'delightfnl feature of the trip on this train. THE JÍIGHT TRAIDi leaves at 11 o'clock, with sleepers, and arrivés at Traverse City at 4 :00 a. m., Charlevoix 6:30, Petoskey 7 :00and Bay View 7 :10 a. m. Any M. C. R. R. agent can get seats in parlor cars or berths in sleepers reserved by telegraphing to J. S. Hawkins. Agent C. & W. M. R'y, Grand Rapids. AVe have first-class, convenient service and ask your patronage. Geo. DeHaven, G. P. A.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier