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Our Foreign Trade In Cattle

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Tho raid upon the markets of the worlá that has been made by American cattle growers seems to have fallen short of expectations during the current fiscal year. Frora returns of the Bureau of Statistics of the Treasury Department we f ind That last July we shipped 14,302 head less than in the preceding August, the total decrease being 32,915 head ïor the two months of this year and the money loss being $20,887,538, as can bo seeu from the followlng figures : FOREIGN TRADE IN CATTLE. July. Aug. Total. ÜÍÜ '"42I) m'ihi 7i;-s:il 1S95 22,807 21,112 48,919 Loss, 1895 ___ 18,618 14,802 :!2,915 , Value , Julv. Aug. Total. 189 f8,752,644 $3,810,382 $7,0fi3 0Ht 18&- - 2.171,:i 2,004,187 4,175,488 Loss, 1895 $1,581,293 ITawSH $2,887,538 We did not look for such returns aa these. They are hardly in keeping' with the promised capture oft lie world's markets. We surely cannot 1; setting a tight grasp upon them when we are losing at the rate of nearly $1,500,000 a month in our foreign trade in cattle alone American Protectionist.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier