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The Owen Electric Belt And Appliance Co.

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THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELTS AND APPLIANCES INSURE TO THE SICK THESE GREAT POINTS OF ADVANTAGE OVER ALL IMITATORS .vJMsÍÍÍÍíIÍ Irom positivo to negativo atoly feit. llonBháflmiiIK{ }ÍlilSllJ lililí current in a moment. Hooüiinjí to hcWWiPw%E?ïWlM They have and are eurstrongth oí the current isHRCB , V 1 1 A il iJI of Bhvumatlnn, under the complete cou-TWSSi A4IM. -,Wil ''PëNË. t'hronic Diseases trol of tho weaver, bo )}{ ya!ife jüililt fWmmUli "' lïervous Ailmu';b eothata child may yjUJIl e ftSfESaBSÊr ""ts in man and be treated aud cured by vílitl(fefcs2!"1u JIFwBTi "i'JB'raa !BSk woman (from anv cause) the sume power of Belt ll)(Sggfe-.r.- BMnrla3Sr I'l where long continued necesBary f or the etrong"-jWSiCI' !7IK medical treatmentfailed NO MEDICINES ARE NECESSARY. Avoid all eheap (so-called) Electric BeltB and fraudulent imitationa of our Electric Belta and Appliancee, as tfiese are an iinposition, upon the Buffering. THE OWEN EI.ECTRIC TKITSS is the most rctentive and curativo Trusa made ior the radical cure of Eupture. Inclose slx centa and send for oor larjc Illnstrated Catalogue in Engliah, Germán, Swediah or Norwegian languages ; containing medical facts, swóm statements of Burea made and descriDtiona of Belts and AtmiiannHa. AdHi-Bao 805 to 211 State Street, Chicago.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier