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The Presbyterian Synod

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At the Gist animal i : the Presbytri-ian Synod, beid in Adrián lzst -week, Trof. F. W. Kelsey oï tliis city created quite an exciiement by 'his presentatlon oï the needs of the church here in Aun Arbor, and a statement of the number of Presbyterian students in the University. A report of the proceedlngs say.s : "Trof. Kelsey, of Ann Arbor, then read a paper on fue subject of the Presbyterian selio'ars of the Cii'led States as compared with the numher of students at the Univorsity. H-e said that while the canvass showed Li 1hc first semester 401 Presbyterian students, yefc more than 800 students were not reached in the canvass. His figures showed a greater number o{ Pi esbyterians at the University Uian at nny three Presbyterian colleges. These pupils had received no recognition from the Presbterian church of Michigan. It --as claimed that the University vas not a religious or sectarian institution, henee not a subject that should concern the -ïhurch. Hi; said that from 1845 to 1S50 the average number of graduates going into t lio ministry "vvas 24 per eent of tin; graduates,,but it had gradually deereased decade by decade t o 10, 13 and S per cent. StiU out of 146 student.-! going to theological institutes from the University, the Piesbyteiian college secured 54. and the Unitarians Avith all their efforts to proselyte, had obtained but three. With the establishment of sectarian colleges, and wlth a prejudice existing sometimes against the Universitj' and the necessity oE there being special instruction for the miuisu-y, it -vould be a wonder if a single gradúate fitted himseli for the ministry. He derended the Uriversity as a -vorthy place for students and allowed that with 600 Presbyterian young pcople to "leaven the lump" Ui e moral tone must be hisrli. The paper was very Iengthy. but "vas full of points and argument and sound logic. He was warmly applauded and a motiou to accept, adopt and print his report in the minutes was made and promptly objected to. but finally, after a hot discussion, the paper was ordered printed. Eev. J. M. Gelston a!so read a report descriptive of the work belhg done by the cliurcli in Ann Arbor, giving the number of Presbyterian students at 401 of -vhom 90 are ladles. Besides the above there are 49 Presbyterian students in the Ann Arbor High school, and 67 unclassified. ' The churches are slowly, bufc gradually wakiug up to the fact that right here at the University, "vhere the cream of all the young people of our state and nation congrégate, is the place where work is needed.


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Ann Arbor Courier