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Candidate For Governor

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Vermont's Great Statesman Recammsnds Dr. Groene's Nervura Ie ill. He Says Dr. Greene's Nervura is a Wonderful Medicine. It surely Cures the Weak, Tired and Nervous. #7 HON. T. S. MCGINNISS. Bon. T. S. McGinnjss of Jerichp, Vt.. the M-sr horse of the democratie paity, is Vermont's silver-tongued orator, and alwaya and ever commenda the attentiou and respect of the people He ran at the last e'ection as the people's candidate for governor. Such is the high standing of the man vlio, out of his own experience, advlses you to nse Dr. Greene's Xervura blood and nerve remedy, to Tje cined. ■ "We have used Br. Greene's Nervura blood and norve remedy in our family," he says, "and think highly of 'it. We could p'.ainly see Uiat it had the desired effect upon Mrs. McGinniss, and firmly believe tliat, could we have persuaded her to use the medicine, it would have cured her entit e!y from her extremely nervous condltion, but she -was greatly beneüted as U was. "We have used it in our family with Kood results, and have recommended it, to our friends, and know ol many who have used Dr. Greene's Nervura b'ood and nerve remedy with the Kest results. I do not hesitate to recommend the medicine to all. It is a good medicine.'' It must indeed be a great and good medicine which can cali out such stiong words in its praise as this rerommendation of this nonored statesman, for all to use Dr. Greene's Xeivura b'ood and nerve remedy to be cured. But it is a íact tliat doctort statesmen, scho'ars, preachers druggists and the people everywheie, unitu with one voice in pronouncing thia grand medicine the greatest cuier o; di.-ease ever known. ïlie weak, the fceb'e. the nervous, the run-down and debi'itated, the suíferers from Iioor blood, rheumatism, dyspepsia, ki Iney and liver diseases, all are restoi ed to health and strength by its marvelous eurative powers. It is not a patent medicine, but tho presci-iption of the most successíu! living speciailst in curing nervous and nervous diseases, Dr. Greene, of 85 W. 14th 8t., New York City. He has the largest practice in the world, añil tbis grand medical discovery is the result oï his vast experience. The great reputation of Dr. Greene is a guarantee that his medicine will cure and the fact that he can be consulted by anyone at any time l'ree of eharge, personally or by letter, giyea absoluto assuranco oï the benefioial action oí this wonderful medk-ine.


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Ann Arbor Courier