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Washtenaw County

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The Enterprise thinks that farmer i;i that seetion would diversify thei erop somewhat, especially b ranch oí on io beans. The Congregational people oí Dex ter 'held a Harvest Thanksglving Ser vice on Sunday before last which wa beautiful and appropriate. At. Manchester the village tgreas urer Fred Steinkohl collected every cent of the Corporation tax. Ihats a reniarkably good record. Chas. Straws is a barber at i'owl eiville, of 22 years standing. AJiter standing so long he should lay down awhile. He can furnish hls own sli aws no doubt. Mis. Anna Carpenter, of Ypsilan was elected to the office of Grand As soclate Conductress at the Grane Chapter meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star, at Saginaw last Thuis day. Kinety barrels of oil are now, oeing cousumed every week for heating the Noimal buildings. In very cok weather the amount consumed per weel: is about 175 barrels.- Ypsilan ti Commercial. Improvements 'have hevn made in the school house in fractional district Xo. 8 of Scio and Lima. A new roof has been put on, the school room repJastered, and supplied with modern soatá and desks. David G. Rose oí' Sharon, once a member of the state senate from ihis county, died on Monday of lasfc week. H'j was a large and very sueeessiu.1 faimer, and probably owncd the single farm in the townsliip. gome farmers oi Marión, Livingston county, report the folio wiug excellent bean crops : William Parshall, 1.62 bushels 'from 20 acres ; Ez;a Biigham, 100 bushe'.s from 20 acres ; 13. J. Allen, 117 bushels from 10 acres. Faimy, Tvi'e oï Frank Drake, of i.odl, died at her homo on Saturday Oct. 12, of consnmption, aged 5G. years, 4 mo. and 15 days. Tiio funeral was held frouj the house yesterday p. in., and the remains intericil in the Lodi céme- tery. On ■"Wedncsday evening of last week burglars broke into the stores of J. Bacon, John Bissell and W. J. Knapp at, Chelsea, and stole a lot of goods. and some money. Tliere is said to te :i tlue to the right men who did the twiong deed. People from different sections of the county are talklng aboul aoming to hear the famous "Bob" Burdette when he appears in the Y. M'. C. A. lyceum course, and if the weather i-) favorable that -night there will be many in atïendance from abroad. The state board of education met in Ypsilanti Saturday and let the contract ior buliding the new training school building to a Detroit lirm for Í-39.C75. The appropriatlon is but ■$26",000. They will trust in the next legislature tor another $25,000. Washtenaw county has 16 daily and weëkly newspapers, being third on the iist of counties, Wayne and Kent leadlug. - Ypsilanti Commercial. There must be some mistake in the above for Am; Arbor has 8 dailies and weeklies, Ypsilatiti S, Chelsea 2, Manchester, Saline, Milanand Dextereach 1, making 17. Enough for one county, sure. That husking bee at Wm. Henson's last; Friday night was a greafc success-. About 30 persons in all parti ipated and many worked hard. TLere were only 1 3-4 acres of land but 238 bushels of corn were lrusked a yieldof 136 bushels to the acre and It was splendid corn. A supper was served about 10 o'clock - Manchester Enterprise. ._ The dog killer has leen pois-oning caninos at StockbriCge. A spring bicyde meet -viUi purses of ■Sl.OOO, is belng talked up by the Ypeilanti 'wheelmen. A Club, v itli reading room attacliment, gymnasium, etc, etc. is "being "talked" up at Dexter. Sunday sporta on the school grounds have caused some of tlie mild tempered people of Brighton to protest. A rapid corn husker in Sharon strips CG bushels oí ears a day. ïhat eouldn't be termed gome pumpkins. Mrs. H. H. Swartout and children of Pinckney, have been visiting Ann ArVor friends during the week past. Bemard Klrk is erectlng a aew hoi.éi on CVoss st., near Perriu, Ypsüanti, in place of an old house which lic tore down. Daniel Tilden, a cousin of the elaimaut, Samuel J. Tilden, has been visIting his former home at Ypsilanti, for n few days. The Livingston ïïerald is a good po per but to read its locáis is like scratching over a load of gravel to fiud a set oí mibs- too many ads. in the way. lpsi'anti's Eastein Star lodge had tin-en delegates present at the grand chapter meeting in Saginaw- Mrs. Anna 'Carpenter, Mis. Judge Babbitt and Mis. Scovell. It is asserted that the British museum made an ofler lor the HillsdaJe conrt house, but withdrew it aftei exarnining the condition of the 'edifice.'' TVise Britishers. The Jast issue of Ihe Stockbridge Sun devotos a db'.'e quarler eo'. to a ent labeled as fo'lows : "Thls is bhc picture of Cuyler J. Barton, the Unadilla Devil,' who is now in átales prison." There is complaint from several loea ttlea in regard to the desecration oí tho Sabbaili by ball pkiying, etc. Tlhe mau or boy who remembers the Sabbatli day is far more apt to be successiul thau he who do?.- uot. AVe uotice by the Herald that Mrs. JohnstoneEishop of (. hieago, is to stug in a concert ín I e given In !Ioweü thls winter. She is a gre;it favovite here, and filis University hall v iüi admirers every time she comes. The peop'e of Howell are fortúnate. The piece of petriiied wood from ArIzona, tliat has been exhibited at the Savings Bank for some time, has been hiiihly polished by John Baumgardnc-r of Ann Arbor. The color is very beautiful and it adds much to the appearanee, of the specimen Dexter Leader. Petty jeaolusies and Interna! dissontions among the people of Dexter keep them from having an entertainment course. The only way lo succeetl ds for all to pull together, and that is an easy thing to do il each and every person will only think so, and act upon the fact that it isn't alw ays 'the other fellow who is "off." F, J, Hammond returned Sunday noining from his tripto Kansas, and eports 4hat he had a rattllng nood ;ime, as the editor expressed a destila that he should. He took in ?iis lirst om carnival next day after arriving here. He quotes from the old ayng. "See Venice and die, but he says .io west, see a corn carnival and hen die. He says that he is wiling to admit the claims oí nativos and old residente that Kansas is a great late, but he is willing to swear liy Michigan at all times and at all places, has returned with a firm determination to remain. Whüe they ralee a variety of crops, their main productions are corn and colored people. kir. Hammond brought back a sam)lo of corn and apples whichí he has ou-exhibition in his store - Whittaker or. Milán Iieader.


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Ann Arbor Courier