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I'iank Minnis lias writien a eatchy two-step and ded'cated the same to tl;e Detroit Newsboy's Hand. As usual Tihis Hutzel anti M. J. Fritz closed the season Monday ly brlitglng in a largo strlng of plckere!, black basa and n few "Brown trout." John Baumgardner eut out four louds oí monumento lo the Belleville cemetery yesterday, most'y granite. JoliLi is doing liis hare ol the (rade, BUre. Bei't Ya'e, a sopliomore in the high se hooi, died Monday afternoon. His home ivas in Nebraska, and liis reina ins werc takon there for interrment yesterday. The opening ovening of the Unity Club series, last night at tha Unltarian church, was a success in every woj. and the concert given by the YpHlanti Orcliestral Society was very fine indeed. Mis.-: Anule B. Schneider dled Sunday morning, at the home of lier sist(-r. Mrs. John Haupt, of Miller ave., of fever, after only a week's; ïllness. Funeral services werc held vesterday p. in., l'rom Bethlehem church. One of our county oificials iias the trui; poetic gift, and writes verses tlat are of real merit, bufc he is s-o modest that he will not a!low a line of it, to get into print. But some day they will surely get thera if he does not destroy the manuscript. County Cierk Dausenbury issued durlug July, August and September, 81 myiriago licenses, ïimes are surely easing up - Saline Observer. The se me oíd question comes up again : "Whai is fame?" Our county clerk bas good ground for action on the spell. Sheriff Judson, in his raid upon places oí ill repute is certainly deservIng of and will sure!y have the earnest svpport of the citizens of our city. Mr. Judson is an officer who is fearless in lis duty, and when he sets out for a hing he fetches it every time. . And n tliis he is doiing a work tliat all )cc.ple, regardless of party or creed, vill rejoice to have done. Our Methodist lady readers ;nay ■■ interested in knowing that Miss Ixuisa X. Wilson, of Morenci, has been elected treasurer of the W. F. M. Society for the Detroit Conference; ha'. Mrs. Bishop Xinde, of Chicago ïas been chosen to attend the genera! executive board meeting in St. jüuis, Mo., and that the appropriaions for the Northwestern kranen or this year amount to $77,5001 Usually the chüd who goes to bed wttli the chickens can af ford toi get up with them, too, but tha mother iü do well to make sure that he has eally had enough sleep before waking iim. An excitable, nervous, or a tudious child exhausta more braln power than an ordinary stout, ïealthy one, and sleep Is the only mean by which the brain repairs lts oss If he cannot sleep a!l be wants to and learn his lessons, too, then let t bc the lessons that are abbreviated. Au imperial order from the Sublime Toi I, in Constantinople, has been sent tu Aziz Pasha, to massacre, in one ïight, a'.l the Christians inhabitating ilie Wilayet, men women and ci.illicn. The Turks are still defying all the powers of the civiilzed Christian world and annulling all efiorts to a ing these out rages to an end. Tliey setnr absolutely determined to rush and annihialte the Ohristian ülement Ironi the surface of the earth. The ecturer of the Syrian ficienti.ic Academy and Educational Club, Dr. T. Sallume a native of Turkey, and an eye wilness of .scveral of these outrages, w bo has been recently banished from Turkey, will give, dressed in native coetume, a full account thereof, in tli. Presbyterian church on Friday Oot. 18th, at 8 p. m. Thn Trilby two-step is the latest at Granger'Si .!. Q. A. Sesslons has moved Iiis office to E. Huron st. Mis. E. A. Eeal 'caves to-morrow on a visit to frienda near Kalamazoo. Roberi Mann and family, left yesteríUi for Pantner, W. Va., wherqj üiey u ill reside he"reafter. OHvet eouldn't get in shape io tackle the U. oí M. foot ball team today, and so backed out. Fraternity I,odge F. & A. M., wffl work tlie 3d degree Friday nighb on a prominent merchant of the city. The Mystic Shriners of this city have been summoned to attend the MöfcOaic Temple dedieation at Grand IUiplds on Friday next. The first High School eloeuiion recital wlll be given in the chapel on the evening of Nov. 1, by Miss Minnie M. Jones, principa! of the l'hi'.adelpliiii school of elocutlo'j and pnyrfcaJ culture. The B. lx A. are gettmg vORClhtt stronger list oï attraetions, in t lie uay of prominent pub'ie men. 1 han it has done before in a 1 ong time. whieh Is very much to the credit of the management. The commitlee o:' supervisors, appointed to look up the necesslty of building vaults at the court noni-'e for the safe koeping of pub'.ic records, is Supervisors Eugene Oe terlln, John L'. Hunter and Jam ia Porsythe. The gymnasium at McMillan Hall is now open for the year. and W". H. tfutehins for gentlemen, and Miss Ahee G'. Snyder lor ladies. have been s(- ured as instructora. Botb are studeots in the medical department. Bart!ett Eoblson who was (o:merly a resident of Ann Arbor, :jufc now of New York, was married on Monday evening to Miss Lillian M. Fiak, at the liome of the bride's párente in Yp..sUanti. Tlie couple have the best wishes of many Ann Arbor friends. 'Tlie next leeture in the Unity Club course occurs next Monday evening in the Unitarian church, and n'ill l:e liy Kev. J. B. Whitford, of Saginaw, who has an excellent on 'Dante.' This will be one of the good lec.tures of the course, and he should be greeted with a full house. The University foot ball boys are wild with Joy again. "Big .Tim" Hooper, the famous player in '93, has Joined the nine. He has a great reputation as a heavy weight, and wlll add much strength to our nine, oot only in reality but in con'.idence, vvliich has a great deal to do with it. Dr. MacLachlan is writing a treatisi? oc "Tlie Eye" for a Chicago publi&hing house. He is first vice presidcai t of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, president of the Michigan State Homoeopathic Medical Society and honorary member of the N Y. State Homoeopathic Medical Society. He goes to Detroit soon to secure leisure for the work.


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