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The I. O. O. F. Encampment

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The regular animal eneainpment oJ the order known lo the world as I. O. O. F., occurred in Anti Arbor last week, closing "Wednesday. The attendance was very good, though the raw, coltl weathcr no doubt effected it soinewhat. The sessions oí the encampment were of course open only to niernbers of the order. The oflicia! reports revealed the Tact that several oíd and run down encampmeutf had been re-estabUshed during the year, that one new one had been established at Lowell, Kent Co., and that it had been a prosperous year. Andrew Harshaw, of Alpena, 1he grand treasurer, presented the foüowIng iacts : Cash on hand at time of last report, $1,321.92 ; reeelved during the year, $1,884.92; total receipts, $3,200.03 ; expenditures, pay i-oli of Hillsdale session, $1,226.75 ; warrants drawn du ing the year, $722.86 ; total expenditures, $1,949.11; balance on hand, $1,256.92. The next grand encampment was Ljjvei: to Allegan, lo be held on the second Tuesday oí October, 1896. The election of officers for the grand eucanlpnient, resnlted as lollows: Grand Patriarch- Henry 1-cver, of Newaygc. G. II. P.- Frank Shephard, Cheboygan. Qm gt -V.- Wm. Skinnin, Fort iiratiot. ■ G. Scribe-E. H. Whltnéy, LatsinsG. Ti-eas.- Audrew Harshaw, Alpeua,. G. J. W.- Bobert Douovan, Charlotte Eepresentaiive to Bovereign Grand Lodge- Joslah Dandy, Grand llapids. In the evening the brothers present Baw the secret work oí the order beautüully exemplified by Grand liepresentative E. G. Turner, oï i-uther, Lake Co., alter which an iniormal reception was giveu the visitors by the local brethren, in the armory of the A. A. L. I. AYhen the encampment eonvencd Weduesday morning the iollowing appoiutive oificers were anuounced ly C-iand Patriaren Henry Lever : Uiaiid Marshal-N. A, Mertz, Marque i u_ L s._Earl Fau-bauks, Iiiither. U. ü. 8.- B. D. Harper, Bueüanan. Alter whieli all the oXceis were lufcialied. THE 6W0RD DEUX.Tiiia was Ueld ou the court iiouee square, aud was quilo Intoreating íioui a mUltary point oí view. The prizes Avere awarded as ioLows: Capt. C. S. Martin won the tirst prize ifH ; Ohevalier Stannard, second, $7.00; iileut. B. J. Hall, third, $5.00; Cheralier 1'. Hodge, iouvüi, $2.00. AU iroiu i'lint. '1HE COMPBTIÏIVB DBI1X. bad taken place ou the ïalf ground the day previous and ilie loliowing prize wloners were then anuounced: Col. l-'eutoa Cantón No. 27 ui iílint, couiuiauded Dy Capt. Cliaa. Ö. Martiu 'look tUe first prize, $75. Uexroit Cantón Ko. 1, coinmanded by Capt. Geo. tí. Everson, captures second prize, $50. The third prize was givou to Oriental Cantón .Nu. 19, oi Battie Creek, comuiauded by Capt. Chat. Parker, oi Adrián. BBST CANTÓN COMMANDEES. The prizes awarded lor tlie best cantou comnianders resul ted as follows : Capt. Chas. S. Martin, l'Unt, tlrst, $10 ; Capt. Everson, Detroit, necond, $7.50; Capt. Chas. Parker, Adiian, Huid, $5. The judgea íor the drill were Maj. 61d W. Millard, Oapt. John C. Fischer. aud Capt. Henry Uaunder, oi rand ítapids. The Daily Times account saya that the Battle Creek Cantón reeeived the prizo oí $25 for the cantón coming tbt íongest dlstance. C. A. Donauer, of Owosso, was the oldest ehevalier, TI years and one month, and Jreceived $5. ChevaHer Sellers of Battle Creek reeeived tho prize íor biiig the youngest, 23 years and teven moiiths, and for being the handsoinest in line. Capt. John Stayman ivas decided upon by the Bebeckahs as belng tho homeüest man and reeeived the prize of $2.50. The heaviest ehevalier was W. II. Ileudershot, oí lüitUe Creek, 212 pounds, and tlie lighiest Avas Chas. II. Eoyce, of Detroit, 114 pounds. The tallest man -vis X. íi. Frost, oí Charlotte, G ft. 1 1-2 Ín. H. S. Gamble was tlie Bliortest, being 5 ít. 4 1-2 In. tall. Col. 'Fenton Cantón, oí Flint, reeeived the llrst prize íor liaving the largest íiumber of men in line in the paradeHurón Lodge, oi Dexter, reeeived the Ürst prize íor having the largest number in attendance of the subordina! e loüges, and, Mi an tor coming the longest distance of any subordínate lodge. The checks íor the prizes were ea the winners at the close of the p,ii ade on the court house squar Wtiluesilay ai'ternoon and most of the: cantona propared for home. THE PARADE. The grand parade occurred Wednes day afternoon at 'Z o'elock, start ing at the eourt house and finishing a the same place. The mayor, prol dent of the council and aldermen were giren the place of honor at the head o:' the procession. Following 1liem came the general officers and staffs. The Newsboy's Band from Detroit, furnished mueic for the head of the procossion and was íollowed by Aun Aiiior Cantón Xo. 30, Detroit Cautoa No. I, Flint Cantón Xo. 27, Battle Creek Cantón Ko. 9, Owosso and Charlotte. The center of the formatiou of the parade was broken by the Anii lArbor city band whieh was followec1 'by a long lone of hacks and carr ia ges. The meeting was a very ant one for the visiting brottiers, the local lodges doing all in their po-.vcr t: entertain them, and although there must be some disappointments when nurnbers compete íor prizes, yet tlie gCneral verdict was tliat the prizea had been awarded on merit alone.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier