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Temperance And The Home

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(Conductedby the JK C. T. V.) God has given us a brlght and beautiiul world, pure air and glad sunsliine. He has also furnished iuel ior our comfort, grass and grain ior the animal creation. The Indian, anxou. to have a sitare in everythlng, twisted the tobáceo loaf and smoked lt ; then the white man, with liis supeiior Inte'.lect, to'lowed In the lootstep.s oí hls red brother, and lor years snioking tobáceo has 1 en the popular pastiiue oí our boys and men. rlch apilpoor alflie, until we have ■(■■ome a smoking nation. Somelimes eyen onv songs and prayers ascend 10 leaveu Ihrough a dour oí :ol)acco siT'Oke. Tobacco was ii:t:-(i(lüce.l to the knoivledge of civiHzed nations ju the discovery of America. It derives lts l'otanical name (Nicotiana) from Jean Nicot, Frencli embassador to i'ortugal, who introdueed it into jTrame, and did all in his power to render its fashionable. In 1621, a ship liiought over to America sixty girls, and sold them for 120 to 150 pounds o-! tobáceo. Think of it ! Tobacco v.-as the price of our first slaves, and aut! those slaves were young innocent gii To-day men become slaves to this same obo.tco and find the piaster tsuet a tyrant it is hard to break the clair and be free. Physicians, enemista and botanista dgrec in pronounclng tobáceo one of ihe most dendiy poisons known. 3t tíánts the breath. ruins the digestión, cbliterates taste and smell, spolls the b ood, oppresses the brain, depresses the heai-t, irrltates the nerves, wastes the muscles, obstructs the liver, ilims the visión, stains the skin, and (eUriorates and contamina tes eveiy orün and tissue wltü which it :omes in contact in the body. lts iniluenee Is to lessen vitality, to numb the eensIbiUties, to anorten life, to !;il. Tht use of tobáceo in any iorm is Luitful, lm, cigarette smoking la Ly lar the most injurious. Cigarettei are made from inferior tobáceo ; stumps throwu away ly ti, 3 smoker (perhaps a smoker vith a contagious disease,) are gather, d, ann used largely in the manufactme of cigarettes. This beiug )oor lobaeco aalt-peter is freeVy np'oyeil te keep it from becoming uiusty. yait-peteria highly injuiious. Cigarei.1e;. are strongly impregnated "HU opium. The paper wrapper iias isad ur arsenic, sometimes both, m it. Cigarette smoking, ií an ovil which ]ai sprung into prominence within u rery few years, and it is one wiüüh, uiiless checked and stamped out, will eik untold injury to our ;iation. It is doing more to-day to nndermine tbc constitutions of our young men a,! boys than any other o na evil. TEMPERANCE SCRAP RAG. Wanted- ;A cabinet organ tor the ui-o o,' the W. C'. T. V. during the somin;r year. Address Mrs. "W. W. Wetnicie, Si W. Huron st. AVanted- Every boy and girl In Ann Albor between tlie ages of rive and gixteen, in the Loyal Temperance "Legicn. whlch will be organized Haturday, Oct. 26, at two o'clock. Place j.nnounced later. Miss. Anna Richards of the OntverBitv Y's, bas consented to l;e the eader o: the I. ï. 1. and her assistants will be chosen from the young women in the üniversity who are members of tbai qrganization. Fiíty Union Signáis are taken by ttmperance workers in Ann irbor. v.m fwenty-five Michigan Unious. Dr. Mary AVood-AUen is now in Baltimore in attendance upon tlie naticna! purity eongress whleh -ionvenes foui days beïore the natioiial W. C. T. convention. Michigan has 419 W. C. T. U local uuions, -with a membership of 7,217; 314 Y's and 170 Loyal Temperance Lcgions'with a membership of 3,93. Michigan bas passed a law öxlng a heavy penalty upon railroad :onipanieir i'or the employment of persons oddicted to the use of intoxican ts. Miss WlUard reporta tuat tetota isrn is very much in vogue in "lïngland. iu her cycUng tours shc Irequently noticed hotels labe'ea with nigna w bieb read, "Milk lor bicyclists." Ir. is the sober decisión of unromantic men oï business, froiu one cutí üí Alrlca to tbc other, that an cbKtmtial preliminary to successful adniinlstration is to prevent the saJe cu' supply oï spirits to the nativos. Wo are continually met wltfl the account oï some one who uses nis Jaily dram, and at üfty is hale and btarty. But walt, the end is not yet. The child of such v iather may be overborne by a weakenec w ill, and die a drunkard. If we sow tlie -ivind, we must reap the -whirl■w ind.


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