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Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havingbeen made, in the couditions of paymenl of a certain mortgage, made the 28th dáy of May, A D., 18S7 by Jerome A. Freemanarid Emma V. Freeman, his wife, lo Junius E. lïeal, whereby the power of sale tlierclu contained has beconie operative, which mortgage was recorded in the ofllee of the Register of Deeds for the Oounty ol Washtenaw, ou the flrst day of June, A. D., 1887, in Liber 61 of Mortgasres on Paire 543 and on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the sum of eight hundred and twenty-elght dollars, and noproceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to colleet the sald sum of money or any piirt thereof. NOTICE is therefore hereby given, that ou the lOth day of January A. D., 1S98, at eleven o'clock, in the forenoon of satd day iit the soutli front door of the (Jourt House, iu the City of Ann Arbor, State of Michigan, the said mortgage v i 1 1 be foreelosed, and the landsund tenements by thesaid mortgage conveyed, will be sold at public auction or vcndue to the higbest bidder to satisfy the' principal and iuterest ofsaid niortgage, and the cost and expenses of these proceedIngs. including an attorney's fee of twentylivc dollars provided for th'erein. The land, lenemente and preraisee in the said mortgage inentioned and theu and there tu soldare described as follows, to wit: All those certaln pieces or pareéis of lands gltuated In the City of Aun Arbor, Michigan, known, bounded umi described as follows: The west part of lots four and five in Block A, Ëaatern Addltion tothe VUlage, now City.of Aun Arbor, accordlng to the recorded plat ■ ■f. benig the same lauda fbrmerly owuèd by one .lonn Kane. Dated Ann Arbor, Oetoljer Hth, 1895. E. B. Noekis, J pniub E. Bkal, Attorney for Mortagee. Mortgagee. J. '. BENNETT, Solicitor, 8 Kast Iluron Street. CHANCKKY SALE.- In pureuance, and by vlrtne of a deeree of the Circuit Court of the County of Wastitenau', State of Michigan, in Chaueery, made and entered on the tweiityBeventhdayof March, A. D. 1895. In a certaln cnuBe thereln pending, wherein Edmund 11. Andrews is complainant, and Gottlob Si-hneider and Miuna Schneider are defendants. N'otice is hereby glven that I shall sell ut pnblie auction to the highest bidder, atthesoutherly or Huron street eutrance to the Court House, iu the city of Ann Arbor, ('ounty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, (that bêiug the building in whicli the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw is held) on SATURDAY, THE 19TH DAY OF OCTOBER H. I 18115, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day the following described property situated in the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, viz: All the land lying directly east of lot "A" and lot one (1), ín block five (5) 6outh of Huron street in range two f2) east, and extending in equal width to the west liue of west Second street, in said City of Ann Arbor, being part of section 29 In Township two, south of range six east, Michigan. Dated Ann Arbor, Mich., August 26th, 1895. O. ELMER BUTTERFIELD, Circuit Court Commissioner, Washtenaw County Michigan. J. W. BENNETT, Solicitor for Complainant.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier