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The Famous U. Of M.

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Ti ank J. Shields, lit '95, of Boweü lia besn v;s,tlag o d -friends he:-e lurin1-, the week. ' Jo! n Kra'avee. oi Chicago, spent i-unday -wit i his son who is attendin;x tae Unlversüy. Pieident Angelí c o ed h se sion oï -tl:e 49th annual meeting of tlie Amelcau Mi s'onary Assoclatioa at reti-olt last Thursday, with au addie : that wa-i well reïeivel. Tlie sccretary of Ihe mpdira' clas is a C inese lady. Miss Melyii ii ei 'hich rendered into Engash is M s-i Mary Stone. llie historian is A. H Burle -on, of Ann Albor. C. S. Mclntyre, of AA'oodland, Micli., is 1 1 esident!. On request of President Angelí, the I eU1 Columbian Museum oí Chicago, lias gíven to the University two large. ■oí; paintlngs, 15 by 30' feet eacli, tbat were In the manufactureras building, a I ■ h ."! ce during the World'á Fair. These -nlü hreafter 1 elp ornament tin wals of Un'versity Hall. 'Ti the principie of a gradu ■ited pioperty tax, one which phould lie adopte:! by the state,'" has besn èhoseu as the subject of au intervüiversity jaw contest at Ann It is probab'e that the 'ocal team will win. lui ving picked up a -sast iund of economical knowledge Iioni the committee on sewers.- Mouïoe Democrat. The seventh regular meeting of ihe Michigan Politlcal Science associ ition v. ill bc held in Detroit next week Friday and Baturday, Nov. 1 ;nd2. It Is expectei that many of the repiesent:tliv;; men th oughout -!h; stat; will v in at;eidanc as the program is tL ie rn o nr-usual interest. Sevora! o', the University pio eors -vvi'l ïeaci paper .-Daily Times. Oii Snnday iire destroyed the publ..; hall anl rotu ïdi of iha Univertl y oí Virginia at CJharlottesvU"e, Ve., loge her witli a greater portioa of the library which was in the lOtunüa. j ! e ' fo:)ts up to $300 000 und apv tirds, wh ch is insured only --Ó,- 000 The faculty havo dstermined lo keep on with recitations, nowever niakini' the o her buildings rinswer fcr the prese;it. The U. ol if. foot ball team are niaking it rather monotonous by over■helmingly defeating all who co:i e a'ong. i?aturday ar. o hei' vlctiin. Late Forest Univer.sify team, were 'd'd up" by a score oí 4(0 to 0'. But it is probab'e when Harvard 5s taclileil the thing wiü be more complicated. On Saturday Harvard scoopeJ the t'. of M'si o'd time enemy, Cornell, Ui a very easty manne-.