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Mr. Jonas In Chicago

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Tío Chicago Tribune for Oct. 23, i i speaking oí the Chnmbor Concert in -ll:c Summy Series, glven in On'.ral Jiis-ir Hall, 0:1 Tuesday evening, Oct. I-2U says : Two improvements íast evening cer tlie ( penins concert were the si oiteñn o. 1hs prcgram and inore c.en Síleon in tho matter of asmsting niusicians. Tlie ürst oí these en be considered, the pianist, ilberto Jonas, displayea finish and deücacy tl, al in frequent monie lts approache I to the deftuess oí Joeffeyw Hls lei-o se in the of b:eadtli is limited, but in clearness, íluency, and a re.tala musiclanlj' poisc he ittalned to admirable tliing?. Iu addit.Ou 'lo the Sainl-SaeiiH number, exi-o lent in pioprie y oí seeetion, Mr. assisteJ in lh.9 Beethoven Trio. Op. Í)T, toge her with Mr. Spi anii Mr. 3:e;tel." The föUowlng is taken {rom he i hiAgo Clnoiiicle 'or Oct. 23, eomméntmeufng upo.i the sains Chambei' Concort : "Alberto Jo; a is a. pianist oí íar iu Ore than ordiaaiy acquireme.ils. Ifís techr.liua is cqual to any Jemand; hi-; command of the pedal is one of the grea'.est charms oí his playing, and that he lias much f iré and iine musical :ejliiig was mani'est, altl.ough 'llia unthankfu'ness oí n!s seloctlon, 1 li 3 bal et musió from Gluck's ■Akeste," arrangod by St. Saens, prevent; d him from showing Ihoso qualities -lo advautagc. Ihe Bestlioven t ric vas given with fina effect, due Ín a greit measure 10 the fine plrylng of Alberto Jonas." Tlie Times-Herald says 'Mr. Alleito Jonas is scholarly, thoughtíul, intense and conmaudí the piano adinaab'y-" 'o Hg'ut in iha court house -lock tower a long tim?. Wtat'a ;he matter ? Il is state;l on the streets liere that 1 lm house of Mrs. Aüce rowdigan, of Korthfield, was tramad yesierdiy. Insuiecl in the Washlen&w Mutual. Tlie Knights of Pylhias are to ien'ove tlieir lodge room from over C aspar Rinsey's store to the rooms ener St. James' dry goods sto:e. Cause, more ïoom necessary. Work is constantly going on l'.ere improving the servies of the telephone exchange. Supt. Keech keeps an eye rur. all the time for improvements, 8iul ive honestly televe ihere ií no exchange in the state that is kept in siCh good condtion as the ons iere in Ann Arlor.


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Ann Arbor Courier