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And stil] beyond your housebold duties reach Stretch forth a helping hand; So maDy stand in need of loving comfort All over this wide land. The Monday Evening Club had a pieasant time at Granger's Monday ovening. And up she goes again. Ann Ar bor has another $100, 000 added to Ier valuat:on by tlie supervisors. jAii addition is being built on the liouse vhich Dean H'. B. Hutchins cf the law department recently pur cliased of Mr. Taber. The ground In gardens and where tbo lióse has not been used. is entire'y Iy free from moisture. The dryest ever known at this time of year. The summer house at Strawberry lafce, be'ongiug to Add Collum, -was Ccstroyed by iire last "Wednesday. ICS3 about $300 with $75 insurance. On account of internal di'sensions in hi& congregation, Kev .Max Hein, of Zioa's church, has resigned hls pastor ate, to take effect the iirsfe Sunöay after Baster. Tracy I. Greene. aged 17 years, 5 nibnths, died on Weduesday last of iyplio:d iever. Tuneral services were belii from the 2d Baptist church Friöay p. m., and the remains were in_twred in_Forest Hill Cemetery. At the home of Supervisor James Fcyle of the Northside, carne a 3 oung man who has taken possession of -the household and proposes to run it hereafter. He entered hls appearnce last AVednesday and pulls down the ten 1b. Aveight on fche scales. The Ho wel l Iiepubücan is pretty Lsici on our Chief of PoÜce, Mr. Petersod, in calling him a bowhard, etc. The people here, where he Jlres, have had ampie evidence ot his f.bility and "sand" both, to lo jobs that take courage and shrewdness as -n-ell. Hard words very iseldom accomplish much, and are not convineing. Major Walker disapproved of several acts of the council at lts ast meeting, and exercised his right of ■reto on them. One was the settling -with Mr. Bullis for city, dirt used In filling up a low place1 in front of Ms premises on Washtenaw ave., by liis paying $25 there.'or, and another v-as the building of a crosa walk on the east side of S. Universityj uve., acrosa iWashtenaw ave. Somecooks bake with cot.tolene, ' ' lurd. " " u=e 110 grease at all, But their erust's mighty hard. Some men cIipw their plug tobáceo, " " " the lag: " " uever worfc their jaw Except to cbew tlie rag. Some men put their ads in papers, " " " Uiem on tlie fence, " " never advertise, Wil o ought to have more sense. A ïpecial thealre train runs on tlio Ann Arbor ll'y to Toledo toingiit, at reduced rates. It is an expc-i iment, and if suceessful wilt be repeated oflen. The experiment hou'd be tried several times, and the people iloiough'y inrormed of it, before succes.- could be expected. One of our county officials has íhe 1ni(. poe'. ie gift, and writes verses Iliat are of real merit, bub he is no modest that he will nob allow a line of it 1o get into print.- Ann Arbor ( ourier. One of the virtues of thia ( ounty official is his ability to conre:i! his viee. Nail his -worthy name a'ofl like a sheep skin on the gable cij('. of a barn ! Sound the iiewpag ! Here is a poet willing to 'Mush unseen." 0, that the bard of Willis had been composed to this spirit, be ore he composed the "Ode to íhe Mullen Stalk"' and was hookcd ly a buil, be'ore he goö out of the pasture !- Monroe Democrat. Boas Granger was chosen captain of Company A, Jfl. N. G., on Wednesdaj evening last, in place of John ö. Iièther, resigned. Se geant Herman O. "Walter3 was made 2d lieutenant in his place. Fred Huntoor. -was chosen treasurer. In ihis (onnection it is but justice to i-ay a word of commendation of the rein ing captain. He took hold of the company when it was in debt and corslderably discouraged, lias placed it on a firm footing financially snci every other way, and has been a aluable o:ficer, earning by hard ■nork and attention to business all thft 'honor he has gob outi of it. "While the people of this city, wi;hout exception. wiU rejoice at the fcod fortune of John H. Shadford in í-eiuring a verdict of $4,500 agalnst tiie Ann Arbor Street Raihvay Co., for permanent injuries recelved by him whüe in their employ, yet at the same time they will regret exceedingly that the judgment is agalnst a company -that has always done its Lest to accommodate the public here in a uu Artor. and estabHsh a street ïaihvay service in this city agalnst many difffcultie and impediments. Tho collectiou of this Judgment will cause the company eerious difficulty financially, if it does not comp'etely ruin ít. i At the same tima there is not a person living who wouldi exclJange places with Mr. Shadford for many time3 the amount of tha iudgntent, and if it was the result of (he (ompany's carelessness in not proi iding the proper tools or methods to do he work with that he was doing, ;t la not excessive in thel east. The aïïair is a sad one all around, and gieatly -(o be deplored. Both parúes In the case are entitled to, and we 1-ftJieve have the sincere eympathy of the Ann Arfcor public. Tiie bazarr at Ui; A. M. F. ehurch ■wil' bo routinueil durin? tliis week. lh. and Mrs. John W. Dwyer lost tljeir lnfant child last Saturd ly a. m. death. The flrst entertainment in th.3 "R iptist, Sunday Rchool course takes place thlB eveni.ig at U13 Baptist church. O.u Sur dn y morning nest, Bev. Dr. Cobern, at the M. E. cliurch, vrjll speak of "Tlié líecent Conversión of a Gieat SkepUcal Scieotist." On Tlmrsday at 3 p. m., Mrs. Jenv.c Toorheis wiU give a report of the 'do ngs of the National W. C. T. U. convention, at the Y. W. C. A. icoms over the postofiic:. Kev. Henry Tatloclc at St Audrew's Episcopal church, gave a very interesting aci-ount of the doinga of general convention of that church 011 Sunday morning last. Mrs. Rosa Maier and daughter Miss . I'auUne. carne from Grand Ledge last Saturday, and will remain here all winter. Mre. Mnier wiU keep I'Ouse ïor her son Eugene Mutschel. A. great conflagration, the iourt louse in ashfis and all the inva'uable xecords destroyed.- Ann Arbor Courier. Great Scoit ! Mr. Courier, yon inight as vrell ki'l a man as to sea re him to death. Don't put ín sucb a scare again. But we agree ,-ívith yon. The public records oí jour county oughfc not to 'oe exjesed to tlic; lagard o f íire. - Stoeklrldgo Sun. Tlio famous or infamous murderer H. H. Holmes, alias Herman iludgett as lio gave liis name whenyittending pcliool here, is now oa trial at i?hilaöelph'a, his life. Ths desds of this fiend have been recited by eve:y ïiewspaper in the land, consequently it is not desirable to reviewi them again. It Is the hope of all the good pcople oE the nation, that there1 ;nay b-j no flaw, In the chain of evidence, and that the jury secured inayt not brj such ignorant men that they can tiot give this scoundrel f uil justice. Grand Leeturer Clark wlll liolC a ruasonic (school of instruolion in this city ou Tuesday, Not. 12. All the niasonic lodges of the county are IrviteJ lo be present. Phoenix lodge of Ypsilanti has been invi el toi ooniei the lsfc deg.; Washtenaw 'otlge of Dexter, iha 2d degree m the alteraoon, and the 3d dogiee wïl be conferred by Fraternity or Golden Hule lodgo oi this city, as wfll te arranged by the two lodges. It is probable tbat there will be a vei-y large at1 en dance. The ed tor of that excellent medical Joiiinal, The Physician nnd Surgeon, takes unto himself credit for aslsting in a nolabe reformation that U alout to begin in the penmanship oC the peop!e. Here is -.vhafc he : "A decree has ben piomultrated at the State Normal School lliat vertical prnmanship must nencefoith be taught in that institution. The order caused consternation aniong the teachers, as few are accuslomed to that system of ehirography. Thu change is being made in o tb er schools throughout the state, and rerently came in vogue afc the seat of 1h Univer.'i y of Michigan. Home timo ago The Physlcian and fiurgeon j-o.nled out the errors of the slanting method and it is with pleasure !hat ■wij note the gradual adoption of th physiological iorm."' The masons of Detroit are arranginí; :or a big exposition whichi is lo Ie held Nov). 25 to Dec. 7. Many ncve'ties and interesting displays are promised from all over the United otates and even from the land of the Oriënt. There wlll be elabórate dccoiations inside the big new temple ■ïvliich is just being finished. Many professional entertainers have been eugaged ior the performances in the Tuikish and American theatres and In the "S reets of the Oriënt,' which v ili be thoroughy equipped wi.h gcods and atiractions now ceing secured by a, special agent who s tearchlng Persia, Turkey and Egypt ior noveltie.'. Tlie booths will be vniied in architeoture and style each i e ng equippsd from the land it ïepretents. Tlie wonderful pain. ing of Trilby" -wil! be on exhibition anl a big art loan display, with several DL-w plctures shown in the west Tili occupy one floor. Tlie e.itiie ■uilding. and it is seven stoiies in lieight, will be used for exhibhion pui poses. - - - Al out flfty fren Is of Mr. ana Mrs. .'o--. Jacobas, of Fountain st., surriised tliem on Saturday evenlng '&st '''"'■ a right merry lime was had by all On Saturday evening, at 7:30 the i-'pworth League is to hold a Hal'oweci. f-'ocial, at the M. E. clmrch. in will Ie worth your time and inoney to attend. Ou Friday evenlng Nov. S, l'rof. Stanley, assis'.ed by the clioir and LOted so'oists. v,-ïl give a concert oud recital in the M. E. church. The pi o.-eds will go to the muslo fund of Hu' church. Tlio Ann Arl or High School foot T'all team were defeated by the De tioit high school team Saturday aflornoon. on the E. A. C. grounds, Detroit, by a fcore of 44 to 12!. About 600 -witnessed the game. The supervisors have ïe-elected Erastus P. Mason superintendent of the poor ; John AT. Barry, drain rommissioner ; Herbeit Dancer, member of the Board of School exatniners ; ::nci Marvin Davenport as janilor. lliey have a's-o accepteJ the bid of the Ann Artor Savings Bank :or ihe county morey, 1he l;ank to ?harge ( per cent on overdrafts and pny 4.51 per cent. on balances. The bids of the banks were very cose, ths F. M's bid was to charge 5 per centk o-i overdrafts and pay 4.15 p3r! cent on lalarce--. The State Sav'.ns to charge 6 per cent and pay 3.25 per cent The case in the circuit c.ourt of ram es Inen vs. Paris S. Banfield, for false impriionment, had a vevy abrupt ending. Trinen ivas arrested on tusp'cion of 1 eing implicated In Uu. ïobbery of Sheehan's book s'oe, :i yëar or so ago, by. Banfield who Tia then city marshal. It was cvióent afterward ihat he -was not snllty ano so Ye brought action for false imimpii onme it. Circumstanes ere i_ch. ho wever, that the judge infetructel the jury to return a verdict lor the defendant, or nol cause for act:on. In üoing this the judge comp'imeated the o ficers for doing what v a: their duty, and took the ground' :o." po dolng they should not e pi osceutedThe flt!ent:on of 1he public Is iespectfully called 1o provisions rontained in Pub'ic Act, No. 161,. of the Public Acts of Michigan, Session of j SS5. in which Act a clause provides for the payment, by party placing a Cieoo upon record, of an additional fee, and above the fee for recording pftper, oí 25 cents, for the county tieasurer's fee, in iurnishing a eer} tificate that the taxea upon land fcave been paid for the prevlous five yeare. More or Jess confusión and clflay must arise, throughparties not of the passage of such an act Pease, there ore, in all cases romlt either to the Register of üeeds ,or the County Treasurer, the udditional iee of 25 cents. This additicnal fee applies on'y to warranty ilecds. ■ v There is to be a novel Mrthday party at the residence of Mrs. P. Bach o;i the eveuing of Oei. 31st, llal'ow'een. It is under the auspices of the Ladles' Library Assoclailon and eacl. person is to celébrate his or her cwit blrthday, by iac'osing ia a lltllo Bilken bag sent with thff Invitation, as many pennies as they are years oíd. There nesd be no' aeceit piacticed on account of modesty, for a guaranty is glven that tha numl;er of pannies sent in by any one will never be divulged. And it :nakea nó dlfference whether any one at1endb or not, it is expected that every cue receiving invitations will return the bagá well fi:ied, any way. Of course the shrewd projectors of th's rovei scheme would not think of kucIi a thing as selecting eldery people to send the invitationi vo, but have piobably given the young folks a chance to celébrate with their elders.


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Ann Arbor Courier