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A Veteran Prostrated By Sunstroke

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It was Accompanied by Insomnia, Nervous Prostration and Heart Failure- It is the Talk of Troy, Lansingburgh and all the Grand Army Posts. WHAT ACTION WILL THE RENSSELAER COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY TAKE? His Friends, who Knew of His Sunstroke During the War, Much Interested- Hand Once Twisted by Rheumatism Relieved of Pain- The Soldier as Spry as Ever- How it was Done DetailedDescription of the Method Employed - General Interest in the Case. From the Times, Troy, JV. T. B. W. Edwards, of 528 Fourth avenue, Lansingburgh, is a well-known and respected resident of that village, a prominent offieer of Post Lyon, G. A. B,., of Cohoes, and a past aide-decamp on the staff of the comrnander-in-chief and assistent inspector for Albany County. When the reporter called upon him he was cngaged in active work about kis house, soruething which he had not been able to do with any freedom for years. He gave the following story, which is well worth perusal : " I was woundcd and sent to the hospital at Winchester during the war. They sent me together with a batch of wounded to Washington. Having no room in the box cars we were placed face up on the bottom of flat cars. The sun beat down upon our unprotected heads. We rode about one hundred miles in thisfashion. When I reached Washington I was insensible and was uneonscious for ten days while in the hospital. An abscess gatheredin my ear and broke ; it has been gathering and breaking ever since. Sinee I took Pink Pilis the matter discharged has been very small in quantity and is steadily decreasing. The sharp, knife-like pains have almost leftnie entirely and my head feels clear as a bel!, 'where before it continually feit as though it would burst. The sunstroke which befel me on 'that one hundred mile ride brought on heart disease, nervous prostration and insomnia. I had that terrible sinking feeling at the heart and at times would i'aint dead away. I became frarfully nervous and any steady mentai effort was absolutely impossible. I could not sleep at nights. Many and mímy a time have I got up out of bed and walked the floor with my body racked with pain unable to find relief. No one knows how I suffered. In addition to this six years ago rheumatism fastened upon me and I could not shake it oif. I went to a doctor, I bought patent medicines, I tned nearly every remedy with no good effect. As a last resort I purchased a box of Pink Pilis, and it helped me to such a degree that I procured another and still another, until up to the present time I have bought in all seven boxes. My rheumatism is gone, my heart faüure, dyspepsia, and constipation are about gone, andmy once shattered nervoussystemis now nearly sound. Look at those íingers," Mr. Edwnrds said, "do they look as if there ivas any rheumatism there 'I" He moved his fingers'rapidly and freely and strode about the room like a young boy. "A year ago those fingers were gnarled at the joints and so stif that I could not hold a pen. My knees would swell up and I eould not straighten my leg out. My joints would squeak when I moved tnem. That is the living truth. " "When I carne to tliink that I was gomg Ui be crippled with rheumatism, together with the rest of my ailments, I tell you life seemed not worth living. I used todrop ajpencil, knife, spoon, or any article which I had in my hands, my crippled and nervous fingen refusing to retain their hold. I suffered from desponrlency. 1 oannot begin to tell you," said Mr. Edwards, as he drew a longbreath, wha nyr feeling is at present. I think if you lifted en years right off my lifo and left me prime nd vigorous at forty-seven 1 could feel no beter. I was an okl man and could only drag myself oainfully about the house. Nowl can ralk off without auy trouble. That in itself," ontinued Mr. Kdwards, " would be sufficient ;o give me cause tor rejoioing, but when you ome to consider that J ara nolonger whatyou might cali neivoua and that my heart is aparently nearly liealthy and that I can Bleep ïights, you may realize why I may appear t peak in extra vacant praise of Pink Pilis. " I know that ff I had not taken that firrt box of Pink Pilis that to-day I would hare een one of the most wretched of men. There vere years when I would not sleep more than n hour or two a day. Do you realize what hat means? My ñervos were like aspens, ubjeetto the slightest shock. That was due o sunstroke. Those pills quiet my nerves, ake that awful preasure i rom my head and at he same time enrich my blood. There seemed o be no circulation in my lower limbs a year ago, my legs being cold and clammy at times. Sow the circulation there is as full and as risk as at any other part of my body. I have regained color, such as I havo not hadinmany years. Why, do you know, I nsed to be so isht-headed and dizzy frora my nervous disiraerthát I frequently feil while crossing the floor of my house. I could not walk a straight line npon the sidewalk, and I was afraid that people might think me intoxicated. I do not iall any more and I can walk straight. That is another thing I owe to Pink Pills. Every spring and iall I was in very poor health. Spring is coming on and I liever feit better in mylife, and lam looking forward to a busy season of work, "Theuleersin my ear have been greatlyimproved. I think that results from my generally improved physical condition. "I could not work overhead for several years on account of dizziness, but to-day I am all right. Do you think I am too loud in my praise of Pink Pills? If they had done for you what they have aceomplished for me you would have been as enthusiastic as I have been and am." The foregoing is bnt one of many wonderfal cures that have been credited to Dr. liams' Pink Pilis for Palé People. Diseases which heretofore have been supposed to be incurable, sueh as locomotor ataxia and paralysis 6uceumb to this wonderful medicine as readily as the most triffing ailments. In many cases the reported cures have been investigatedby the leading newspapers and verified in every possible manner and in no case has the least semblanee of fraud been discovered. Their fame has spread to the far ends of civilization and there is hnrdly a drug.tore in this country or abroad where they cMinot be found. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis contam in a condensed form, all the elementa neeessary togive new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an Unfailing soecific for sueh diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paxalysie, St. Vitns' dance, sciatiea, neuralgia, 'rhoumatism, neryous headache, the after effect of lagripp;, palpitation of the heart, pale and salloy eomplexions, all forma of weakness either in male or fpniale. Pink Pilis are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on receipt of priee, (50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50- -they are ncver sold in bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. .


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