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ADIRONDA ,Bi-Mirmr TRADE MARK ■■ Whèeler'svnj NeOêv""""' POSITIVELY CURES HEART DISEASE, NERVOUS PROSTRATIOH, EPILEPSY. sleeplessuess and all aerangement ot the Nerveus Svstem. Unexcelled for Restless Babies. Pnrely Vegetable, guaranteed free from opiates. One-hundred full size doses. 50 cents. M. D. Bailey, Eeceiving Teller Grand Rapids (Mich.) Savings Bank, says he cannot say too much in favor of " Adironda," Wheeler's Heart and Nerve Cure. Prepared by Wheeler & Fuller Medical Co., Cedar Springs, Mich. Sold by John Moore, - Druggist. B&UMG&RDNER'S ANN ARBOR t'ELECTRIC CRANITE WORKS, Manufacturer of and dealer in Artistic Hartls and He Moríais ! Having on hand a large quantity of Rough Granite, and full equipped machinery for Granite Work, we are prepared to execute Fine Monumental Work on short notice. OFFICE, No. 6 Detroit St., ANN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN. P Chiche ter1 EnjrIIh Diamond Brand. ENNYROYAL PILLS _K""v Original and Only Genuine. A ,lfciN safc, al war reHáble. ladie ask t X' Tï itM Druggist for Chichester s &nglih i?ig-jgV tfWiXPi&B&mond Brand in lied anl Gold metalliow - OfiMboxes, aealed with blun ribbon. Tke y ■W i SWfno other. Refute dangeroua I ' - fff liona and imitations. At Drug8ti, or Bend 4c I i. y in stampa for _paniculiirs, teitimonials and B B Kllef for I-adle," " letter, by return - f Mali. 1O.0OO Tcstimouisla. JVame Poptr. Nta- "Chlchetr Chemical Co.,MdlnonSquroi leid bj all Local Druggiits. I'hlludB-, 1. $1000 IN GOLD GIVEN AWAY AS PRIZES. For the Beat Fictures Taken. TOn November löth, 1895, we shall give away One Thousand Dollars in gold for the best pictures taken by the La Croase Camera. The prizes will be awarded as follows : $200 in gold will be given for the best picture taken by this camera ; $100 for the second best; $50 for the third best; $25 for the fourth best; $15 for the fifthbest; $10 for the sixth best, and for the next 40 best $5 each will be given ; for the next 80 best $2.50 each will be given and for the next 200 best pictures taken by the La Crosse Camera $1 each will be given, making in all $1000 given away. AVe shall do this for two reasons, viz : The first to introduce the La Crosse Camera for 1895 ; the second, to edúcate the amateuers in photogrhphy. - This contest closes on November Ist, 1895. This camera can be used by any one and is sold under a positive written guarantee to do the work or money refunded. Sent by express with full instructions and rules governing this contest upon receipt of express money order for $1.75. Remember, A Written Guarantee Goes With Bveiy Camera. Address, La Ckossb Specialty Co., La Crosse, Wis. Nov 1 I Will Save You From $10 to ! ; ( (i : wing Machine. CET THE BEST When you are about to buy a Sewing Machina do not be deeeived by alluring advertisements and be led to think you can get the best made, finest finishcd and Most Popular for a tnere song See to it that ilSs you buy from reliable manu_jL5jT!r facturers that have gained a BSw M" reputationbyhonestandsquare HI! dealing, you will then get a ''wffjPBtt Sewing Machine that is noted fLpTiBjl the world over for its duranfetcKJ bility You want the one that ■V'jS!. is easiest to manage and is " - #Light Running There is none In the world that can equal in mechanical construction, durability of working parts fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvements as the New Home It has Automatic Tensión, Doublé Peed, alike on both sides.of needie (patented) no other has it ; New Stand (patentea), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus redfucing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULAR8. THE KEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. Obaíjoe, Mass. Boston, Mass. 28 Union Square, N. T Chicago, III. St. Lona, Mo. Dallas, Teíxa8. San Francisco, Cal. Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE BY J. F. SCHXJEC, At from $15 to $30 will furnish you any machine made, and warrant them for ten years. Do not be deeeived by agenta ; get my prices bef ore you buy. J. F. SCHUH, 31 Main St. Ann Arbor. MEN WANTED To take orders. Instruction and outflt tree Salary or commisslon as preferred. Splendid chance lor reliable men. Experience not ïecessary VVrite for lerms and ftill partlcuars. The E. G. CHASE COMPANY, STurserymen. Geneva, N. Y. MEN AND WOMEN BÊ ng the Conieexville Mfg. Co., Manville, R. I., mfgrs. of Normandie Plushes. Send 12 cents for samples, partlculars, and secure agency. Mention thls paper. Hützel's Water Back! A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of ex e rience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoraing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hützel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HTJTZEL & CO., Plumber and Steamfitttrs. ANN ARBOR. - - MICH. W. F. MOORE,! DEFTIST. Work done In all forma of modern dentIstrv; crown and bridge work a specialty Gradúate of the U. of M. Office, 27 3. Main t. Ann Arbor. Mich. 1 7 HÉ I The Only Direct Route % From All Poiuts In EfliCHiQAN ANP CANADA TO.J Modern Sleeping Carsl I IBfl K on NlghtTralns. Enliwlrág X PARLORCARS " RBU! gI ffif f f" DAYTON, ! C!HGIHHiTlaniliöf=l Imuunus. 0;? J For rates and full information, address X J D. B. TRACY, Northern Pass. Agt., X # son & Woodward Aves., Detroit, Micli. # # JOHN BASTABLE, District Passenger A;t., 0 i 5 Bridge St., Toledo, Oh io. i I). G. KDWARDS, General Passenger Agcut, 5 W Carew Buildini Cincinnati, Onio. W THIS YEAR THE BOYS WILL WANT TO economize, but you oan't afford to always walk when POLHEMUS has added a lot of new styllsh rigs, before hard times were upon ua, and now is determlned to make the príces so low, that It wlll be a pleasure to spend a dollar now aud then. Saddle Horses for Ladles and Gentlemen. I m prepared to answer all calis for Hacks wlth the flnest turnouts In the city. Cali up POLHEMUS by 'Phone, or order at barn, corner Main and Catherine streets. Cars lromUniversity stop at our office. 83yr Sept. 27. 1394 fi& _ .'i In' ' - ""''' It Cure Coldi, Conghi, Sore Throat, Croup, Infla enz, Whooping Cough, Bronohitii and Aathma. A eerUin ourt for Conumtion in first itagH, and a iur e relief in adraseed aUf et. TJie at once. You will u the excellent effeot fter Uking th LSl.d.Toc.?0tidanïdfSr 1V ASTHRiA soNN CURED, but The PEERLESS ASTHMA REMEDYwiA give instant rulief. 25c and 50cslzes. bample mailed free. At druggists or raailed on receipt of pnot b?The Poeriess Kemedy Co.. Goblüvüle, Micü


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