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Crumbs Swept Up

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A "shoe social" was held at the residence of Wm. Scadin, oí Webster la&c Friday evening. Oh, slioe ! Dexter is very happy over tlie prospect 'of an electric light system. Thos. Birkett will wort up the scheme if it is carrieü out. A gravel drive has been made aiound the new addition to Forest Lawv. Cemetery, Dexter, by neighborinj; farmers, who clubbed toget-her to do It. The Ypsilanti Light Guards liave paid all their obligations and Tiave a snug balance in the treasury, which is an unusually prosperous condition. - Ypsilantian. ííome miscreants are defacing new concrete Avalles in Dexter and the Leader warns them to desistí or have 1ho awfui majesty of the law set down plump on them. The Adrián Press man kicks just tecauso the Argus of this city credited a number of his itemq to the Adrián Times. 'Oh, p&iiaw ! you oughtn't to feel bad over a little thing like th at. Samuel Grahani, a former inember oi the Tpsilanti lire departrnent, who ■w aa arrested for arson some months .■i!.o. has been honorably discliarged fioni the department by thO eouneil of that city. Georgo K. Cady died at his home on Chicago ave., Ypsilanti, :ast Friday morning, aged 71 years. He leave& a widow, two sons and three daughters, one of wliom is Mrs. W. G. Snow of Ann Arbor. Dexter's night watchman lias built Mui an "office''' to use cold winter nights, so that he can just look out ih'ï window and keep things all right. Very comfortable, 110 doubt, 'out the luiglars may sneak up and get the drop on him some timet Supt. "Whitney received yesterday a. check from F. E. 'Mills, of $20, the amount awarded our school exhibit as -a first prize. The money is to tu expended for books for theübrary, each book bearing an inscription indicating the source of fchei purchase money. - Ypsilantian. An Tpsilantij grocer named Meanwel' advertised as a bargain some fine eider at 20 cents a gallon. It is pretty good eider that bringa $2 per barrel of 50 gallons, and $10 for it at retail, gives an idea what proiit 1lere is in handling the "devil's kindling -wood." That grocer may mean v eli however, in his offer, but he is tho sou of a i)rofit gure. - Adrián Tress. Sunday afternoon a house owned l(,y Frank. Forner, situated about a mile and a-hali northwegt from this place, was destroyed by flre. The Iiotiso was near the ono owned by íícbert Leach, which was bumed a si orí time ago, as wan noted in last v eek "s Standard, and Mr. Leach had slowed what few goods he had saved in the building, and was residing in 1he village. Tliis fire ïinished the vork of destruction commenced by tbc previous one. - Chelsea Standard. I' any one doubts the truth of this Item, Bro. Hoover, of the Chelsea Standard will furniah afüdavits : "A sliort time ago a resident of this place Ueard a noise in his chicken yard and on investigation found the vïre fence cut and his best rooster g-cue. Soon after this he missed femf cggs, even the jjorcelain nest egj; tiaving flown with the rest of the Tot. A few days ago, his wife was out in the yard working, and a ueighbor's little boy said to her, 'Say, my pa got a chicken out of your yard a little while ago, and ho had to cut the 'fence and run like sixty to get Bway. And he got some eggs a little while ago, and brought 'em Lome.' And thus the ïnystery was solved." : ' i Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Orr, oí Whitmore Late, have been visiting friends at Milán recently. Ypsilanti lias sucli a swarm oí Lady Maccabees that it takes two Jiives lo accommodate them. C H. Wilson's new saw inill 5s Icing placed in position, and he expects to have it in operation in a touple of weeks.- Milán Leader. Mr. Fred Davis, of Ann Arbor, was (hè guest of his cousin, Miss Gertrude Mills, last Saturday and Sunday.- Mead's Mills cor. StoCkbridge .Sun. A worker's conference oí the Bapti&l church was held at the Baptist cLurch in Manchester yesterday and tbc day before. Kev. Young, oï this r ity was among the workers. Mrs. J. W. Babbitt and Mrs. Snedicor oí were Wednesday inspecting Lucius Taylor Belief Corps. Mis Babbitt was the guest oi Mrs. Joseph Gaunt'.ett whüe here.- Mi'an Leader. This, froni the Dexter Leader is what nilght be termed sarcasm : "Dai'y v cailier bulletins are now posted in 11j-j postoffice. A igreat convenience to people who are uneertain when to carry an umbrella." Mr. and Mrs. George P. G-lazier, of Chelsea, were thrown out oí a earriage in which they were riding reeently, and sustained some very painfuï bruises, though not serious. It vas a narrow escape. The team became 'frightened and unmanageable "Py the breaking oí the hamess. A Michigan Central passenger train passed through here cast bound, Saturday evening. An accident occuriei! cast of Jackson, whicli blockaded the Central tracks and made it nccessaiy to send the train Uiis way io sí. vo timi?.- Manchester Enterprise, ïhat's an Ypsilanti game to shut out Ami Arbor. See ? Ui at Fowlerville peopje attend the Eair. They have n o quarrels to conTcnct with, and all are united. The fair society in that place Kold this year, 2,797 single admission tickets, 841 family tickets and 105 ehildren's tickets at 10 cents each. Aiter payin- all premiums and other expenses, pickled down in the treasury .$344.8-i cents for a rainy day AYhile the Salvation Army was conoucting an open air on Huron sheet last evening, a shower of decojed eggs answered their petitions for blessings on high. Some hoodlums- had reached the roof of the Post Mock and committed the outrage, escaping beiore being discovered. It is hoped their identity may be Iearn( (I and their act fittingly punished.- Ypsilanti Sentinel. So there are bad boys in Ypsilanti, too ! Eawsonville, a little town on the county line between Wayne and Wáshtonaw, lias long been known as the destited village, becauseoi the lactthat a majority of the dwelllng liouses are uninhabited and have been left to ruin ani! decay. Buring late years the cnly eigns of lile have been a school liouse, a flour mili and the post ofíite. As a finaL blow to the town. the post office department diseontinued "the latter. This aroused the farmers 'living in the vicinity and a petition Is being circulated to have toe office re-established.- Chelsea Standard. This, irom the Manchester Enterprise, is heartily endorsed, as being oui own situation many more times than it should be : "We cannot tinclerstand why people will persist in ncglecting to sign their name to communications or items sent to anewspap_er. Every week we receive letters - sometimes in our own printed envelopes, but as there is no signature and we do not know who sent 11) em, we are unable to use them. We presume that some of our friends wonder why items sent in do not appear. This may be the reason. Please be more careïul hereafter. "We want the news but must know from whom items come." Earl Sweet and Harley Guy have combined their barber shops at Mi'.an. Henry E. Fullington and John Bi 1BC-ii have returned to Whittaker Irom a trip down south. farmers around MooreviKe thrftsbe.i instuad oí husked their corn ibis jreai In many instances. Why don't somebody get marrled ;,it' move iilto some oí the vacant hctises.- Saline Observer. The hen house of Wm. 1. Simonds, aiiO the iarin bain ol D W. Kaiie near Whittaker, were each buvned !aat v eek. Chas. H. Kobison and Miss Luci'e II. Ward were married at the iiome oí the bride's partente, in Milan, on last. lhc o'.d creamery at Mooreville has Kei. fitted up by Mr. Sangree as a Lj isl mili, and he wiü grind frrd Hiere this winter. Much inconvenience has been caus1-y the removal Hallowe'en oí the 'ups tv hich werechained to the well. 'Ihe so-called iun on such occasions sometimes reaches a limit, and deserves a stronger term.- Milan Leader. The Ypsüanti High School seholars clamor lo the board lor the use of tlie campus lor foot taü recitals. ïliey feel the humiliation oü taking a back Joc and lmving á lierd of Jersey calis mia in the game. - Monroe Democrat. Hallowe'en was observed here 1 hmsday evening with more or less roughness. l'un ie all rlght, and to have it in a proper way we appiove oï. but when it is carried toto tearin up and destroying sidewalks and other property we cannot tolérate it The occasion could be made very pleasant and plenty oí ïun enjoycd v ithout injury to the property of a ï.'yone.- Saline Observer.


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