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The Comers And Goers

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Chas. Dibble Sundayed in Wayne. Attorney Tlios. D. Kearney is in Detroit to-day. AV G. Vlnton of Detroit, wa.s in Ihc city yesterday. Ale' Ferguson went to Ypsilantl i n buemess yesterflay. Mrs. ti. í'. McDonald of S. UnlverBitj' ave., is seriously ill. Fred Zoellner has returned írom a visH with relativos in Canada. P J. McGregor returned yesterday íiom a vieit with Detroib friends. Dr. George ï'rothi.nghani, oï Detroit v a- up here on business Monday. Dr. W. B. Smith was in Detroit sitttndiug to his real estáte yesterday. Miss Jessle Allmand of W. Hurón st., Ís conralescing from a serious iliness. George E. Barker, of the Argus, tipent Suuday with relatives in Dexter Osear F. Schmid, of Jackson was In the city over Sunday, visiting his pai ents. Judge Grant, of Iansing, was the guest of Ex-Gov. Felch, the; first oí the week. Miss Carrie Britten of Jackson, lias leen the guest of Ann Arbor friends tor a few days. Aid. Prettyman went to Ohio Tuesday to attend to the settlmg up of üis father's estáte. Theodore Walker attended the niarrisge of Jacob Keek and Miss Anna Stocklnger, in Soio yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Moran have gone south, where Mrs. M. is to reaoin or a time, we understand. George B. Vandawarker who lias teer: confined to liis home by illness siucc Cast Frlday, is rauch botter. Mis j.izzie Diehl is no Jonger connected with the l'irm of Maek t Co., having resigned her position thcre. Mrs. Bell and ylaughters have ieturned home to Jackson after a visH with Ann Arbor friends for a time. Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Darling are enteitaining the Dr's sister, Mrs. Mil-. Ier, oí Bethel, N. Y., for a few days. Miss May Wing has been entertainIng Miss Dora AVoodard, of Detroit, (Juring the week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hom er Henderson, of Mason, are visiting his mother, Mis. ff. S. Henderson, of E. Washington Bt. Mrs. Carrie Cook Tubbs, of Chicago -will return home to-morrow, after a vislt with old friends here In AEP Arbor. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bennett, oí S. Thayer st., have been entertaining Mis:, U C. Sabin of Mt. Clemens, -lurlng the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woolcott, oí Wllan, accompanied by their Httle daughter, were Ann Arbor visitors th'! last of the weelq". Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Jenter, wo bad been visiting friends here on their vedding tour, teft for their home in Kev, York Sunday evening. Th mother of Mrs. V. B. Phillips, Mis Babcock, who has been a guest ol her daughter a few -weeks, has reluined home to Cartfcage, K. Y. It is a pleasure to announce that Miss Emma Bower, who was dangerously ill when we last iseued a, paper, lsnow convalescing, and on the road to health again. ■ - Kemember the fair to be given on Ihursday and Friday evening, by fhe ladieb oï the Engllsh I.utheran church. Thirty-eight marriage Ucenses were tened Irom the county cterk'a office dm ing October. A. very good nonth. Mrs. C. G. Huber and Mis. N'ettie 15. Harvey wiU attend the state SunOaj School convention at Detroit ncxt week as delegates. The theatre train on the Ann Arl,or road will be tried agaln in the ïcar future, or as soon au something f Jie comes toT dedo íor people to tee. The only three original abolitionlsts living now in Ann Arbor, are Coniad Krapf, Jacob Yolland and Calvin l'.liss ward schools are not taking as jood care of their Üags as thoy should and there is some ta-lk about having poles erected in the yards íor the [lags to be dlsplayed upon. Santanelli, the hypnotist, whO is no holding forth at the opera house put. a young lad to sleep last night, vlio wiU not be awakened until Sattidny night. That there may te no deception about it, a set of watcheris consisting of 24, fojir of wliom ■Pili watch four hours, then another lour another four hours, until the lime elapses. Students and others au 'allowed to go in and see the boy at any time of day or night. On Baturday afternoon there wiU be a matinee. AU teachers wUl be admitteü free and school children at fi; cent each.


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